NASA Tells Deniers – Life On Mars Is Real

Replying to Skeptics, NASA Defends Claims About Mars
Published: August 8, 1996

WASHINGTON Aug. 7— Scientists and space agency officials today reaffirmed their claim of finding strong evidence for past life on Mars and asked skeptics among the world’s scientists to join them in conducting even more rigorous tests needed to confirm or disprove it.

Daniel S. Goldin, the NASA Administrator, said the possibility of Martian life, however primitive, would prompt a thorough review of the nation’s program of exploring the planet. Some of the currently planned 10 robotic missions to Mars might be re-evaluated, he said, and serious thought would be given to speeding up plans for returning a sample of Martian rocks on a robotic mission that had been scheduled for no earlier than 2005.

Replying to Skeptics, NASA Defends Claims About Mars –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to NASA Tells Deniers – Life On Mars Is Real

  1. Chewer says:

    Mars used to have a “hot core” like our planet. Hot cores produce magnetic field lines (protective magnetospheres), so you can see what we have to look forward to 😉

  2. Some have suggested that a life-laden meteorite from Mars is what seeded life on Earth. But if a meteor can make such an unlikely trip at all, isn’t it just as possible that it was Earthly life which seeded Mars?

  3. kuhnkat says:

    You gotta wonder why they are so fixated on so many things with so little evidence. Probably because the Institutions of Indoctrination are more worried about disproving God than they are about actual Science.

  4. Stargazer says:

    Yup, just having fun. Nice. Dan Golden has not been NASA Administrator for at least a decade. But yes, MSL has detected (correctly, I believe) precursors to life. However, it is a very H-U-G-E leap from being a precursor of life to being life. Really H-U-G-E! For Mars, impossibly H-U-G-E. For earth, the jury is still out.

  5. Tel says:

    Daniel S. Goldin, the NASA Administrator, said the possibility of Martian life, however primitive, would prompt a thorough review of the nation’s program of exploring the planet.

    Probably it would prompt a review of their budget as well, although that’s completely besides the point.

  6. The morons aka quackitists also claimed – very shrilly – that Venus contained life. Velikovsky who challenged evolution – another b.s. – and others estimated that Venus has a surface temp of 1000 F – hell in other words. They were right. The consensus as usual, was utterly stupid.

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