“Remarkable Shrinkage” Of Glaciers During Gavin’s Coldest Years Ever

According to our top NASA climate experts, the first decade of the last century had plunging temperatures, down to the coldest on record.

Sadly for the experts who make these graphs, the glacial record says “remarkable shrinkages” were occurring during the coldest years.


ScreenHunter_5428 Dec. 21 14.01

ScreenHunter_5425 Dec. 21 13.55 13 Dec 1907 – Evening News – p12

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to “Remarkable Shrinkage” Of Glaciers During Gavin’s Coldest Years Ever

  1. gator69 says:

    Maybe he was projecting.

  2. scizzorbill says:

    ‘increases are not permanent’ — nothing is permanent.

    • nielszoo says:

      Entropy is, and entropy always wins.

      • Gail Combs says:

        The third law of thermodynamics: Everything tends towards Chaos… LETS PARTY!

      • scizzorbill says:

        Sorry to say, but an enclosed thermodynamic system that results in eventual chaos has a shelf life. As far as the Earth is concerned, the shelf life of everything is about another 4 to 5 billion years. Expanding to the Universe, the continuing expansion will umm continue to expand until individual galaxies wink out leaving nothing which is the lack of anything. Entropy loses, but it has a long ride, so enjoy the possibly eternal now while you can.

  3. mjc says:

    Obviously the glaciers in question must be male…

  4. scizzorbill says:

    @Gail: Partying right now with a Sultans Surprise. Vodka, Frangelico, Milk. Cheers!

    • Gail Combs says:

      I dislike alcohol except for the nice German wine I tossed into my beef stroganoff (tonight’s dinner.) Now I am relaxing with tiny nibbles of chocolate.

      I always end up as designated driver except the one time I drank a pink of English cider at a pub after caving for ten hours with no food. Their cider is NOT apple juice and will lay you flat if you are not careful. Great stuff though. – The English laddies I was with thought it was quite funny.

      • jeremyp99 says:

        Hahahah. Here’s my favourite bottled scrumpy


        And we get lots of locally farm made scrumpy here in Somerset as well. Love the stuff.,

        • Gail Combs says:

          Jeremy, I used to own part of an old apple orchard. We bought an antique apple press and made our own ‘hard’ cider. You just can not get it here in the USA because everything is pasteurized and the native yeast is killed off so the juice will not ferment. (Now the FDA wants to outlaw imported French cheese because of the microbes – Cue eyeroll. Then they came for the Roquefort )

          There is nothing like naturally carbonated cider – YUM!

        • gator69 says:

          One of my favorite local watering holes specializes in hard ciders, and most are imported. My first encounter with hard cider was in a walled city in Germany, drinking out of a centuries old cask, and zipping through the narrow streets on a moped at the ripe old age of ten. A couple of my friends make their own, and I am planning an orchard for my own cider production. It is a great alternative for beer drinkers who are on gluten free diets.

  5. davidswuk says:

    Surely logic dictates that the colder the weather the shorter the glacier (with its length being a consequence of melt)!

    • Gail Combs says:

      Not melt but sublimation. Really cold (well below 0F) but dry used to make our snow in up-state NY shrink due to sublimation. The ice on the roads would also disappear without the temperatures ever getting anywhere near 32F.

      • davidswuk says:

        Exactly,,,the colder (clearer) the weather the shorter the ice whether across roads etc..or down the mountainsides………low humidity and extra insolation driving it too ?

        • Gail Combs says:

          The less humidity the better the possibility of short wave radiation making it to the surface. Want a really bad sunburn? Try vigorous X-country skying where you have stripped down to shirt sleeves to vent the extra heat. (BTDT)

          Dr Happer has a very interesting slide on the satellite readings of earth’s radiation of IR energy under different cloudless conditions – Slide 16 The upper right hand slide has two graphs. The second line, starting at the number 40 on the left is the energy when there is a thunderhead cloud in the way. The lower left slide is of the Antarctic Ice sheet and is inverted from the others. Is it showing the results of sublimation? The Antarctic is the driest desert on earth.

          Contains audio and slides of lecture to physics grad students plus a video of the John Locke Foundation lecture for non-physicists:

          Slides: http://www.sealevel.info/Happer_UNC_2014-09-08/UNC-9-8-2014.pptx

  6. davidswuk says:

    So, OK then, short glaciers from extra cold weather no problem then..?

    Otherwise the (out by a billion in my calcs) Happless crew it seems still have no idea why Green house Earth isn`t behaving like one and warming by hoisting on its own bootstraps. The atmosphere does not warm the surface – that is done by UV&VSR whilst IRSR warms the atmospheric H2O and Sea surface where it can get through and the surface and Seas warms the atmosphere come nights by way of LWIR which then shunts up through to Space that which is not needed to keep the pot simmering….

  7. talldave2 says:

    Yeah, these claimed temps cannot be reconciled with the known global proxies.

    The temperature record was more accurate in 1999. There is essentially zero doubt at this point.

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