World’s Record Temperature Bullshit

The official temperature at Death Valley was 128F yesterday.

The National Weather Service’s mercury thermometer had indicated 128 degrees at 4 p.m. Sunday, matching the record for the hottest June day anywhere in the U.S.

More than 200 yards away, the National Park Service thermometer showed 129.9 degrees.

Death Valley broils on after breaking June temperature record –

In 1913 they had five days in row hotter than this year’s hottest day, including 134F on July 10

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to World’s Record Temperature Bullshit

  1. Jorge says:

    It happened on the last day of June, which is practically July, but they’re going to push it. It’s what they do, redefine records and all.

  2. Jorge says:

    After all the hoopla they needed some record to break, right? At least a tie.

  3. samitangents says:

    But … July 10th is in July, whereas June temperature records are set in June. Still nonsense, but not as bad as you make it out to be, Steve.

  4. Monthly records…. next daily records…

  5. Andy DC says:

    Phoenix missed record high by 3 degrees. Missed record high low temperature by 5 degrees. Death Valley missed their record high by 6 degrees.

  6. oregonmike98 says:

    Reblogged this on Oregonmike98 and commented:
    More politics in weather

  7. The result of clinging to an incompetent and failed science.

  8. Kaboom says:

    On what days is the death valley not hotter than most other places in the US? And why is there a nearly 2 F temperature difference only 200 yards away?

  9. SMS says:

    Keep in mind, the US Weather Service relocated the thermometer at Death Valley after the original temperature record was set. They did this in order to add additional degrees to the temperature record. They moved the thermometer to a location that would magnify the temperature/heat in order to add to the high temperature record. At the time, Libya had the record and the US Weather Service wanted it to be owned by Death Valley.

  10. Jason Calley says:

    “This just in on how Global Warming is changing our planet! Today in (Insert Name Here) they set a new record high temperature reading for a parking lot in a town with six vowels in its name on a Thursday in the second half of a month that does not end in ‘R’! Gosh, I bet you could fry an egg on that pavement!”

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