Monthly Archives: August 2013

Obama 2007 : President Can’t Unilaterally Act Unless An Imminent Threat To The US

The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation. – Barack Obama – December 20, 2007 – Special … Continue reading

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Obama : Overthrowing The Syrian Government Is Not About Regime Change

Obama is providing money, weapons and bombing for al Qaeda terrorists in Syria who are working to run the Christians out and overthrow the government. But Obama says it is “not about regime change.” White House: possible action on Syria … Continue reading

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Oh What A Lovely War


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No 100 Degree Temperature Readings In Missouri This Year

Missouri has had no 100ºF readings this year, compared to 833 in 1936, and 675 in 1934. Missouri August temperatures have been in decline since Mark Twain lived there, and were 6ºC cooler this summer than in 1936.

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97% Of Minnesota 100 Degree Readings Occurred Below 350 PPM CO2

Minnesota HCN stations have recorded two 100ºF readings this summer, compared to 204 in 1936. There have been a total of 1,038 100ºF readings since 1893, 97.5% of which occurred with CO2 below 350 PPM. McKibben was whining about the heat in … Continue reading

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Obama : “Give War A Chance”

Thirteen years of war isn’t enough. We need to go bomb another country, based on even lamer fake evidence.

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California Ravaged By Forest Fires – During The Low CO2 Year Of 1936

Middlesboro Daily News – Oct 16, 1936 Middlesboro Daily News – Google News Archive Search

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As The World Turns

As The World Turns was a popular soap opera in the 1950s and 1960s. Who would have imagined that 50 years later, the president of Russia would have far more credibility than the president of the US? Reading the comments … Continue reading

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Mildest US Summer In A Century

Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/ This summer, the US has experienced the fewest number of 100 degree readings in a century. The five hottest summers (1936, 1934, 1954, 1980 and 1930) all occurred with CO2 below 350 PPM. CO2 went over 400 … Continue reading

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This Is What Totalitarianism Looks Like

I have been active with environmental issues for almost my entire life. In 1974, I testified in support of a new wilderness area at a Congressional Subcommittee hearing held in Kanab, Utah. (My testimony is still on the Congressional Record.) … Continue reading

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