Reader Quiz :

The Earth has warmed 0.00 degrees in the last 17 years. What percentage of that warming is man-made?

  1. 97%
  2. 95%
  3. 140%
  4. 40% man-made CO2/60% witchcraft
  5. Four Hiroshima bombs per second at the bottom of the ocean

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Reader Quiz :

  1. Chewer says:

    68% of the arctic circle has dropped 3 degrees in the past 17 minutes, so I’ll go with (6.) none of the above:)

  2. TomC says:

    I’ll go with 100% since without all the alterations to the temperature record spliced into the now non-homogenous dataset there would actually be cooling. So, yes, 100% of the warming is Mann-made since without the alterations the data would show cooling rather than a flat trend.

  3. Traitor In Chief says:

    This is a tricky one… I want to go with 97% because it just has a ring to it….
    ….but Bombs are cool, and the bottom of the ocean has those fish with the dangly thing hanging in front of them. I’m going with the bombs. This is probably what Obama is doing with our arsenal.

  4. dakwolf55 says:

    What about 6. 100% is do to politicians (and their sycophants) bloviating/flatulence (hard to tell the difference).

  5. hazze says:

    Ha…you know very well that the zeros you ask about is the hottest zeros man ever found…their so hot your computerfan goes fullspin when i look at the page..not fooling me with that..- ” Thezeros dont matter stuff”

  6. DEEBEE says:

    Well it totally depends on the ECS is high or low. If high then 1000% else only 100%

  7. Anthony S says:

    140% is too high. I’ll go with 110%.

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