Obama Brags About Spain’s Green Economy


Obama pointed to Spain, Germany and Japan, where, he said “they’re making real investments in renewable energy” and “surging ahead of us, poised to take the lead in these new industries.”

“This isn’t because they’re smarter than us, or work harder than us, or are more innovative than we are,” he said. “It’s because their governments have harnessed their people’s hard work and ingenuity with bold investments – investments that are paying off in good, high-wage jobs – jobs they won’t lose to other countries.”

Obama Visits Ohio Factory to Boost Clean Energy Economy

Four years later :

Thousands of Spaniards in the depressed southern region of Andalusia are queueing up to play the role of slaves in film-maker Ridley Scott’s Biblical epic “Exodus”, hoping for a way out of unemployment.

In a region with unemployment at 35 percent, the prospect of work as an extra with a daily wage of 80 euros ($107) has sparked a rush in Almeria where casting is being held for the story of Moses and the Jewish exodus to the promised land.

“Half of Almeria and half of Spain has come,” said one of the casting organisers, Nerea Herrero.

Jobless Spaniards flood in for slave wages in ‘Exodus’ – FRANCE 24

Humans don’t get any more clueless than the wanker-in-chief who flies his dog in its own helicopter – at taxpayer expense.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Obama Brags About Spain’s Green Economy

  1. Chewer says:

    Is this administration sinister or just stupid?

  2. Mike D says:

    In many developing countries, the way the government helps economic growth is by subsidizing energy costs. In the west, the governments are making energy more expensive, on top of increasing environmental regulations and controls. Not surprisingly, the developing world is actually developing, while the western world is sluggish.

    Factories don’t just move because of labor costs. All the costs matter, including the amount of lawyers and consultants it takes just to keep up with environmental regulations.

  3. Robertv says:

    Starting next year, ships fueled only with heavy oil will no longer be allowed to sail Europe’s North and Baltic seas.


    Highly polluting heavy oil currently costs about $600 (€450) per ton in most ports, while marine gas oil goes for more than $900. Large freighters consume up to 10 tons of fuel an hour, while ferries consume about two tons. For the ship owners, who have been operating in a permanent crisis since 2008, the ban on heavy oil is a serious blow.
    Fuel accounts for up to half of total ferry operating costs, depending on the length of the route, and more than three-quarters of costs for freighters. Conzen expects the new rules to add €2.5 million a year in additional costs per ship, which will ultimately be reflected in ticket prices. His most important cargo consists of haulage contractor trucks, which will immediately take the land route if it turns out to be cheaper.

  4. John Q. Galt says:

    “governments have harnessed their people’s hard work”

    Harness. Yep.

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