The NCAR Hockey Stick

ScreenHunter_03 Aug. 08 18.32

Like the National Academy of Sciences, no one at NCAR was smart enough in 1975 to understand that the cooling they were seeing was actually massive heating. No one understood this until Nobel Peace Prize faker Mikey came along.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to The NCAR Hockey Stick

  1. Chewer says:

    And in those days they didn’t have grip on the MEI or any of the other ocean cycle phases, so what state was the Multivariate ENSO Index in???

  2. Bill_W says:

    Did not notice the Skittles until about the 5th time I looked at it.

  3. Kalifornia Kafir says:

    I was scrolling by so fast, I thought the headline was “The NASCAR Hockey Stick.”

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