Coldest Start To The Year On Record In Washington DC

ScreenHunter_8456 Apr. 08 08.42

Lincoln, VA is the closest Virginia USHCN station to Washington DC. January-March this year was the coldest on record, and last year was the fourth coldest. Only five years have averaged below freezing.

This year is obliterating records for late cherry blossoms. It is the first year that cherry trees were not active in March.

ScreenHunter_8457 Apr. 08 08.48

Bloom Watch | National Cherry Blossom Festival

In 1946, cherry trees were blooming by mid March.


Ludington Daily News 

Three years ago, the Washington Post predicted cherry blossoms in February

ScreenHunter_7880 Mar. 13 08.57

Could cherry blossoms one day be blooming in winter? – The Washington Post

Climate alarmists have absolutely no clue what they are talking about. They are snake oil salesmen involved in a multi-trillion dollar scam.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Coldest Start To The Year On Record In Washington DC

  1. Warren D. Walker says:

    “They are (climate alarmists )snake oil salesmen involved in a multi-trillion dollar scam.”
    Please stop offending snake oil salesmen.

  2. rah says:

    Here in Madison County Indiana my Lilac bushes are just now starting to show a few buds. Normally by now they’re full of buds. The yard is beginning to green and grow so I expect I’ll be mowing by weekend after next. The good rain we’re getting this week is helping. A nice soaking Thuderstorm passing over as I write this but the more severe stuff with quarter sized hail passed 20 miles south of us.

    Work is finally settling down. After a nice out and back run to Portland, TN Monday, I really don’t expect to go out again this week. Lots of drivers still needing runs. So as the weather permits it will be yard work for me.

  3. ren says:

    At the meeting point a cold the front of quickly created a huge storm cells.

  4. Anto says:

    Sorry, Tony – you’re wrong. Gavin hasn’t produced his end-of-debate temp’s for DC yet. They will undoubtedly show an above normal mean for March. Unlike the weather, he’s 100% predictable.

  5. dmacleo says:

    still in the teens (high teens) every morning here in mid maine.
    one of my lilac trees (the one that gets most sun right now) is starting to show some green under the bark (fingernail scrape method) but are not even close to budding.
    my hybrid poplars (these things grew 60 feet in 8 years) not greening as of 2 days ago when checked in multiple places.
    sap flow in maple trees is crap (please don’t ban me LOL) right now. I fear the output this year, even if it flows good, will not be a great tasting year due to the stopping and starting.

  6. Andy DC says:

    If you go by Reagan National Airport, the official DC site always quoted by the Capital Weather Gang, it is not nearly so cold. It appears that global warming has stacked the deck for leading climate experts to adjust the official station up at good 3 degrees to conform with their climate models.

    I drove by the cherry blossoms on Easter and they were as dead as a doornail. Monday and Tuesday were warm, but today, only in the 40’s.

  7. Elaine Supkis says:

    i am finally seeing a few buds on trees in the Hudson Valley but here in the Taconic mountains, the trees are firmly without the slightest buds of any sort at all.

  8. gator69 says:

    Still cherry picking I see. 😉

  9. Snowleopard says:

    Thank you for pointing out the problem with the data from our Lincoln VA station. We’ll assign someone to find the problem and properly adjust that data as soon as possible. (/s)

  10. They have numbers going back even further:
    (these seem to coincide with yoshino cherry peak)

    Given how much colder it had to’ve been back in the 1920s, it’s kinda shocking that the trees would be blooming in March at all. What seems more likely to me is that it was so very cold that the trees were blooming a full 350 days later than normal every year. Trees can do that, right?

  11. sabretoothed says:

    Funny must be reallllly cold as even with the faking of the temperature its colder

  12. gregole says:

    “Now comes a team of scientists theorizing that with drastic warming of the globe…”
    “Now comes a team of scientists theorizing?” That is one goofy image. If I ever see such a team coming my way, I will run in the opposite direction! Especially if they are a team of Climate Scientists!

  13. Elaine Supkis says:

    No, you TACKLE the opposing team before they can score! 🙂

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