Denier For Hire

My $0.00 in big oil/tobacco/Koch funding was recently cut off, so I am actively seeking my cut of the $29 billion/year in government climate scam money. Others are getting more than their fair share, and we all believe in redistribution of wealth now.

Michael Mann

If you need any fake global warming studies done or simply want me to stop denying that Manhattan is underwater, please contact my secretary Jenny at 867-5309

While doing research 12 or 13 years ago, I met Jim Hansen, the scientist who in 1988 predicted the greenhouse effect before Congress. I went over to the window with him and looked out on Broadway in New York City and said, “If what you’re saying about the greenhouse effect is true, is anything going to look different down there in 20 years?” He looked for a while and was quiet and didn’t say anything for a couple seconds. Then he said, “Well, there will be more traffic.” I, of course, didn’t think he heard the question right. Then he explained, “The West Side Highway [which runs along the Hudson River] will be under water. And there will be tape across the windows across the street because of high winds. And the same birds won’t be there. The trees in the median strip will change.” Then he said, “There will be more police cars.” Why? “Well, you know what happens to crime when the heat goes up.”

And so far, over the last 10 years, we’ve had 10 of the hottest years on record.

Didn’t he also say that restaurants would have signs in their windows that read, “Water by request only.”

Under the greenhouse effect, extreme weather increases. Depending on where you are in terms of the hydrological cycle, you get more of whatever you’re prone to get. New York can get droughts, the droughts can get more severe and you’ll have signs in restaurants saying “Water by request only.”

When did he say this will happen?

Within 20 or 30 years. And remember we had this conversation in 1988 or 1989.

Does he still believe these things?

Yes, he still believes everything. I talked to him a few months ago and he said he wouldn’t change anything that he said then.

Stormy weather –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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65 Responses to Denier For Hire

  1. gator69 says:

    Hansen’s various cash prizes amount to more than $1 million.

    And that was over four years ago.

  2. Elaine Supkis says:

    Way back in the early 1970’s, New York City’s government was complaining about water conservation and you did have to ask for a glass of water when eating out back then. I had a broken water main in front of my brownstone back then.

    The city refused to fix it and we called it ‘The Prospect Place River’ and I needed it fixed so I could rewire the connection from the street to my cellar to improve my electrical connections.

    Well, the mayor went on TV to tell us to call him if we detect leaking water. So I called a news conference and said, ‘FIX THIS NOW!’ and told the media about all my letters and phone calls to the mayors office and how outrageous it was for him to tell us to call him.

    The next day the pipes that were leaking a flood of water were finally fixed.

  3. Neal S says:

    I thought your secretary was Jenny?

  4. Hope Forgrease says:

    As a skeptic, I read this article and say “Hanson is going to be exposed as a Chicken Little in the next few years.”
    In the face of Hansen’s outrageous diminishing timeline, the author seems to take the complete opposite view “Bad things are really going to happen fast, because of Hansen’s predictions.” Truly a form of mental illness.

    The Hope Forgrease Pledge:
    “I will vote for any politician from any party who will publicly call out the Global Warming hoax. I will contribute money to any candidate who promises to cut out funding for NCDC, NOAA and GISS. I will volunteer my time to any candidate who promises to prosecute dishonest federal employees for fraud.”

  5. omanuel says:

    Steven, you are far more effective than the government’s best paid propaganda promoter!

  6. Chris Barron says:

    You should be aiming higher considering the quality of your work.
    What’s wrong with trying to get some of the $1trillion annual defense money ? It puts this stuff into perspective !

    • Chris Barron says:

      Ah yes, here it is…

      I wonder what they’re like for dowsing with ?

      • gator69 says:

        That 96% success rate still stings, doesn’t it buddy? 😆

        • Chris Barron says:

          You must be nuts…if you think that an article published by agw proponents about tests run by a bunch of ghost hunters equates to proof…but i don’t mind who believes it or why..all humans are allowed some weaknesses!

        • gator69 says:

          Nice ad hom!

          Refute the study. 96% success rate in a scientific analysis.

          I know your ass still hurts, but be a man and quit crying.

        • Chris Barron says:

          The point is, it wasn’t a scientific study,

          It was a collection of stories rolled up into testimonials and segmented to represent science. The study claimed it had been doing tests for 10 years non stop….so just who would fund such a piece of pointless study ? Probably the unearthly beings who they also claim to be studying.

          Who ya gonna call ? Ghostbusters

        • gator69 says:

          Oh my! The village idiot speaks! 😆

          I have been very busy helping a neighbor today, and don’t have time for a thorough reply to your idiotic lie, “The point is, it wasn’t a scientific study“.

          So for fun right now, let’s revisit the village idiot’s earlier foot in mouth disease…

          The village idiot just can’t help himself he just keeps burnishing his credentials! 😆

          stoning to death by christianity, as spelled out in the bible

          That is what intelligent people call ‘The Old Testament’, and existed before Christ, you moron.

          When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”
          -John 8:7

          Come on Chris! Show us your vast knowledge! 😆

          Do I need to repeat that you were wrong, again? Yep!

          Chris the village idiot spews:

          “Islamic Law”…Nobody fears it. It doesn’t actually exist

          Why do you feel it necessary to keep proving that you are an idiot? We know already! 😆

          To Arabic-speaking people, sharia (/????ri???/;[1] also shari’a, shar??ah; Arabic: ?????? šar??ah, IPA: [?a?ri??a], “legislation”) means the moral code and religious law of a prophetic religion.[2][3][4] The term “sharia” has been largely identified with Islam in English usage.[5]

          Sharia (Islamic law) deals with several topics including: crime, politics, and economics, as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, hygiene, diet, prayer, everyday etiquette and fasting..

          BTW, the neighbor I helped has been a lifelong auto mechanic, and we had a good laugh over your ignorance of cars and batteries.

          The study you claim that was ‘not scientific’, was actually published in this journal…

          Journal of Scientific Exploration

          The JSE is the quarterly, peer-reviewed journal of the SSE. Since 1987, the JSE has published original research on consciousness, quantum and biophysics, unexplained aerial phenomena, alternative medicine, new energy, sociology, psychology, and much more. The journal also contains book reviews, letters to the editor, and peer correspondence.

          Dr Nils Morner also agrees with me. And between the opinion of the established village idiot (you), and Dr Morner, I will side with the world’s leading expert on sea level.

          More to come tomorrow, look forward to it. 😆

        • Chris Barron says:

          According to a proper study carried out by scientists…..and a thorough analysis of the data afterwards…the ‘dowsers’ would have had more luck by repeatedly guessing at the same spot each time….
          Determinism is a human failing, which allows us to manipulate data to suit our cause, your so called 96% success is an example of just that

          Try this for a much better examination than the ghostbuster version

        • Chris Barron says:

          Gator blustered – I have been very busy helping a neighbor today, and don’t have time for a thorough reply to your idiotic lie, “The point is, it wasn’t a scientific study“.

          Gator thinks science carried out by AGW believing ghostbusters is scientific…

          A real, healthy, scientific look at the ‘art of dowsing’ shows that the ghostbusters were fooling themselves…..

          Gator, your faith in AGW believing spiritualists – 96% of whom are desperate to believe that there is some mysterious force which turns a stick into a detector for water….and the same stick into a detector for oil…..and the same stick into a detector for other minerals… at best misguided and it must be why you are here sniping, and not out there helping poor people find water, gold and coal….

          Come on Gator, show us how it’s done….why doesn’t there seem to be a correlation between a type of wood or metal and the stuff being sought ? Why, when scientists try it with their sticks does it not work – are their sticks just not sticky enough ?

