Monthly Archives: October 2013

Arctic Sea Ice Area Almost Identical To 1984

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708,925 Bush Fire Search Results

Search results for ‘bush fire’ – Digitised newspapers and more – Trove

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The Endless Bummer

Yesterday I was listening to BBC World News, and they said that Australian bush fires were the “Petri Dish of climate change” Before that it was : Snow is a thing of the past Antarctic Peninsula Barbecue summer Antarctic ice … Continue reading

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Leftists Advance Their Thought Crime Agenda

The McAuliffe campaign wants to make politically incorrect climate thought a crime. “People who don’t believe in climate change should lose their jobs,” In a Switch, Green Groups Are Outspending Their Industry Foes–And Winning – This is an extension of … Continue reading

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US Temperatures Declining For 80 Years – 19th Coolest January-October Since 1930

US January through October temperatures in the US were 19th coolest on record this year, with a general decline since the 1930s. Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/ Most of the US has experienced below normal temperatures this year. YearTDeptUS.png (688×531)

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US Has Half As Many 100 Degree Days As It Did Eighty Years Ago

Summers in the US have gotten much less extreme since the 1930s, with only half as many 100ºF readings as eighty years ago. The current year had the second fewest 100ºF readings on record, just behind 2004, only only one seventh … Continue reading

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White House Documents Three Years Of Hard Work Preparing For The Obamacare Roll Out

As Shutdown Crisis Unfolds, Obama Sets Personal Golf Record As the House moved Saturday toward passing legislation that will likely result in a government shutdown, President Obama excused himself to play his customary Saturday golf, a round that set a … Continue reading

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Shock News : Obama Lied About Benghazi, CNN Helped Cover It Up, And They Both Conspired For Election Fraud

The first Western eyewitness to the deadly Benghazi terror attacks has given an account of the seven-hour assault on the U.S. outpost in Libya and says Americans knew such an incident was inevitable. The witness — a former British soldier … Continue reading

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Something For Nothing

Obama sold Obamacare to a bunch of empty-headed Democrats by convincing them that increasing the demand for healthcare and introducing middlemen, would lower the costs. Why is a raven like a writing desk?

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If You Like The Cost Of Obamacare, You Will Really Love It After He Adds Ten Million Illegal Immigrants In A Couple Of Years

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