Global Warming Is A Hoax

NOAA radiosonde data shows that global warming is nonsense. Temperatures took a dip in the 1970’s, and then returned to their earlier levels.

ScreenHunter_5122 Dec. 11 01.30

This is identical to what NASA US temperatures showed, before they started tampering with the data.


It is also what the National Academy of Sciences showed for the Northern Hemisphere, before NASA and NCDC started tampering with the data.

ScreenHunter_5127 Dec. 11 05.58

There isn’t one smidgen of truth to this scam. The people behind it are either incompetent, severely duped, or they are crooks.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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42 Responses to Global Warming Is A Hoax

  1. Tom says:

    I vote number 3 crooks!

  2. Climatism says:

    Reblogged this on Climatism and commented:
    To my Climatism readers and those interested, see also:

    “Another View Of NASA Temperature Data Tampering” :

  3. First global warming is just the name of a campaign and has nothing at all to do with science because it’s meaningless without a time period and is no more a scientific concept than a “dash” is a scientific measure.

    Second can you spot the 20th century warming in the following (altered) graph of the longest temperature series: the Central England Temperature. It’s there!
    Yes, once you look at the 20th century in context with the last few centuries it doesn’t look at all impressive (I’ve turned the graph round by 180degrees so its the warming at the beginning!)

    For more showing there’s no such thing as “global warming” or anything to worry about recent temperature see my article:

    • Gail Combs says:

      It also looks like the recent temperatures have been declining since about the mid seventies or so.

      • Gail, my intention was to show that the recent “unprecedented warming” is nothing of the sort, so the graph is turned through 180 degrees.

        The “recent warming” you refer to is in fact warming after 1690. This was a cold period which saw famines in Scotland in which up to a quarter of the population died. It is very likely the biggest loss of life in Scotland in recorded history – from cold – and no one is ever told about it.

        Instead the “unprecedented” warming is the warming before 1700 which is hardly noticeable until it’s pointed out – but which every school child now has drummed into them is a mass killer – when there’s not a single death worldwide attributed to it.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Many of those Scotts who survived ended up in my area. Thanks to Gabriel Johnston, royal governor of North Carolina and native Scotsman. (We get pipers showing up at many of our festivals as a result.)

          If I recall someone studying linguistics traced some of our dialects back….

          One island of early Scotch-Irish English speech was left behind and preserved during the push west. This special, archaic variety of English is known as Appalachian English. It preserves many archaic features that date back to earlier stages in the development of English in Britain. Forms thought to be substandard today are actually the outmoded standard of yesterday. A good example is the use of double negatives such as ‘not nobody.’ Linguists have dubbed this variety of English as “American Old English” or “American Anglo Saxon”. Other mountainous, relatively isolated areas of the American East show a similar preservation of archaic speech. Mario Pei, a popular writer on linguistics, said that “The speech of the Ozarks comes closer to Elizabethan English in many ways than the speech of modern London.” …

          The “Scots-Irish” dialect of southern English mingled with Cherokee and other Native American languages in a band running from western North Carolina to Oklahoma and East Texas, giving rise to the so-called backwoods, or highlands, southern dialect, which is more faster and high-pitched than tidewater southern and more nasal than Appalachian English. Some of the phonological features of the backwoods southern dialects undoubtedly come from Cherokee and other Native American languages. The south was the only area in the East where Native Americans mixed significantly with the whites…. [And good luck understanding them. Native North Carolinians can’t understand them and a ‘Damn Yankee’ like me hasn’t a chance. I have to ask for a translation.]

          And yes I do understand it has been warmer in the past.

          As far as no deaths from ‘Warming’ sometimes the Warmists point out the deaths of the elderly in France from a few summers back: “The 2003 European heat wave was the hottest summer on record in Europe … In France, there were 14,802 heat-related deaths “ (WIKI) but that was ten years ago and pretty much a one off.