        • gator69 says:

          Village idiots just don’;t know when to shut up, or just what the Hell they are talking about.

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought Christians stoned people to death in the Bible.

          Strike one!

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought that there was no such thing as Islamic Law.

          Strike two!

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought that my info was not from a peer reviewed scientific journal.

          Strike three! And you are out. 😆

          Why do you think they are attacking dowsing? Could it be to undermine the credibility of Dr Morner, who is not a CAGW proponent? Note how the first paragraph of wiki attacks this one perceived issue…

          Nils-Axel Mörner, born 1938, is the former head of the paleogeophysics and geodynamics department at Stockholm University. He retired in 2005.[1] He was president of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Commission on Neotectonics (1981–1989). He headed the INTAS (International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union) Project on Geomagnetism and Climate (1997–2003). He is a critic of the IPCC and the notion that the global sea level is rising. He was formerly the Chairman of INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution, and led the Maldives Sea Level Project.[2] Mörner is also known for his support for dowsing.[3][4]

          Nowhere in that obvious hit piece page do they list his credentials, or education. They latch onto the only perceived chink in his armor and go for it. Follow the link about dowsing and they found one physiology professor who had nothing to add but “nuh-uh”, in a non-peer reviewed commercial journal/magazine.

          Now let’s review the village idiot’s attempt at refuting a peer reviewed study on dowsing.

          And your source?

          Read it and weep. Not a peer reviewed journal.

          Some of the founding members of CSI include scientists, academics, and science writers such as Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, Philip Klass, Paul Kurtz, Ray Hyman, James Randi, Martin Gardner, Sidney Hook, and others. A list of CSI fellows is published in every issue of Skeptical Inquirer magazine.

          Philip Klass

          His subsequent books then revealed a complete reversal in his thinking. Klass had now adopted the position (curiously, this “change of heart” occured after his hypothesis on plasma balls had been thoroughly discredited and rejected by scientists)

          Isaac Asimov

          Sidney Hook

          Sidney Hook (December 20, 1902 – July 12, 1989) was an American philosopher

          Paul Kurtz

          Paul Kurtz. … World Parliament, and a Planetary Environmental Monitoring Agency that would set standards for controlling global warming and ecology.

          James Randi (born Randall James Hamilton Zwinge, August 7, 1928) is a Canadian-American retired stage magician

          Martin Gardner

          (Martin) Gardner had an abiding fascination with religious belief. He was a fideistic theist, professing belief in one God as Creator

          Woopsy! That should be a problem for you! 😆

          Ray Hyman

          Remote viewing review:
          Along with Jessica Utts, he conducted a review of CIA remote viewing experiments in 1995. He noted that the experiments “appear to be free of the more obvious and better known flaws that can invalidate the results of parapsychological investigations” and that there are significant effect sizes “too large and consistent to be dismissed as statistical flukes.

          And last but not least, Carl Sagan…

          A number of those above were dead before your magazine article was even published.

          I will side with Dr Morner, and the peer reviewed journal Journal of Scientific Exploration.

          You, of course, will just keep barking, even though you have been shown to be wrong time and time and time and time and time again.

          Any more stupidity you wish to share? of course there will be! 😆

          Stupid comment fro Chris in 3,2,1…

        • Chris Barron says:

          The JSE is peer reviewed…..which means that among a group of likeminded individuals acceptance is acheived.
          When considering a group of people who are all desperate to believe in ghosts, their opinion isn’t strengthened by the volume of the acknowledgements.
          Peers are not always the most objective people..they are prone to seeking approval and agreement in the place of truth…and as the peers at JSE do not believe the laws of physics then they are not accepted in the mainstream for good reason.

        • gator69 says:

          Village idiots just don’;t know when to shut up, or just what the Hell they are talking about.

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought Christians stoned people to death in the Bible.

          Strike one!

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought that there was no such thing as Islamic Law.

          Strike two!

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought that my info was not from a peer reviewed scientific journal.

          Strike three! And you are out. 😆

          Why do you think they are attacking dowsing? Could it be to undermine the credibility of Dr Morner, who is not a CAGW proponent? Note how the first paragraph of wiki attacks this one perceived issue…

          Nils-Axel Mörner, born 1938, is the former head of the paleogeophysics and geodynamics department at Stockholm University. He retired in 2005.[1] He was president of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Commission on Neotectonics (1981–1989). He headed the INTAS (International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union) Project on Geomagnetism and Climate (1997–2003). He is a critic of the IPCC and the notion that the global sea level is rising. He was formerly the Chairman of INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution, and led the Maldives Sea Level Project.[2] Mörner is also known for his support for dowsing.[3][4]

          Nowhere in that obvious hit piece page do they list his credentials, or education. They latch onto the only perceived chink in his armor and go for it. Follow the link about dowsing and they found one physiology professor who had nothing to add but “nuh-uh”, in a non-peer reviewed commercial journal/magazine.

          Now let’s review the village idiot’s attempt at refuting a peer reviewed study on dowsing.

          And your source?

          Read it and weep. Not a peer reviewed journal.

          Some of the founding members of CSI include scientists, academics, and science writers such as Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, Philip Klass, Paul Kurtz, Ray Hyman, James Randi, Martin Gardner, Sidney Hook, and others. A list of CSI fellows is published in every issue of Skeptical Inquirer magazine.

          Philip Klass

          His subsequent books then revealed a complete reversal in his thinking. Klass had now adopted the position (curiously, this “change of heart” occured after his hypothesis on plasma balls had been thoroughly discredited and rejected by scientists)

          Isaac Asimov

          Sidney Hook

          Sidney Hook (December 20, 1902 – July 12, 1989) was an American philosopher

          Paul Kurtz

          Paul Kurtz. … World Parliament, and a Planetary Environmental Monitoring Agency that would set standards for controlling global warming and ecology.

          James Randi (born Randall James Hamilton Zwinge, August 7, 1928) is a Canadian-American retired stage magician

          Martin Gardner

          (Martin) Gardner had an abiding fascination with religious belief. He was a fideistic theist, professing belief in one God as Creator

          Woopsy! That should be a problem for you! 😆

          Ray Hyman

          Remote viewing review:
          Along with Jessica Utts, he conducted a review of CIA remote viewing experiments in 1995. He noted that the experiments “appear to be free of the more obvious and better known flaws that can invalidate the results of parapsychological investigations” and that there are significant effect sizes “too large and consistent to be dismissed as statistical flukes.

          And last but not least, Carl Sagan…

          A number of those above were dead before your magazine article was even published.

          I will side with Dr Morner, and the peer reviewed journal Journal of Scientific Exploration.

          You, of course, will just keep barking, even though you have been shown to be wrong time and time and time and time and time again.

          Any more stupidity you wish to share? of course there will be! 😆

          Stupid comment fro Chris in 3,2,1…

        • Chris Barron says:

          “Dr Nils Morner also agrees with me. And between the opinion of the established village idiot (you), and Dr Morner, I will side with the world’s leading expert on sea level.”

          Another Ad hom…….when did we talk about sea levels ? Are you talking to an imaginary friend still ?

        • gator69 says:

          Village idiots just don’;t know when to shut up, or just what the Hell they are talking about.

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought Christians stoned people to death in the Bible.

          Strike one!

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought that there was no such thing as Islamic Law.

          Strike two!

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought that my info was not from a peer reviewed scientific journal.

