Daily Archives: June 27, 2014

USHCN Stations And Dead Democratic Voters

Since 1990, New York has lost 18 out 57 USHCN stations – but NCDC still reports monthly temperatures for those 18 non-existent stations. They appear to have adopted the standard Democratic voting philosophy of allowing dead people to cast multiple ballots. Below are … Continue reading

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Anthony Watts Says “He Will Have A Look”

On June 1, I sent a graph to Anthony and several other people, showing that USHCN has been exponentially losing station data since 1990, and the data was over 40% fabricated so far in 2014. Anthony replied 26 minutes later, saying … Continue reading

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First Nail In The TOBS Coffin

Someone was claiming last night that the high frequency of 100 degree readings during the 1930s was due to TOBS double counting. While I find it difficult to believe that anyone could be stupid and irresponsible enough to reset a … Continue reading

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