          However they never acknowledge the deaths in the UK every winter from ‘Fuel Poverty’ “Each winter, fuel poverty is responsible for anything between 20,000 and 50,000 premature deaths, making it the most common preventable cause of death after smoking.”

          And no one ever mentions that both the winter and the summer deaths are caused by energy that is too expensive. Even in New England, when I lived near the NH/MA border ( Lat 42.6° N) we had an air conditioner in one room for use during the few weeks of muggy hot weather. (You can pick-up a one room new window A/C starting at about $100.)

          Cheap energy, reasonable simple regulations and freedom to innovate, advance everyone but instead those Green with envy want to push the entire world back to semi-starvation poverty. Even if I believed the Hoax, I would still champion cheap energy and not idiotic ‘green energy’ A 3C temperature rise would put the earth back to the Holocene Climate OPTIMUM and the plants and animals would thank us for it.

        • gator69 says:

          Hey Gail! You are speaking of my ancestors, who arrived in Maryland and then settled in the mountains of north Georgia and southern Tennessee. We are very proud of our Scottish heritage, and still bear the family resemblance.

          “This history contains many interesting stories, descriptive of the great size, strength and courage for which the clan was remarkable. One Duncan Mor, a man of immense strength, contributed largely to the defeat of the Macdonalds at the battle of Park, in 1464, and it was said of him that, though engaged in many conflicts and always victorious, he never came off without a wound; and another Duncan, who lived in the beginning of the 18th century, was possesed of so great strength that he is said to have carried for some distance a stone of huge size, and laid it down on the farm of Auchnangart, where it is still to be seen. He was the author of several poetical pieces, and was killed with many of his clan at Sheriffmuir, in 1715, his two brothers falling at his side. His sword, long preserved in the Tower of London, was shown as “the great Highlander’s sword”.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Well Gator, I may have a drop or two of Celtic blood since one of my great grandfathers was from England. Seems the guy married great grandma, a woman of independent mind, shall we say and sired some kids. He then decided he could not stand her and went back to England where he stole another man’s wife. His English descendants managed to trace the kids great grandma put in an orphanage but not my Grandma, the youngest whom she kept. We found them via internet a few years ago.

          Colorful ancestors are always fun especially when you can use them to twit the starched up snobs in the family. {:>D

        • gator69 says:

          When I was 12 years old, and on a visit to my father’s boyhood home to visit grandma, I found some hidden family history. I was bored and asked permission to look through my grandfather’s old navy footlockers. My father’s father died 3 months before my father was born, we knew very little about him, and the trunks had not been opened since his death. Among many amazing finds was an ancient original photograph of four people hanging from a gallows, one none of us except grandma had ever seen. It took my father three days to get her to tell him that one of those hanging, was family.

          Our family had so much color (red for shame) that they refused his body when the government offered to ship it home. In 1992 his skull was discovered in the Smithsonian, and two years later buried next to his mother in Geneva Florida.

        • philjourdan says:

          It is the color (not necessarily for shame) that make our families real. While my own case dos not include a hanging (that I am aware of – perhaps the shame was too much), we have an admitted killer (he was being chased, so got off on self defense – but he was being chased because he was dallying with the deceased’s wife!) plus assorted bootleggers, moonshiners and preachers.

        • gator69 says:

          We have other colors in the tree as well, nice colors. I am a descendant of Buffalo Bill Cody, and my family once owned two thirds of Manhattan, when it was little more than a dairy farm.

        • philjourdan says:

          And you have been kicking yourselves (metaphorically) since your family sold it. 😉

        • gator69 says:

          We didn’t sell, it was taken! And that started one of the longest real estate legal battles in US history. I have a copy of the family will (dividing up milch cows) that was ignored, because the land was deemed too valuable not to be government property.

        • philjourdan says:

          A tale too often repeated.

        • Gail Combs says:

          An Aunt by marriage’s mother owned a large track of land near Atlantic City. Paid the taxes faithfully. My aunt checked on it one day to find it full of partially built houses! And yes there was a big legal battle because the developer had sold several of the home sites.