          Strike three! And you are out. 😆

          Why do you think they are attacking dowsing? Could it be to undermine the credibility of Dr Morner, who is not a CAGW proponent? Note how the first paragraph of wiki attacks this one perceived issue…

          Nils-Axel Mörner, born 1938, is the former head of the paleogeophysics and geodynamics department at Stockholm University. He retired in 2005.[1] He was president of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Commission on Neotectonics (1981–1989). He headed the INTAS (International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union) Project on Geomagnetism and Climate (1997–2003). He is a critic of the IPCC and the notion that the global sea level is rising. He was formerly the Chairman of INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution, and led the Maldives Sea Level Project.[2] Mörner is also known for his support for dowsing.[3][4]

          Nowhere in that obvious hit piece page do they list his credentials, or education. They latch onto the only perceived chink in his armor and go for it. Follow the link about dowsing and they found one physiology professor who had nothing to add but “nuh-uh”, in a non-peer reviewed commercial journal/magazine.

          Now let’s review the village idiot’s attempt at refuting a peer reviewed study on dowsing.

          And your source?

          Read it and weep. Not a peer reviewed journal.

          Some of the founding members of CSI include scientists, academics, and science writers such as Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, Philip Klass, Paul Kurtz, Ray Hyman, James Randi, Martin Gardner, Sidney Hook, and others. A list of CSI fellows is published in every issue of Skeptical Inquirer magazine.

          Philip Klass

          His subsequent books then revealed a complete reversal in his thinking. Klass had now adopted the position (curiously, this “change of heart” occured after his hypothesis on plasma balls had been thoroughly discredited and rejected by scientists)

          Isaac Asimov

          Sidney Hook

          Sidney Hook (December 20, 1902 – July 12, 1989) was an American philosopher

          Paul Kurtz

          Paul Kurtz. … World Parliament, and a Planetary Environmental Monitoring Agency that would set standards for controlling global warming and ecology.

          James Randi (born Randall James Hamilton Zwinge, August 7, 1928) is a Canadian-American retired stage magician

          Martin Gardner

          (Martin) Gardner had an abiding fascination with religious belief. He was a fideistic theist, professing belief in one God as Creator

          Woopsy! That should be a problem for you! 😆

          Ray Hyman

          Remote viewing review:
          Along with Jessica Utts, he conducted a review of CIA remote viewing experiments in 1995. He noted that the experiments “appear to be free of the more obvious and better known flaws that can invalidate the results of parapsychological investigations” and that there are significant effect sizes “too large and consistent to be dismissed as statistical flukes.

          And last but not least, Carl Sagan…

          A number of those above were dead before your magazine article was even published.

          I will side with Dr Morner, and the peer reviewed journal Journal of Scientific Exploration.

          You, of course, will just keep barking, even though you have been shown to be wrong time and time and time and time and time again.

          Any more stupidity you wish to share? of course there will be! 😆

          Stupid comment fro Chris in 3,2,1…

        • Chris Barron says:

          Hey Gator…download this months magazine from the SSE, all about life after death, marbles (!) and the paranormal….all things you love….

          Those beliefs are held by the people who you claimed had proved that dowsing is real…’s just unfortunate that real physicists and real scientists with a rigorous approach consistently prove otherwise

          This is the ‘peer review process’ summed up from the SSE’s own pages regarding submission of articles and papers…..this isn’t real science..

          Quote from SSE below > > >
          REFEREEING: Manuscripts will be sent to one or more referees at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. Reviewers are given the option of providing an anonymous report or a signed report.
          In established disciplines, concordance with accepted disciplinary paradigms is the chief guide in evaluating material for scholarly publication. On many of the matters of interest to the Society for Scientific Exploration, however, consensus does not prevail. Therefore the Journal of Scientific Exploration necessarily publishes claimed observations and proff ered explanations that will seem more speculative or less plausible than those appearing in some mainstream disciplinary journals. Nevertheless, those observations
          and explanations must conform to rigorous standards of observational techniques and logical argument.
          If publication is deemed warranted but there remain points of disagreement between authors and referee(s), the reviewer(s) may be given the option of having their opinion(s) published along with the
          article, subject to the Editor-in-Chief’s judgment as to length, wording, and the like.

        • gator69 says:

          Village idiots just don’;t know when to shut up, or just what the Hell they are talking about.

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought Christians stoned people to death in the Bible.

          Strike one!

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought that there was no such thing as Islamic Law.

          Strike two!

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought that my info was not from a peer reviewed scientific journal.

          Strike three! And you are out. 😆

          Why do you think they are attacking dowsing? Could it be to undermine the credibility of Dr Morner, who is not a CAGW proponent? Note how the first paragraph of wiki attacks this one perceived issue…

          Nils-Axel Mörner, born 1938, is the former head of the paleogeophysics and geodynamics department at Stockholm University. He retired in 2005.[1] He was president of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Commission on Neotectonics (1981–1989). He headed the INTAS (International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union) Project on Geomagnetism and Climate (1997–2003). He is a critic of the IPCC and the notion that the global sea level is rising. He was formerly the Chairman of INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution, and led the Maldives Sea Level Project.[2] Mörner is also known for his support for dowsing.[3][4]

          Nowhere in that obvious hit piece page do they list his credentials, or education. They latch onto the only perceived chink in his armor and go for it. Follow the link about dowsing and they found one physiology professor who had nothing to add but “nuh-uh”, in a non-peer reviewed commercial journal/magazine.

          Now let’s review the village idiot’s attempt at refuting a peer reviewed study on dowsing.

          And your source?

          Read it and weep. Not a peer reviewed journal.

          Some of the founding members of CSI include scientists, academics, and science writers such as Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, Philip Klass, Paul Kurtz, Ray Hyman, James Randi, Martin Gardner, Sidney Hook, and others. A list of CSI fellows is published in every issue of Skeptical Inquirer magazine.

          Philip Klass

          His subsequent books then revealed a complete reversal in his thinking. Klass had now adopted the position (curiously, this “change of heart” occured after his hypothesis on plasma balls had been thoroughly discredited and rejected by scientists)

          Isaac Asimov

          Sidney Hook

          Sidney Hook (December 20, 1902 – July 12, 1989) was an American philosopher

          Paul Kurtz

          Paul Kurtz. … World Parliament, and a Planetary Environmental Monitoring Agency that would set standards for controlling global warming and ecology.

          James Randi (born Randall James Hamilton Zwinge, August 7, 1928) is a Canadian-American retired stage magician

          Martin Gardner

          (Martin) Gardner had an abiding fascination with religious belief. He was a fideistic theist, professing belief in one God as Creator

          Woopsy! That should be a problem for you! 😆

          Ray Hyman

          Remote viewing review:
          Along with Jessica Utts, he conducted a review of CIA remote viewing experiments in 1995. He noted that the experiments “appear to be free of the more obvious and better known flaws that can invalidate the results of parapsychological investigations” and that there are significant effect sizes “too large and consistent to be dismissed as statistical flukes.

          And last but not least, Carl Sagan…

          A number of those above were dead before your magazine article was even published.

          I will side with Dr Morner, and the peer reviewed journal Journal of Scientific Exploration.

          You, of course, will just keep barking, even though you have been shown to be wrong time and time and time and time and time again.

          Any more stupidity you wish to share? of course there will be! 😆

          Stupid comment fro Chris in 3,2,1…

        • Chris Barron says:

          Laughing back at Gator. She has used the ‘create a myth and repeat it continuously ‘method of rebuttal…..otherwise known as religious claptrap…..

