Monthly Archives: August 2013

“Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack”

Rebels and local residents in Ghouta accuse Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan of providing chemical weapons to an al-Qaida linked rebel group.  from numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families, a different picture emerges. Many believe … Continue reading

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Obama : Syrian Government Planned The Attack Which They Didn’t Know About

Two days ago Obama was claiming that they had intercepted a panicked phone call from Damascus, which occurred when Damascus heard about the chemical weapons attack. Last Wednesday, in the hours after a horrific chemical attack east of Damascus, an … Continue reading

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Hitler’s Non-Existent Thousands Of Tons Of Chemical Weapons Were Threatened By Werewolves


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Imagine You Are A Congressman Voting About Attacking Syria

Risk of voting against war : nothing – Syria doesn’t threaten the US Risk of voting for war : huge – all kinds of things could go wrong Amount of behind the scenes blackmail and bribery : huge

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Nothing Left But Gossip And Innuendo

Twitter / Revkin: Lindzen re-re-boots …

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Plan B

House Speaker John Boehner announced in a joint statement with the House leadership that he expected to consider a measure that would authorize the president to carry out a military strike the week of Sept. 9 Obama asks Congress to … Continue reading

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Unaccountable War

Only Congress can declare war. The reason for that law is because only Congress is accountable to the citizenry of the US. One way or another, Obama has faced his last election. He will either leave the White House peaceably … Continue reading

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US Intelligence Makes A Comeback

Remarkable how the same US intelligence services who haven’t been able to figure out what happened at the US Embassy in Benghazi nearly twelve months ago, were able to piece together in a matter of hours – exact details of … Continue reading

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Breitbart : John Kerry’s Syria Proof Was A Recycled Iraq Photo From 10 Years Ago

When John Kerry stood in as surrogate president yesterday making the case for war in Syria (Apparently Obama was leading from behind again. Either that or he wanted someone with the ‘Voice of God’ making the pitch for him. Sorry … Continue reading

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Barry Has A Big Choice To Make

Barry has an itchy finger trigger. Does he go ahead prove that he is a complete imbecile and get impeached, or does he back off and just prove that he is a complete imbecile? [youtube=]

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