        • philjourdan says:

          Your aunt has a legal recourse as either the developer was swindled or the buyers were. However, in Gators case, it was the GOVERNMENT doing the swindling, and of course they cannot be sued.

  4. ren says:

    Comparison of solar activity in the 23 and 24 cycle.

  5. gator69 says:

    Grubers, one and all.

  6. bleakhouses says:

    Steve, can we dispense with “tampering?” Its simply too weak an adverb to describe what is going on. Can we at least try “altering” if no “fabricating?” I understand if you are tempering your accusation by using “tampering” but to what end? They will still view anyone skeptical, whether evidence based skepticism or “tin-foil hat” conspiracy theorism, with the same scorn.

  7. philjourdan says:

    They have another 10 years they can perpetuate the hoax until even the dimmest bulb in the box realizes we are not frying. But a lot of damage can be done in those 10 years.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Yes an awful lot of damage. You can easily collapse the EU, Australia and the USA by making energy scarce and expensive. It and regulations is why industry has moved to China and India who are not constrained by the CAGW madness.

      Given China’s century of humiliation at the hands of the British Empire (and the USA is part of that in their minds) I would not like to see the USA get any weaker.

      Especially given:

      ….Xi Jinping, despite his genial smile, good English, and familiarity with the United States, is no reforming liberal. Shortly after assuming the presidency, he took all the members of his politburo with him to the bizarre museum the Party has built in Tiananmen Square – the museum of national humiliation and revival. He pointed out to them the exhibits showing the arrival of the Jesuits via Macao in the sixteenth century and how this had been the beginning of the infiltration and humiliation of China by the West. He pointed out the exhibits showing the Japanese invasions of China and making the unfounded assertion that the Japanese were defeated by the Communist Party with a little help from “good” Nationalist generals. The Americans, he said, then became the enemy. “Against this external enemy,” he told China’s inner group of top leaders, “we must stick together.”
      China Picks at the Scab to Keep the Wound Fresh

      Political leaders in the UK, Canada, Australia and the USA must be stark raving mad to ignore China’s deep hatred of the West but that is exactly what they are doing thinking Interdependence will prevent war. Once the West is dead broke they can not buy China’s goods and there will be a decrease in importing so the ‘expectations of future trade’ will be low. With the West weak and broke China can do what it darn well pleases and the China with its huge population wants LAND.

      Economic Interdependence and War: A Theory of Trade Expectations
      Dale C. Copeland 1996

      ….The prolonged debate between realists and liberals on the causes of war has been largely a debate about the relative salience of different causal variables.

      ….Liberals argue that economic interdependence lowers the likelihood of war by increasing the value of trading over the alternative of aggression: interdependent states would rather trade than invade. As long as high levels of interdependence can be maintained, liberals assert, we have reason for optimism. Realists dismiss the liberal argument, arguing that high interdependence increases rather than decreases the probability of war. In anarchy, states must constantly worry about their security. Accordingly, interdependence – meaning mutual dependence and thus vulnerability – gives states an incentive to initiate war, if only to ensure continued access to necessary materials and goods.

      The unsatisfactory nature of both liberal and realist theories is shown by their difficulties in explaining the run-ups to the two World Wars…..

      … By introducing a dynamic factor, expectations of future trade, the new theory shows when high levels of dependence lead to peace or to war. When expectations for trade are positive, leaders expect to realize the benefits of trade into the future and therefore have less reason for war now; trade will indeed “constrain.” If, however, leaders are pessimistic about future trade, fearing to be cut off from vital goods or believing that current restrictions will not be relaxed, then the negative expected value of peace may make war the rational strategic choice….
      China’s economy is growing at a yearly rate many times that of most other powers, and its domestic sources of raw materials are struggling to keep pace; within the next couple of years, for example, China will have to begin importing oil.(87) As it continues to modernize its armed forces, it will gradually gain the strength necessary to press its territorial claims…

      Russia still has significant economic ties with the states of the former Soviet Union, and is, in particular, dependent on pipelines through Ukraine and Belarus to sell its natural gas to Western European customers. These states in turn depend on Russia for their energy supplies.(90) Should Ukraine use threats to turn off the pipelines as political leverage, low expectations for future trade might push Russia to reoccupy its former possession in order to mitigate its economic vulnerability. [Well he certainly call that one correctly!]