          There is NO PROOF that dowsing is anything but a psychophysical effect and no amount of blustering is going to change it

          Why have none of these so called effects ever been repeated in a lab….is mother nature picky when it comes to ‘maagnetism between Hazel and water ?

          Hazel consumes a great deal of water so it is no wonder that when you dig near hazel you find it..

          in fact the chance of finding water just by digging here is so good that by manipulating the sticks to make them twitch i could claim a 100% success rate.

          In the information provided by JSE there was no post tesring carried out….so without ground radar analysis it is impossible to know the real likelyhood of finding groundwater from simple hit and miss evaluation where bore holes are simply drilled randomly

          Happy pagan festival of Eostre to yo

        • gator69 says:

          Chris, you are such a loud mouthed moron. You post an article from a ghostbuster magazine and then refuse to recognize peer reviewed science. God you are dumb…

          Nevertheless, it turned out that the number of highly
          significant experiment series was three times higher, and the number of significant
          series twice as high as what could be expected from pure chance expectation.
          In its entirety, the obtained results could only be produced by a chance
          with a probability of 1 : 1000; as a consequence, the data obviously supports
          the existence of the investigated dowsing phenomenon

          Among the 47 tested persons, the most successful one turned out to be the
          GTZ expert, Hans Schroter – a most surprising and suggestive fact. Although
          he had never before tried such a test arrangement, he
          reached a highly significant
          result in four different experiment series, each with 10 individual runs;
          this result could be obtained by pure chance only with a probability of 1 : 1700.
          Since the experiments were designed in a “fool-proof” manner and even the
          most critical skeptics could not detect flaws in the arrangement, one must attribute
          high confidence to the results and the associated interpretation.
          It is noteworthy that comparably significant results for such kinds of experiment
          with artificial pipes have already been reported by at least three independent
          research groups
          (see [2] for a detailed discussion).

          Moreover, 7 of the tested persons were able to reproduce these successful runs. In its entirety,
          the results could be obtained by pure chance only with a probability of less
          than 1 : 1,000,000
          . Again, as already revealed in the barn experiment, this
          points to the existence of the phenomenon of locating certain sites by dowsing

          You claim to be a CAGW skeptic, but then say lab tests trump real world tests! You are either dumber than I thought, or as I suspect, not really a skeptic of CAGW. I say this because you are denigrating Dr Morner’s opinion and you use CAGW proponents as your ‘refutation’.

          So let’s review.

          I bring out a real world peer reviewed study that conclusively shows dowsing works is not an accident, “a probability of less than 1 : 1,000,000

          You bring out a magazine article written by retired magicians and CAGW believers and claim it means something it cannot.

          Village idiots just don’;t know when to shut up, or just what the Hell they are talking about.

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought Christians stoned people to death in the Bible.

          Strike one!

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought that there was no such thing as Islamic Law.

          Strike two!

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought that my info was not from a peer reviewed scientific journal.

          Strike three! And you are out. 😆

        • Chris Barron says:

          Gator “Nowhere in that obvious hit piece page do they list his credentials, or education. They latch onto the only perceived chink in his armor and go for it.”

          ..Gator puts the emotion back into science…

          WHAT, Gator, is science supposed to do when there is a glaringly obvious oversight in somebody’s workings, if not investigate it and ask the question – why was this thorough critique not done by the so called scientist who wrote about the findings – could it be that the person concerned knew that when tested against random sampling their results were not statistically significant ? In fact, given that the results prove conclusively that a greater success would have been achieved through the use of random sampling isn’t it logical to conclude that dowsing is a poorer way to find water than randomly making holes is

        • gator69 says:

          So let’s review again. Do you understand peer review?

          You have proven you will mouth off on subjects about which you are totally ignorant, so you have zero credibility at this point, just quit while you are behind.

          I bring out a real world peer reviewed study that conclusively shows dowsing works is not an accident, “a probability of less than 1 : 1,000,000”

          You bring out a magazine article written by retired magicians and CAGW believers and claim it means something it cannot.

          Village idiots just don’;t know when to shut up, or just what the Hell they are talking about.

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought Christians stoned people to death in the Bible.

          Strike one!

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought that there was no such thing as Islamic Law.

          Strike two!

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought that my info was not from a peer reviewed scientific journal.
          Strike three! And you are out. 😆

        • Chris Barron says:

          Gator – I bring out a real world peer reviewed study that conclusively shows dowsing works is not an accident, “a probability of less than 1 : 1,000,000”

          It is ironic that you ask if I understand the implication of the value of a ‘peer review’ …here on forum where the discussion centres around the lies spouted by peer reviewed journals.

          I guess the peer review process is suitable for you now when you want it to support the belief that a stick can detect the presence of water.

          You seem bereft of any consideration for the use of such sticks and rods – why do they only work when held in fingers….fingers which can twist, turn bend and manipulate them. Is this a question you have considered ? I suppose not. Would the same twigs twitch in the presence of water if they were glued to the back of the hands and not held by the twitchy fingers ? If the dowser is the ‘medium’ for the ‘special powers’ why do they need a stick to demonstrate a good luck shot at finding water…why not simply point with their finger ?

          Dowsing is a parlour trick. Have you never wondered why Uri Geller can only bend spoons by touching them ? Simple – he bends them….just like dowsers twitch their sticks and take a gamble.

          Finding water is not too difficult, if you know where to look…but if you use your knowledge of how to guess where water is likely to be found to twitch a few sticks then you can suggest all sorts of magical effects……but if you can’t touch the divining rods or if they attached to a fellow’s head and not held in their hands then suddenly they fail to move….how obvious does it need to be before people see how the trick is done ?

          Your problem now is that you face a crisis of truth….do you believe that dowsing is real and accept it as being true…or do you face the truth that it is a trick and accept that you have been fooled by it….. choosing the former is the least ego damaging and hence I suspect you will continue to choose that, because it causes least embarrassment

          Your ‘peer reviewed’ article was peer reviewed. What does ‘peer reviewed’ imply ? It means only that people considered to be of a similar educational level and with similar interests has looked it over and though it seemed reasonable. The editor in chief of the journal has only a PhD in philosophy, not physics, biology, engineering or maths….philosophy……so is science now a philosophical matter ?

          I continue to support the null hypothesis on the performance art of dowsing

        • gator69 says:

          So Dr Morner is an idiot, as well as the team of scientists who wrote and peer reviewed that paper?

          And you want me to take the word of someone who thought there was no such thing as Islamic Law, and that Christians stoned people to death in the Bible? 😆

          You also claimed that the underside of your car’s bonnet never exceeds 85F. You are a provable idiot who likes to spew about things of which you have zero knowledge.

          But keep digging, each time you do, I just get more proof that you are an idiot and use it against you.

          Have you ever dowsed Chris? I have, and it worked 100% of the time. I wasn’t searching for aquifers in the desert, or puddles in Scotland, but it did locate every water line on my street and under my home. Lines that I did not know existed, the rods found them.

          So if you want to latch onto the pro-CAGW crowd, and retired stage magicians, you can keep you job as the village idiot. But be careful, at this rate you may become overqualified. 😆

          Just because you cannot reason, does not mean that reason is a myth. 😆

          Gail once read your silly rag, and here is what she had to say…


          “Skeptical Inquirer is the official journal of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. It is published by the Center for Inquiry in association with the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. Six times per year Skeptical Inquirer publishes critical scientific evaluations of all manner of controversial and extraordinary claims, including but not limited to paranormal and fringe-science matters, and informed discussion of all relevant issues. In addition to news, articles, book reviews, and investigations on a wide variety of topics, Skeptical Inquirer has a stellar stable of regular columnists…..”

