California Ravaged By Forest Fires – During The Low CO2 Year Of 1936

Middlesboro Daily News – Oct 16, 1936

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to California Ravaged By Forest Fires – During The Low CO2 Year Of 1936

  1. AndrewS says:

    Fire is good. Stop suppressing them and they’ll be more manageable!
    “Federal forest ecologists say that historic policies of fire suppression to protect Sierra timber interests left a century’s worth of fuel in the fire’s path. …

    The Rim Fire’s exponential growth slowed only after hitting areas that had burned in the past two decades, and Safford says that shows the utility of prescribed and natural burns that clear brush and allow wildfires to move rapidly without killing trees.

    “If you look at the Sierra Nevada as a whole, by far the largest portion hasn’t seen a fire since the 1910s and 1920s, which is very unnatural,” said Safford, who has authored several papers on the increasing wildlife severity across California’s mountain ranges. “This one isn’t stopping for a while.”

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