  8. jason Calley says:

    They are crooks. They are knowingly lying about the temperatures. If they were merely incompetent, they would occasionally warm the past and cool the present. Their misstatements are too methodical to be honest errors.

    I could make a similar point regarding the leaders of our two major political parties.

  9. Beg to differ. Global warming did occur in the last 3 decades of the 20th century, but it wasn’t caused by carbon dioxide. It was caused by chlorine from CFCs released to the atmosphere, which thinned the ozone layer, letting in an increased flux of high-energy UV-B radiation, which warmed the oceans. We’re still feeling the effects, and will likely be feeling them for a while to come until the chlorine eventually precipitates out of the stratosphere, which process should be complete by about mid-century. For more info, see

    • Gail Combs says:

      You forgot clouds:
      From the Earthshine Project:

      Correlation between decreased cloud cover and temperature.

      Most of us here will agree that the climate is a complex chaotic system that can not be modeled. Heck we really don’t even know all the right questions to ask yet.

      In a fit of honesty the IPCC said:

      …in climate research and modeling we should recognise that we are dealing with a complex non linear chaotic signature and therefore that long-term prediction of future climatic states is not possible

      IPCC 2001 section page 774

    • Gail Combs says:

      I should also note that what reading I have done seems to indicate that ozone production and destruction in the stratosphere is linked to the position of the Jet Streams and whether the Jets are zonal or meridional. In the last decade or so the jets have gone from zonal ===> meridional and that is why we are now seeing the Arctic Express or Polar Vortex or the blocking highs that caused the hot weather in Russia a few years ago.

      If you are talking ozone chemistry you can not forget NOx one of the chemical pathways or the contribution of volcanoes. Volcanic Gases
      See: The Effects of Volcanic Sulfur Dioxide on the Ozone Layer

      In January 1993, the Earth’s average stratospheric ozone concentration was the lowest on record. Although the ozone layer has since recovered, the cause of this reduction has interested and concerned scientists. Recently, this ozone event has been linked to the June 1991 eruption of the Philippine volcano Mount Pinatubo.1 One of the major atmospheric effects of this eruption was the addition of 15-30 MT sulfur dioxide (SO2). This excess SO2 has been linked to the abnormally low ozone levels. However, the actual ozone depletion was less than scientists expected for this amount of SO2. In this paper, this phenomena will be explained. To explain this, the three major effects of SO2 on the ozone layer will be discussed….

      There was a recent paper “Millennial Tree-Ring Chronologies of Northeastern North America” discussed at CO2Science that says “strong volcanic eruptions forced an abrupt onset of the Little Ice Age’ Not exactly a new thought.

      What is interesting is this preliminary study, completed in September 2009. “..found a significant correlation exists between periods of reduced activity by the Sun, previously linked to cold climates are now identified with the most disastrous earthquakes in the United States and major volcanic eruptions around the globe.”

    • An Inquirer says:

      Thank you, David. I have long felt that the ozone issue has not been well studied or well discussed in climate circles. (I have seen a few discussions, but not many, and the discussion have been very weak on producing a consensus — not surprisingly.) I am not sure that CFCs played the dominant role in temperature patterns, but likely they have played a part. Valid Question: how well mixed are CFCs? The primary concern has been their effect on the ozone hole over Antarctica, but they stayed primarily in the northern hemisphere, that could lay a foundation for a hypothesis on why measured temperatures rose more in the Northern Hemisphere than the Southern. But of course, diminishing pollution in the Northern Hemisphere is another hypothesis for that trend.