          In other words they are (cue music) GHOST BUSTERS!

          We had a subscription for years and viewed it as a highbrow version of the National Enquirer.

          (End quote)

          So Chris, where is your refutation of the best peer reviewed paper on dowsing?

          Is it “the Amazing Randi”? 😆

        • Chris Barron says:

          It’s amusing really that you would call me a loud mouth , and claim a 100% dowsing success rate, which exceeds the claimed 96% success claimed by ghostbusters and other kooks

          “Have you ever dowsed Chris? I have, and it worked 100% of the time.”

          My oh my 100% success rate……
          ….you should write a book explaining how it’s done rather than waste your time talking to the likes of me…

          go away and enjoy a 100% success rate….oh wait before you go….you didn’t just dowse only once did you ? And there wasn’t a sign at the edge of the road warning you of where the water main was buried ? …..

          The worlds best dowser just drowned in their own story hahahahaha.

        • gator69 says:

          Village idiot, if you actually bothered to read the peer reviewed scientific paper to which I referred you, (and which you have yet to refute) you would have learned that they only counted ‘potable’ water as a success. As the paper states quite clearly, the 4% failure rate was most likely due to A) non-potable water, and B) drilling imprecision.

          Again idiot, I was locating water lines no deeper than 5 feet, unlike the depths they had to reach in the Namibian Desert.

          The reason you remain such an idiot, is that you are not willing to actually and honestly do your own investigations.

          But please, keep quoting out of work magicians and pulling BS out of your arse. 😆

        • Chris Barron says:

          Oh gosh “So Chris, where is your refutation of the best peer reviewed paper on dowsing?”

          You should write for the IPCC !

          ‘The best peer reviewed paper on dowsing” In who’s eyes is it the best ? Only yours….why ? because you have to want to believe in dowsing in order to support your story that you just told us that you have a 100% hit rate when dowsing…..more to the point you expect anyone would believe you !

          So you’ve found some research of dubious quality which supports your hypothesis that dowsing is a real effect………

          If I wanted to i could find peer reviewed papers that show that manmade CO2 causes global warming, and some (not as many) peer reviewed papers which state the opposite

          Your faith in the peer review process seems to allow you to think that you have a licence to claim something is happening where dowsing is concerned.

          If I direct you to a peer reviewed paper proving that manmade CO2 is causing global warming will you unsubscribe from this group like a damn fool ?

        • gator69 says:

          Village idiot, I use peer reviewed literature all the time to refute bogus peer reviewed papers, in fact I rely on them.

          You, on the other hand, rely on ghost hunting magazine articles written by out of work magicians.

          Find a peer reviewed paper that refutes what I have presented, and quit acting like such a child.

          You lost the argument, now stop the tantrum child. 😆

        • Chris Barron says:

          You’re nuts indeed
          “The reason you remain such an idiot, is that you are not willing to actually and honestly do your own investigations.”

          Who hasn’t held a twig near water and found it did nothing….hhmmm…wrong twig, try another….hmmm…nope…try steel rods…….nope….hmmm….thisonly seems to work when I twist the rods ‘unconsciously’…hehehe

          There are huge aquifiers under the Namibian Desert….

          “On the Namibian side, the 10,000-year-old aquifer covers an area roughly 43 miles by 25 miles.”

          Namibia is a very ‘wet’ nation in fact. In this image below only the pink areas have ‘little or no’ water….IE probably a bit, and according to the link above ,some areas of the desert have huge aquifiers a couple of hundred metres below

          Furthermore Namibia has desert areas next to the atlantic ocean. IE groundwater will be easy to find due to the natural hydrological which takes place as fresh groundwater migrates to the sea in coastal areas – a well known observation

          You invited me to do my own honest investigation…I just did…the chances of finding water in most places in Namibia is very high, and some areas of desert have huge lakes below them.

        • gator69 says:

          Still no facts to back your lies. Nice!

          Village idiots just don’;t know when to shut up, or just what the Hell they are talking about.

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought Christians stoned people to death in the Bible.

          Strike one!

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought that there was no such thing as Islamic Law.

          Strike two!

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought that my info was not from a peer reviewed scientific journal.

          Strike three! And you are out. 😆

          Why do you think they are attacking dowsing? Could it be to undermine the credibility of Dr Morner, who is not a CAGW proponent? Note how the first paragraph of wiki attacks this one perceived issue…

          Nils-Axel Mörner, born 1938, is the former head of the paleogeophysics and geodynamics department at Stockholm University. He retired in 2005.[1] He was president of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Commission on Neotectonics (1981–1989). He headed the INTAS (International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union) Project on Geomagnetism and Climate (1997–2003). He is a critic of the IPCC and the notion that the global sea level is rising. He was formerly the Chairman of INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution, and led the Maldives Sea Level Project.[2] Mörner is also known for his support for dowsing.[3][4]

          Nowhere in that obvious hit piece page do they list his credentials, or education. They latch onto the only perceived chink in his armor and go for it. Follow the link about dowsing and they found one physiology professor who had nothing to add but “nuh-uh”, in a non-peer reviewed commercial journal/magazine.

          Now let’s review the village idiot’s attempt at refuting a peer reviewed study on dowsing.

          And your source?

          Read it and weep. Not a peer reviewed journal.

          Some of the founding members of CSI include scientists, academics, and science writers such as Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, Philip Klass, Paul Kurtz, Ray Hyman, James Randi, Martin Gardner, Sidney Hook, and others. A list of CSI fellows is published in every issue of Skeptical Inquirer magazine.

          Philip Klass

          His subsequent books then revealed a complete reversal in his thinking. Klass had now adopted the position (curiously, this “change of heart” occured after his hypothesis on plasma balls had been thoroughly discredited and rejected by scientists)

          Isaac Asimov

          Sidney Hook

          Sidney Hook (December 20, 1902 – July 12, 1989) was an American philosopher

          Paul Kurtz

          Paul Kurtz. … World Parliament, and a Planetary Environmental Monitoring Agency that would set standards for controlling global warming and ecology.

          James Randi (born Randall James Hamilton Zwinge, August 7, 1928) is a Canadian-American retired stage magician

          Martin Gardner

          (Martin) Gardner had an abiding fascination with religious belief. He was a fideistic theist, professing belief in one God as Creator

          Woopsy! That should be a problem for you! 😆

          Ray Hyman

          Remote viewing review:
          Along with Jessica Utts, he conducted a review of CIA remote viewing experiments in 1995. He noted that the experiments “appear to be free of the more obvious and better known flaws that can invalidate the results of parapsychological investigations” and that there are significant effect sizes “too large and consistent to be dismissed as statistical flukes.

          And last but not least, Carl Sagan…

          A number of those above were dead before your magazine article was even published.

          I will side with Dr Morner, and the peer reviewed journal Journal of Scientific Exploration.

          You, of course, will just keep barking, even though you have been shown to be wrong time and time and time and time and time again.

          Any more stupidity you wish to share? of course there will be! 😆

          Stupid comment fro Chris in 3,2,1…

        • Chris Barron says:

          I could find water in the Sahara even, Gator.

          Armed with the knowledge that the worlds largest ancient aquifer is under the Sahara.

          It is a great parlour trick…show people desert conditions at the surface…make your twigs twitch and drill down…bingo…water water everywhere…how impressive…as long as the fools you’re trying to impress don’t understand the basics…

        • gator69 says:

          Please go to the Sahara, we can start a account for you! 😆

          But where is your refutation of the peer reviewed study I gave you?

