Will The Ice Reach Them?

The rowers are stuck on a small island at Cape Parry, with winds forecast not to change for a few days. Meanwhile there is a wall of sea ice barreling down towards them from the Beaufort Sea, driven by the same wind.

Looking at the Navy forecasts, it isn’t obvious if the ice will make it all the way to their island, or stop just short.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Will The Ice Reach Them?

  1. Billy Liar says:

    They have a difficult decision to make even if the weather improves – do they row 40 miles across the bay ahead of them; do they stick to the coast down to Clapperton Island and reduce the open water row to 20 miles or do they follow the coast all the way round the bay via Paulatuk?

  2. Anto says:

    They’ve updated their news and it looks like they’re starting to run into ice troubles.

  3. Doug_K says:

    In the end they will be rescued by a fossil-fueled machine.

  4. Richard Lynch says:

    Three of the four expeditions are now stalled. I guess waiting for more favorable winds or for massive melting. The fourth is the lone rower, and the Ocean Rowing Society doesn’t have his location on their site. At least as far as I can tell

  5. Chewer says:

    The ice cube soup looks to be a detriment for tomorrow’s travels…
    They are looking like idiots, but hey, whatever flips their boat-:)

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