      • Gail Combs says:

        Ozone is rather complex. There are a lot of different reactions and they all depend on various wavelengths of sunlight to drive them. (Not a subject Warmists want to go near) Also from the bit of poking around I have done on the subject, ozone seems to be a major climate driver and the way the minor change in Total Solar Insolation (TSI) can cause a major change in temperature/climate. Although TSI may not vary much the variation in visible to EUV does vary a lot and therefore effects ozone a lot more than would be expected if you look only at TSI.

        Here is just one study I have in my library. I really haven’t made a coherent whole of the information I have gathered. REN is pretty knowledgeable on the subject but his English makes it hard for him to communicate the information.

        Ozone is an important atmospheric trace constituent. The depletion of solar radiation between approximately 2000 and 3000 A is the result of strong absorption by ozone in the ultraviolet wave-lengths. The energy absorbed in this process is the prime source of thermal energy in the stratosphere. Because of this, ozone plays an important role in the large-scale motions of the atmosphere….

        ….A strong correlation was found between the meridional gradient of total ozone and the wind velocity in jet stream systems…..

        ….A study of the total ozone distribution over two tropical storms indicated that each disturbance was associated with a distinct ozone minimum….

        A comparison of time-longitude stratospheric radiance values at 60 S with values of the total ozone indicated that low (high) radiance values corresponded very closely with the low (high) ozone variations. The speed at which these ozone ‘waves’ progress eastward is greater
        in the winter hemisphere. The speed of eastward progression decreases as one approaches the lower latitudes in the winter hemisphere. In the equatorial region and in the Northern Hemisphere summer there is not a strong eastward progression of the ozone ‘waves’ but a westward progression….

  10. rah says:

    “………we should recognise that we are dealing with a complex non linear chaotic signature and therefore that long-term prediction of future climatic states is not possible…”

    That sure hasn’t stopped one “scientist” after another predicting gloom and doom in a century or less if we don’t change our ways. Excuse me. They never lay their hats on it. Their predictions are always qualified with “could, possibly, may, etc…..

    • Gail Combs says:

      Yes that one sentence means we can all quit and go home now because we haven’t the foggiest idea of how to program long range climate forecasting. Even if we did we would have to get the initial conditions exactly right or the errors multiply.

      • mjc says:

        Chicken innards, dice and movements of migratory fowl are all better long range predictors than climate forecasting. Hell, even Punxsutawny Phil is better at it than most ‘climate scientists’.

        • Gail Combs says:

          ….Unprecedentedly, I had direct access to the meteorologists concerned, as I was in Exeter in spirit form, and I managed to speak to the principal actors.

          First, I asked Stephen Belcher, the head of the Met Office Hadley Centre, whether the recent extended winter was related to global warming. Shaking his famous “ghost stick”, and fingering his trademark necklace of sharks’ teeth and mammoth bones, the loin-clothed Belcher blew smoke into a conch, and replied,

          “Here come de heap big warmy. Bigtime warmy warmy. Is big big hot. Plenty big warm burny hot. Hot! Hot hot! But now not hot. Not hot now. De hot come go, come go. Now Is Coldy Coldy. Is ice. Hot den cold. Frreeeezy ice til hot again. Den de rain. It faaaalllll. Make pasty.”

          Startled by this sobering analysis, I moved on to Professor Rowan Sutton, Climate Director of NCAS at the University of Reading. Professor Sutton said that many scientists are, as of this moment, examining the complex patterns in the North Atlantic, and trying to work out whether the current run of inclement European winters will persist.

          When pressed on the particular outlook for the British Isles. Professor Sutton shook his head, moaned eerily unto the heavens, and stuffed his fingers into the entrails of a recently disembowelled chicken, bought fresh from Waitrose in Teignmouth….

          By George, I think he’s got it!

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