          And please, no more out of work magicians or CAGW promoters, I thought you were a skeptic. 😆

          Now for a trip down memory lane…

          The village idiot just keeps burnishing his credentials! 😆

          stoning to death by christianity, as spelled out in the bible

          That is what intelligent people call ‘The Old Testament’, and existed before Christ, you moron.

          When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”
          -John 8:7

          Come on Chris! Show us your vast knowledge! 😆

          Another inane comment from Chris in 3,2,1…

        • Chris Barron says:

          Gator’s information = Dowsers discovered water in various parts of the Namibian desert, apparently by using various dowsing techniques

          The facts = below the Namibian desert there have been discoveries of huge aquifers

          Gator’s information does not attempt to show that the dowsed water was not in an area where there was known to be an aquifer

          Somehow, for reasons best known only to Gator, this forms a valid proof that the dowsing was very successful

          Throwing a stone would have also had the same success. Shooting a bullet upwards and drilling where it fell would have been as successful anywhere over one of these large aquifers

          Dropping Al Gore’s dead body out of a plane over one of these aquifers and drilling where it landed would have had the same success…

          In short….drilling down from a position over an aquifer for water will result in a 100% success rate

        • gator69 says:

          Still barking? 😆

          Village idiots just don’;t know when to shut up, or just what the Hell they are talking about.

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought Christians stoned people to death in the Bible.

          Strike one!

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought that there was no such thing as Islamic Law.

          Strike two!

          Remember it was you who was the fool that thought that my info was not from a peer reviewed scientific journal.

          Strike three! And you are out. 😆

          Why do you think they are attacking dowsing? Could it be to undermine the credibility of Dr Morner, who is not a CAGW proponent? Note how the first paragraph of wiki attacks this one perceived issue…

          Nils-Axel Mörner, born 1938, is the former head of the paleogeophysics and geodynamics department at Stockholm University. He retired in 2005.[1] He was president of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Commission on Neotectonics (1981–1989). He headed the INTAS (International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union) Project on Geomagnetism and Climate (1997–2003). He is a critic of the IPCC and the notion that the global sea level is rising. He was formerly the Chairman of INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution, and led the Maldives Sea Level Project.[2] Mörner is also known for his support for dowsing.[3][4]

          Nowhere in that obvious hit piece page do they list his credentials, or education. They latch onto the only perceived chink in his armor and go for it. Follow the link about dowsing and they found one physiology professor who had nothing to add but “nuh-uh”, in a non-peer reviewed commercial journal/magazine.

          Now let’s review the village idiot’s attempt at refuting a peer reviewed study on dowsing.

          And your source?

          Read it and weep. Not a peer reviewed journal.

          Some of the founding members of CSI include scientists, academics, and science writers such as Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, Philip Klass, Paul Kurtz, Ray Hyman, James Randi, Martin Gardner, Sidney Hook, and others. A list of CSI fellows is published in every issue of Skeptical Inquirer magazine.

          Philip Klass

          His subsequent books then revealed a complete reversal in his thinking. Klass had now adopted the position (curiously, this “change of heart” occured after his hypothesis on plasma balls had been thoroughly discredited and rejected by scientists)

          Isaac Asimov

          Sidney Hook

          Sidney Hook (December 20, 1902 – July 12, 1989) was an American philosopher

          Paul Kurtz

          Paul Kurtz. … World Parliament, and a Planetary Environmental Monitoring Agency that would set standards for controlling global warming and ecology.

          James Randi (born Randall James Hamilton Zwinge, August 7, 1928) is a Canadian-American retired stage magician

          Martin Gardner

          (Martin) Gardner had an abiding fascination with religious belief. He was a fideistic theist, professing belief in one God as Creator

          Woopsy! That should be a problem for you! 😆

          Ray Hyman

          Remote viewing review:
          Along with Jessica Utts, he conducted a review of CIA remote viewing experiments in 1995. He noted that the experiments “appear to be free of the more obvious and better known flaws that can invalidate the results of parapsychological investigations” and that there are significant effect sizes “too large and consistent to be dismissed as statistical flukes.

          And last but not least, Carl Sagan…

          A number of those above were dead before your magazine article was even published.

          I will side with Dr Morner, and the peer reviewed journal Journal of Scientific Exploration.

          You, of course, will just keep barking, even though you have been shown to be wrong time and time and time and time and time again.

          Any more stupidity you wish to share? of course there will be! 😆

          Stupid comment fro Chris in 3,2,1…

        • Chris Barron says:

          I really don’t know what else I can say on the matter of how accurate it is possible to be when you want to find water and you are located right above it ….it seems most likely that you will be 100% accurate no mater what method you claim to use…

        • gator69 says:

          Well, why would I expect the village idiot to know geography, when so far he has proven he has zero knowledge outside of what out of work magicians tell him. 😆

          Village idiot: It is a great parlour trick…show people desert conditions at the surface…make your twigs twitch and drill down…bingo…water water everywhere…how impressive…as long as the fools you’re trying to impress don’t understand the basics…

          Time for a spanking! 😆

          The Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS) is the world’s largest known fossil water aquifer system. It is located underground in the Eastern end of the Sahara Desert and spans the political boundaries of four countries in north-eastern Africa.

          The Sahara (Arabic: ??????? ???????, a?-?a?r?? al-Kubr??, ‘the Great Desert’) is the largest subtropical hot desert and third largest desertafter Antarctica and the Arctic.[1] Its combined surface area of 9,400,000 square kilometres (3,600,000 sq mi) ? accounting for substrates such as the Libyan Desert and the Sudan region ? is comparable to the respective land areas of China and the United States. The desert comprehends much of the land found within North Africa,

          The Namib is a coastal desert in southern Africa.

          So now the Village Idiot cannot tell North from South! 😆

          Thanks for more proof that you are the dumbest troll on this site!

        • Chris Barron says:

          “So now the Village Idiot cannot tell North from South! ”

          Yet again gator can’t stop tickling themself..

          Your ‘proof’ of dowsing as a reality was that dowsers found water in the Namibian DESERT…..which carries with it the implication that a DESERT, which often seems bereft of water, must be a difficult to place to find water and so these dowsers performed some sort of amazing feat… The reality is that there is MILLIONS OF TONS of WATER under the Namibian DESERT.

          I then merely suggested that I could also do the same parlour trick in the Saharan DESERT…another place where people think water would be difficult to find. It matters not a jot that one is in the north and the other is in the south ……I basically ripped your dowsing nonsense up because you thought that some great significance should be attached to the fact that there was water found by dowsing IN A DESERT OF ALL PLACES…..when the simple fact is there is a lot of water to be found in deserts. …just park on top of any desert aquifer and drill down and you strike water.

          Meanwhile back to your desert picture

          Oh my, doesn’t it look so dry….but if it that desert is over any of these wet areas then there is no need to fear getting thirsty…drill to merely a couple hundred metres and you get all the water you need

          In fact – walk over any of those aquifers and twitch your dosing rod between thumb and finger and you can even joke with people that you can find water by dowsing…..

          Your only ‘proof’ of dowsing is that some dowsers went to an area which is well known to be rich in water and dug holes to find water……unimpressive to say the least…..

        • gator69 says:

          😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

          Village idiots always think that if they continue to bark, they will eventually be correct!

          Dumb Dumb doesn’t know north from south, and yet is a geologic and geographic genius! 😆

          Before we get to the next spanking, let’s review the village idiot’s success rate with facts!

