We’ve Come A Long Way, Baby

In the 15th century, people were afraid of falling off the edge of the Earth

In the 21st century, Democrats are afraid that a metal pipe will destroy the Earth.

That is why they call them “progressives.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to We’ve Come A Long Way, Baby

  1. Truthseeker says:

    Anyone that uses fear or guilt to promote an agenda are lying to you.

    Fear and guilt are the weapons of choice for those that want power that they are not entitled to.

    If you do not give them any power, they will not have any.

  2. Joe P. says:

    More it is all just politics and afraid of the almost inevitable one vote less in run-off, but HR came up one vote short in short-run, but definitely progress to allow a vote.

  3. rah says:

    The democrats in the Senate won’t be able to block it next year and Obama’s cover will be gone on this issue because democrats that are against it now will vote for it in the next congress. This vote result was about the Democrats trying to protect their weakened president from having to veto it but next time Obama’s veto will be all they have and some of those facing elections in 2016 will be thinking about their own careers so will change their vote.

    • drcrinum says:

      If they changed their votes, then they would be smeared with “flip-flopping”. I doubt they will change their votes, but even then, it would be a long way to reach the 2/3s majority in the Senate to over ride the veto; 67 votes is quite a bit more than 60 votes.

      • rah says:

        The very reason for the vote, to try and help Sen. Landrieu in her coming run off election in LA is because she changed! She even sponsored the bill.
        from ‘The Hill’ http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/224616-keystone-defeated-in-senate
        “Fourteen Democrats sided with Landrieu, including several who were defeated in this month’s elections: Sens. Mark Begich (Alaska), Kay Hagan (N.C.) and Mark Pryor (Ark.)…………..Fourteen Democrats sided with Landrieu, including several who were defeated in this month’s elections: Sens. Mark Begich (Alaska), Kay Hagan (N.C.) and Mark Pryor (Ark.)..”

        So with the Republicans probably having 54 seats in the next congress it will only take 6 democrats to vote for it. It will be back next year, probably early after the new congress is seated and it will pass. Then the the only way for the democrats to stop it will be a Presidential veto.

  4. 3 ft lengths of 3/4 inch steel pipe can be very scary.

  5. Robert B says:

    In the 15th century, people were afraid of falling off the edge of the Earth?

    Why is a skeptic promoting a lie?

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