Monthly Archives: October 2013

Government Worried That People Aren’t Saving Money For Retirement

Government steals the majority of people’s earnings, then frets that people aren’t saving money for retirement.

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Climate Funding Scandal Revealed

I can reveal for the first time that all of the hockey team members have accepted corrupting money from Big Government – the same people who brought you Benghazi, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, NSA spying, $17 trillion in debt, … Continue reading

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Terrifying Imagery Of The Colorado Permanent Heat Wave And Drought

Web Cam – Wolf Creek Ski Area

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Obama Defines His Philosophy

A sinking tide lowers all boats, and keeps me in power for the next forty years – like my buddy Fidel.

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If She Had A Gun In Her Purse, She Would Still Be Alive

Colleen Ritzer was killed this week with a box cutter held by someone who could easily pass for Obama’s son. Brain damaged progressives have predictably started arguing this as a case for gun control, when in fact a gun is … Continue reading

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Eighty Year Decline In US Temperatures Continues

Our friends at NOAA got very excited over the outlier year of 2012, but sadly for them it was just fluke. Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/ Record daily minimums outnumber record daily maximums so far this year, 2405/2158 at all HCN stations

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Daily Kos : Just Another Misinforming Right Wing Web Site

26 October 2013 4:03pm

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Thirty Years Of Declining Sea Level In California

Data and Station Information for MONTEREY

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Obama’s Mississippi Sons Kill 87 Year Old WWII Veteran In His Driveway

4 Teens Charged in Death of WWII Veteran, Hot Tamale King | CNS News Look for a big speech by Obama, a protest march by Al and Jesse, and a hate crime investigation by Holder. h/t to Dave G

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You Did Build That

Progressives worked very hard to remove all values from education, and teach children that their parents are destroying the planet. Obama tells everyone that the US is evil and has to change. Then progressives are surprised that children become sociopaths. … Continue reading

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