At The Peak Of The 1997 El Nino, The Sea Surface Was Elevated Half A Meter

Along the equator in the eastern Pacific, the sea surface was elevated half a meter in late 1997 – due to wind and warm water.

ScreenHunter_3965 Oct. 24 00.04ScreenHunter_3966 Oct. 24 00.08ScreenHunter_3964 Oct. 24 00.03

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to At The Peak Of The 1997 El Nino, The Sea Surface Was Elevated Half A Meter

  1. phodges says:

    That’s a monster el nino.

    and that was a monster snow year in the cascades!!

    oh to have my youth back…

  2. Phil Jones says:

    We need a “Ministry of Truth” on this Global Warming pig farm…

    The EPA and California passed taxes related to CO2 based on lies… Time for a Class Action Lawsuit… This is Fraud..

  3. tom0mason says:

    “At The Peak Of The 1997 El Nino, The Sea Surface Was Elevated Half A Meter”

    But with improved IPCC forcings, feedbacks, and adjustments, that equates to Real Climate Model™ rise of over 11 meters.

  4. Curt says:

    And now that we haven’t had an El Nino in a long time, the water is “piling up” at the west end of the equatorial Pacific, near the Philippines. It’s due to global warming, of course…

  5. Brian G Valentine says:

    This was the year that directed Al Gore to pursue a fervent course that was in addition to his vocation as sexual deviant.

    The El Niño of 1987-1988 gave Hansen a reason to consider himself important.

    El Niño’s give a lot of people a reason to live

  6. tom0mason says:

    And the solar peak output occurred in what year?

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