          The village idiot just can’t help himself he just keeps burnishing his credentials! 😆

          stoning to death by christianity, as spelled out in the bible

          That is what intelligent people call ‘The Old Testament’, and existed before Christ, you moron.

          When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”
          -John 8:7

          Come on Chris! Show us your vast knowledge! 😆

          Do I need to repeat that you were wrong, again? Yep!

          Chris the village idiot spews:

          “Islamic Law”…Nobody fears it. It doesn’t actually exist

          Why do you feel it necessary to keep proving that you are an idiot? We know already! 😆

          To Arabic-speaking people, sharia (/????ri???/;[1] also shari’a, shar??ah; Arabic: ?????? šar??ah, IPA: [?a?ri??a], “legislation”) means the moral code and religious law of a prophetic religion.[2][3][4] The term “sharia” has been largely identified with Islam in English usage.[5]

          Sharia (Islamic law) deals with several topics including: crime, politics, and economics, as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, hygiene, diet, prayer, everyday etiquette and fasting..

          BTW, the neighbor I helped has been a lifelong auto mechanic, and we had a good laugh over your ignorance of cars and batteries.

          The study you claim that was ‘not scientific’, was actually published in this journal…

          Journal of Scientific Exploration

          The JSE is the quarterly, peer-reviewed journal of the SSE. Since 1987, the JSE has published original research on consciousness, quantum and biophysics, unexplained aerial phenomena, alternative medicine, new energy, sociology, psychology, and much more. The journal also contains book reviews, letters to the editor, and peer correspondence.

          So every time you swing the bat, you miss. Maybe this game beyond your talents sport. 😆

          Now to the next spanking…

          Village Idiot: In fact – walk over any of those aquifers and twitch your dosing rod between thumb and finger and you can even joke with people that you can find water by dowsing…

          Woopsy! No aquifers here! 😆

          The prospecting was done in regions where conventional methods have
          proved difficult and extensively disappointing
          . As regards the geological setup
          in the subject areas,
          the water is confined to fissured zones of the crystalline
          solid rock. Covered by 60 to 120 meters of unconsolidated rock (sand,
          gravel), those zones begin at relatively large depths
          . The bushy terrain makes
          it extremely difficult to find superficial features with which to pinpoint the
          borehole locations
          . Nevertheless, the first hole Schroter had arranged to be
          drilled in the village of Tsumis was successful, yielding 80 Ilmin at a depth of

          Chris, Why do you keep hitting yourself? Why do you feel it necessary to continue to prove you have zero credibility. WE ALREADY KNOW!!! 😆

          You are out of your league once again. I spent 8 years as a geology student, and graduated from the geography department with a Remote Sensing (no not the spooky remote sensing that one of your magician sources believes in) degree. Much of my training had to do with EME, which if you had bothered to read the paper, is likely the reason dowsing works.

          aspects in three directions can be noted which should get attention in future investigations.
          These are 1) electromagnetic radiation with the inclusion of static fields, 2) infra- and ultrasonic, and 3) direction of the gravitational field.

          It isn’t a ‘parlour trick’, it is science you moron! 😆

          Think troll, think! Most of what we see science doing today, would have been considered magic to people less than a century ago.

          Evolve! Discover! Learn! (At least prove you are capable) 😆

          Another idiotic comment from Chris in 3,2,1…

        • gator69 says:

          Oh, and I almost forgot about your aquifer map, pretty colors! But they failed to mention that those aquifers are mostly at depths of 250–350 metres. That is far below the range of the water found in the only peer reviewed paper yet to be discussed.

          The discovery of the subterranean aquifer Ohangwena II, which lies at a depth of 250–350 metres in northern Namibia…

          A newly discovered water source in Namibia could have a major impact on development in the driest country in sub-Saharan Africa. This region is dependent on two rivers for its water supply. But this has restricted agricultural development to areas close to these water sources. Mr Quinger says that the new aquifer has great potential to change the nature of farming in the area.

          This discovery was made over a decade after the peer reviewed dowsing study, so nobody knew it was there, and it was too deep to be drilled. It also sits beneath a layer of a salt water (non-potable) aquifer.

          The 96% success rate in the peer reviewed study excluded non-potable water, did not go anywhere near the depths needed to reach the vast fresh water aquifers on your new map, and the dowsers accurately predicted depth and flow per minute.

          If you drill deep enough, you can find water just about anywhere, the point of the peer reviewed paper was not to expose the obvious, but to explore the scientific phenomenon of dowsing, which finds water at predictable and recoverable depths.

          Strawman argument dismissed. 😆

          My mother lives in Florida, and the drilling company that created her well said that even in Florida, wells are not always feasible. It depends upon the location of the aquifer, even in Florida, which is littered with flooded limestone caverns.

          Stick to what you know, and when you figure out what that is, give us an update.

          Still zero refutation of the peer reviewed paper, despite days of endless barking, provable nonsense, and magicians.

          I will side with Dr Morner, and the peer reviewed journal Journal of Scientific Exploration.

          And you will continue to play with strawmen and magicians.

          Stupid comment fro Chris in 3,2,1…

    • Why do you think I am working in DC?

      • Chris Barron says:

        Why do you think I think you’re working in DC ? I don’t particularly care where you work…it’s a free world after all !

        • “Why do you think I think you’re working in DC ? I don’t particularly care where you work…it’s a free world after all !”

          You make me wonder, Chris …

        • Chris Barron says:

          Enjoy that !

        • Chris Barron says:

          Gail Combs says:
          April 1, 2015 at 3:01 pm
          As long as you do not try to board a plane in the USA…

          Hhmmm….so where’s the rights of individuals now ?

        • Gail Combs says:

          The rights of the individual got axed in 1913 and especially in 1933. The Progressive President, FDR, with EXECUTIVE ORDER 6102 ruled American citizens had to give their gold to the Federal Reserve so the US Banksters could give it to the London banksters in exchange for the monopoly money the Federal Reserve was issuing with abandon.

          Congressman McFadden — Remarks in Congress, 1934

          “Roosevelt did what the International Bankers ordered him to do!

          “Do not deceive yourself, Mr. Chairman, or permit yourself to be deceived by others into the belief that Roosevelt’s dictatorship is in any way intended to benefit the people of the United States: he is preparing to sign on the dotted line! “He is preparing to cancel the war debts by fraud!

          “He is preparing to internationalize this Country and to destroy our Constitution itself in order to keep the Fed intact as a money institution for foreigners. “Mr. Chairman, I see no reason why citizens of the United States should be terrorized into surrendering their property to the International Bankers who own and control the Fed. The statement that gold would be taken from its lawful owners if they did not voluntarily surrender it, to private interests, show that there is an anarchist in our Government.

          “The statement that it is necessary for the people to give their gold- the only real money- to the banks in order to protect the currency, is a statement of calculated dishonesty!

          “By his unlawful usurpation of power on the night of March 5, 1933, and by his proclamation, which in my opinion was in violation of the Constitution of the United States, Roosevelt divorced the currency of the United States from gold, and the United States currency is no longer protected by gold. It is therefore sheer dishonesty to say that the people’s gold is needed to protect the currency.

          “Roosevelt ordered the people to give their gold to private interests- that is, to banks, and he took control of the banks so that all the gold and gold values in them, or given into them, might be handed over to the predatory International Bankers who own and control the Fed.

          “Roosevelt cast his lot with the usurers. “He agreed to save the corrupt and dishonest at the expense of the people of the United States.

          “He took advantage of the people’s confusion and weariness and spread the dragnet over the United States to capture everything of value that was left in it. He made a great haul for the International Bankers.

