Credible Scientists Say That Your Life Will Collapse In 2013

There are credible scientists who are now predicting an ice-free (summer) arctic by as early as 2013. The implications are mind boggling. The impact on wildlife, humans and the rest of the world’s weather patterns is impossible to predict for specific areas and to exact detail.

Taking the effects of global warming seriously | Niagara Falls Review

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Credible Scientists Say That Your Life Will Collapse In 2013

  1. F. Guimaraes says:

    The catch phrase is “credible scientists”.

  2. Jason Calley says:

    Come on guys! Have some faith! Maybe the summer ice won’t disappear until December 31st.

  3. Justa Joe says:

    They’ve proved that so-called lack of ice in the arctic affects weather elsewhere, or have they just assumed this?

    • Jason Calley says:

      We need to draw a distinction between “affects” and “measurably affects” or “predictably affects.” Sure it affects weather somehow… but how much, and in what way? We are dealing with a very complex and chaotic system. There is no clear way to either understand it or predict it — not large scale or long term.

      The cynic “climate scientist” in me says, “The amount of ice in the Arctic will make the rest of the world either warmer or cooler. Regardless of which happens, THAT is the one which I predicted all along!”

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