Brain Damage From Choom Is Real #ScienceSaysSo

ScreenHunter_171 Aug. 13 06.34 ScreenHunter_170 Aug. 13 06.34

Barack Obama (BarackObama) on Twitter

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Brain Damage From Choom Is Real #ScienceSaysSo

  1. Jorge says:

    Call out climate deniers? Are these people insane or what? The entire extent of climate change is just to attack any “non-believer.” I’m glad Obama has joined the witchhunt for any ‘deniers-of-the-way.’ You can’t claim you own science and then act like a blood thirsty puritan in the very next sentence. Obama hasn’t just joined the cause, Obama has joined the radicals. Next he’ll purge the various government departments of non-believers as well. You just watch.

  2. NikFromNYC says:

    His honor roll of skeptics actually includes lots of fairly competent quotes:

    Major PR win for us lowly volunteers!

  3. gator69 says:

    Call us out with what? Don’t bring religion to a science fight Skeeter.

  4. Cowpoke says:

    MEGA DROUGHT Ended the Egyptions rein:

    The Old Kingdom

    Fires and droughts had the whole of Egypt in a frenzied social unrest and famine testing the patience of Egyptian empire’s “Old Kingdom”. There was a great lessening in the crop productivity due to lack of water and a resulting food crisis.

    Marcia McNutt, of the US Geological Survey (USGS), said ‘This study illustrates that water availability was the climate-change Achilles Heel then for Egypt, as it may well be now, for a planet topping seven billion thirsty people.’ The climatic changes affected not only Egypt but other Mediterranean countries as well.

  5. rw says:

    It’s worth quoting the introductory paragagraph from their Climate Deniers webpage,

    Climate change is real, it’s caused largely by human activities, and it poses significant risks for our health. Some members of Congress disagree with this simple, scientifically proven fact. We need to work to curb climate change, and a big step is to raise our voices to change the conversation in Washington. Call these deniers out. Hold them accountable. Ask them if they will admit climate change is a problem.

    because it shows,
    1) that these jokers can’t hide the fact that they’re so scientifically illiterate that they cannot describe the basic issues in ways that make sense, e.g. “Climate change … [is] caused largely by human activities” (Really??)
    2) that President Wormtongue and his friends are once again using hardball methods of intimidation against anyone who stands in their way

    I find it reassuring, however, that there are so many people in Congress who haven’t bought into this nonsense. I will make it a point to support my representative on this.

    • rw says:

      I wonder, does the statement “Climate change … [is] caused largely by human activities” include the passage of the seasons? If so, what exactly is the mechanism? Do people exhale more in the spring and summer? Or is it all those barbecue grills?

  6. Ivan says:

    “Government of the morons, by the morons, for the morons shall not perish from the earth…”
    Abraham Obama

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