          “The Prime Minister of England came here for money! He came here to collect cash!

          “He came here with Fed Currency and other claims against the Fed which England had bought up in all parts of the world. And he has presented them for redemption in gold.

          “Mr. Chairman, I am in favor of compelling the Fed to pay their own debts. I see no reason why the general public should be forced to pay the gambling debts of the International Bankers.

          By his action in closing the banks of the United States, Roosevelt seized the gold value of forty billions or more of bank deposits in the United States banks. Those deposits were deposits of gold values. By his action he has rendered them payable to the depositors in paper only, if payable at all, and the paper money he proposes to pay out to bank depositors and to the people generally in lieu of their hard earned gold values in itself, and being based on nothing into which the people can convert it the said paper money is of negligible value altogether.

          “It is the money of slaves, not of free men. If the people of the United States permit it to be imposed upon them at the will of their credit masters, the next step in their downward progress will be their acceptance of orders on company stores for what they eat and wear. Their case will be similar to that of starving coal miners. They, too, will be paid with orders on Company stores for food and clothing, both of indifferent quality and be forced to live in Company-owned houses from which they may be evicted at the drop of a hat.….

          Eighty years later Americans are forces from their homes via fraudulent mortgages

          Eighty years later EU Socialist Pascal LAmy tells us that in the 1930’s when FDR was president he AGREED to global governance, a ‘new international order’ and the destruction of the US as a sovereign nation under the Constitution.

          Half a century ago, those who designed the post-war system — the United Nations, the Bretton Woods system, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) — were deeply influenced by the shared lessons of history.

          All had lived through the chaos of the 1930s — when turning inwards led to economic depression, nationalism and war. All, including the defeated powers, agreed that the road to peace lay with building a new international order — and an approach to international relations that questioned the Westphalian, sacrosanct principle of sovereignty

          The Bretton Woods system, the World Bank and IMF, was designed by a Fabian Socialist John Maynard Keynes and and Harry Dexter White a Communist KGB agent within the US Treasury.

          FDR, Keynes and White all viewed the right of the individual as something to be stomped into the ground and they did a right good job of it. We have been free range slaves of the Banksters ever since.

        • Chris Barron says:

          Oh dear.

          It’s like we are sitting here innocently pretending that people with our money are just going to be respectable chaps with it……

          When the Fed lends the government money does it actually have it for real ?

          Who cares, Iceland have the right idea

  7. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Mikey Mann . . . Proving that everyday in Climate Science land is April 1st.

  8. jigawatt says:

    If people actually believe this, why is there not a vast westward migration?

  9. darrylb says:

    Read through the stormy weather (’till I could not take it anymore)

    Would Like to categorically challenge the ignorance of most of the comments.
    –Like the Maldives.

    On extremes, take for instance drought. I have aerial pictures of lakes here in S. MN taken by
    Professer Borchert of the U. of MN in 1937 and again in the fifties. They show lakes down by 20 feet or more in 1937compared with DNR contour maps. At least two thirds were dry. In many lakes vegetation was growing and some actually caught on fire. Farming was attempted but the lake beds were too alkaline.
    …Mostly used for pasture.

    Could you imagine if that extreme existed today?

  10. DGP says:

    I saw a comment on another blog (I think WUWT) that laid out the US govt. spending on climate change ($Billions) vs. spending on fusion research ($millions). The difference is almost criminal.

    • AndyG55 says:

      If all the WASTE on non-alternate non-energy had been funnelled into thorium research, we would probably have thorium reactors by now.

      Thankfully, there is very little progress in that field, so coal and gas will continue to be the mainstays for many a year, and will continue to pump life giving CO2 into the atmosphere for at least as long as most of us will be alive. 🙂

      Thank you China, India, and all other yet to develop countries.. (development requires fossil fuels) 🙂

      Maybe by then, people will have woken up to the fact that the planet needs MORE atmospheric CO2, not less.

      • Gail Combs says:

        Duke reported their proposed new nuclear plant was turned down by the Obummer Admin.

        Federal licensing for proposed nuclear plants has been delayed by a court decision that requires the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to reconsider its current position on long-term waste disposal. That means Duke is unlikely to get its license to build and operate the plant until 2016.

        • Chris Barron says:

          Maybe they finally realised what the real financial cost of nuclear is and thought better

        • Gail Combs says:

          So get rid of coal, get rid of 83% of CO2 emitting power generation and you are left with Hydropower… OOPS can’t do that because of the Wild and Free Rivers Act.

          So you are left with solar and wind… OOPS can’t do that because they produce intermittent power and will not sustain mining and smelting or the raw materials to produce them.

          I did a quicky calculation and without carbon based energy or nuclear power to take its place, you are looking at not the 1800s but the seventeen hundreds. People forget that coal was very much in use in the 1800s and a lot of farm machinery pulled by horse, mule or oxen was factory made. (First Agricultural Revolution) Without coal you are back to charcoal as fuel for forges and metal implements will be very very rare.

          I first posted my calculations back in 2011 on an article by David Appell and his head exploded. He tried to refute what I said but kept tripping over his tongue.

          So Let us look at what real facts tell us.

          The average for the USA is 335.9 million BTUs per person. (Total population: 246,081,000)
          (wwwDOT) or (wwwDOT)

          In 1949, U.S. energy use per person stood at 215 million Btu. epb(DOT)

          The U.S. in 1800 had a per-capita energy consumption of about 90 million Btu. (Total population: 5,308,483) (wwwDOT)

          If the USA reduces its energy consumption by 80% it equals 45.18 million Btu. per person, given the increase in technology and hydro power, lets use the 1800 consumption level of about 90 million Btu. per person.

          What does that mean?
          The site inventors(DOT) helps us figure that out.

          Farmers made up about 90% of labor force  in 1790. About 250-300 labor-hours were required to produce 100 bushels (5 acres) of wheat with a walking plow, brush harrow, hand broadcast of seed, sickle, and flail in 1830. This is all by hand not animal power. Of course that will please PETA. For comparison in 1987 it only took 2-3/4 labor-hours to produce 100 bushels but that takes lots and lots of energy from coal and oil.

          Remember in 1800 there was only 2% of the current population in the USA. Solar and Wind just are not going to produce enough RELIABLE power to keep us in anything but a few lights, a few wells and if we are very very lucky a refrigerator for the entire town. FACTORIES use a huge amount of RELIABLE power and that is why cotton mills and other primitive factories were built on rivers.

          Anyone who tries to tell you differently is talking baffle gab because at present less than 9% of the US labor force is in manufacturing. The USA got rid of most of its really energy intense industry like smelting the ores to make machines. The USA shipped its factories to China and I mean that literally because I knew a guy whose business was packing up and shipping factories in New England to Israel when Reagan’s buddies pulled the Leveraged Buyout/Hostile Takeover bit in the 1980s/90s and turned US manufacturing corporations into cold hard cash as they sold off the bits and pieces to foreigners. Clinton of course finished off most of the rest of US manufacturing with the WTO ratification and technology transfer to China.

        • gator69 says:

          Hey Gail! You will get more intelligent responses from your goats. Chris has proven he will claim knowledge he absolutely does not possess.

        • Chris Barron says:

          Right, so following a comment about nuclear you ignore the subject ‘nuclear’ and don’t want to talk about it Gail…..You seem to not want to defend the assertion that nuclear is cost effective…I guess now that you have had to accept that nuclear is costing too much, more than it will every produce in fact, you had to change the subject quickly.

          Or be my guest and show how nuclear is cost effective when you measure the cost of decommissioning as part of the whole life costs

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