- Climate change is bad.
- Climate change causes more hurricanes.
- Climate change causes more droughts in California.
- Climate change heats up the Pacific Ocean, which causes more El Ninos
- More El Ninos means more rain for California
- More El Ninos means fewer hurricanes.
- Climate change is bad.
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- arn on New Climate Metric
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- Mike Peinsipp on Final Score For The Inflation Reduction Act
- Billyjack on Ice Free Glacier National Park
Earth and its heat source, the Sun, have evolved and changed since the birth of the solar system five billion years (5 Ga) ago.
Climate change became government propaganda for a common enemy of the world soon after Nations were United for one worldwide government on 24 Oct 1945.
George Orwell started writing “Nineteen Eighty-Four“ in 1946, as falsehoods were inserted into the foundations of nuclear, solar and theoretical physics.
Attempts to save the world by forbidding public knowledge of the source of energy that destroyed Hiroshima – neutron repulsion – instead destroyed the very foundations of astronomy, astrophysics, climatology, cosmology, nuclear, planetary and solar physics. See “Teacher’s Supplement to Solar Energy”
Climate Change is but a Natural process ; mankind plays a minimal part in the real outcome.
CC is bad when it involves data tampering and fraudulent propaganda by AGW extremists…
When I started studying Physics, the Earth was only 4 billion years ago. That must have been a billion years ago.
The logic is impeccable if you’re a maroon.
Yea, they probably are maroon with the cost to society ; moron also fits & we know what they are running; it’s not the asylum…
If you think a drought in the desert is proof of global warming, you’re dumber than a container of trakehners.
The total lack of logic, total lack of scientific integrity, total inability to follow long chains of logical argument, and inability to understand the difference between models and real world observation is rampant in the climate “science” field. BUT, these things and more are not confined to just the field of climatology. For example medicine, biology, and food safety are rampant with the same sort of un-scientific shenanigans as climatology..
A guest post by David Appell?
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