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You are exactly on target: Joseph Stalin himself is the one that designed this powerful technique for ruling the world.
However, we have absolutely nothing to fear. The conclusion to this seventy year (1945-2015) battle between good and evil was pre-recorded in the scriptures of almost every major religion:
I wish these crap lies were on Hillary’s server….
Don’t forget about the 16′ Arctic waves and Walrus pile-up…
Just make sure you send out waves of 5 second Truths.
Never relent!!!
Hey everyone,
The Australian Government is actually asking for submissions as to what the 2020 emissions targets should be.
There is an online portal here …
The more observant ones among you will notice the following links on the banner at the top of the web page …
Office of Deregulation
Office of Best Practice Regulation
A perfect circle of bureaucratic activity to achieve nothing …
“Iran has no intention of building a nuclear weapon.”
I’m not sure why you call this a lie. Even Israel’s on intelligence community says that Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program. But even if they did, so what? What right does American have to tell Iran what they can and cannot do? What am I missing here?
A secret cable obtained by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit reveals that Mossad sent a top-secret cable to South Africa on October 22, 2012, that laid out a “bottom line” assessment of Iran’s nuclear work.
Now there’s a credible course! 😆
Why would we be in negotiations with Iran, if they had no intentions of building nukes?
What are you missing? Information.
Suspected for years of plotting to dismantle the U.S. electric grid, American officials have confirmed that Iranian military brass have endorsed a nuclear electromagnetic pulse explosion that would attack the country’s power system.
American defense experts made the discovery while translating a secret Iranian military handbook, raising new concerns about Tehran’s recent nuclear talks with the administration.
If peace depended on Hitler and the entire hope of civilization rested on Hitler’s willingness to live in peace, the Chamberlains and their Hoares had to believe in Hitler to believe that life was worth living.
Their modern counterparts substitute the Supreme Leader of Iran for the Fuehrer, or leader, of Nazi Germany, but otherwise they make the same mistake.
To believe in world peace, they must believe in Hitler, in Stalin and in Khamenei and believe that regimes which ceaselessly talk of war, build weapons of war and torture and murder their own people on a whim somehow share their hopes for peace.
Our basic error, from which all the others flow, is that we think our offer of a strategic alliance — President Obama’s “outstretched hand” — is attractive to Iran. It isn’t. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei doesn’t want a deal with us; he wants to destroy us. When he calls us the “Great Satan” or when he leads chants of “Death to America!,” he means it.
Khamenei wants to go down in Islamic history as the man who defeated America, not the imam who signed a deal with the devil. He’s willing to accept our surrender, but he won’t forge a partnership with Obama.
I’ve said for years that a Prog can spew enough BS in one minute that it would take months of research, facts and figures to prove them wrong. Once proven wrong Progs just shift gears or retort with the rhetorical equivalent of “So what?”. And while you’re proving them wrong Progs have continued to spew more BS than can ever be tamped down.
Their tactics are very hard to fight. A good example is when a Conservative proposes to slow the rate of growth of the .gov. Not actually cut the budget… just slow the rate of growth. Progs accuse the the Con of wanting to starve children and kill old people then cut to a video of grandma being tossed out of her wheelchair and over a cliff. The Con may have spent hours with facts, figures and charts explaining his position and in 15 seconds the Prog has undermined it with powerful imagery.
It’s tough to win that, errrrr, “argument”.
A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
-Mark Twain
And in today’s interner age, a lie can be disseminated around the globe, before the truth can boot up ts computer.
We must be saved from ourselves. We are not worthy, we are not worthy!
How can the unique decisions of 320 million individuals, being made instantly and for their own good and happiness, ever be better than just one bureaucrats decision? sarc/off. A bureaucrat who thinks they know the ONE perfect decision. This is a lie made by bureaucrats who see us as children in need of discipline.
Bureaucrats in control and making decisions is called Socialism, and Socialism does not work. We call our system Capitalism, but more rightly is should be called Consumerism. Consumers drive our economy. Consumers make the decisions on what colors cars should be, why Edsels won’t sell and what music is popular. You leave it up to a bureaucrat and you will get one color for cars that don’t run well and we’ll be watching state sponsored propagandized operas.
Government is evil in the hands of bureaucrats. Evil because it makes us feel comfortable as it takes our individual liberties from us.
To really understand the US economic system read E.M Smith’s “Evil Socialism” vs “Evil Capitalism” He is trained as an economist and gives the best explanation I have seen.
The one thing the USA economic system is NOT is capitalist. (Or consumer driven.) Did consumers ask for twisty light bulbs full of mercury that are hard on the eyes, cost a lot and are hazardous? Did US consumers ask for the Big Banks to be bailed out with tax payer money while people lost their jobs and got kicked out of their houses?
All can be subsumed under:
“We’re from the government and we’re here to help.”
The completely OT, except for the lie part, I found this article very interesting. Another lie exposed: http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htatrit/articles/20150415.aspx
Attrition: The Myths Of Suicide In The Military
Next Article ? NIGERIA: Shocking Developments
April 15, 2015: Military statisticians, analysts and epidemiologists (experts on medical statistics) have long sought to convince people outside the military that the rise in suicide rates within the military had little to do with the stress of combat and mostly to do with the stresses of military life for all those in uniform during wartime. Recent studies of four million military personnel who served in Iraq and Afghanistan confirmed that there was no relationship between exposure to combat and changes in the suicide rate. What was found was a connection with the percentage of people getting out of the military and their problems with readjusting to civilian life. This process takes people from a disciplined lifestyle where everyone feels they are performing an important job, whether or not they are in combat, to a very different environment. Civilian life, in contrast, is more chaotic and seems less meaningful. The impact of that change appears to contribute more to suicides than the stress of being in a combat zone.
For example, among the four million people studied some 32,000 died while in service, about 15 percent because of suicide. Only 22 percent of those who committed suicide had served in Iraq or Afghanistan. A disproportionate number of suicides occurred in the year before leaving the military and investigations of these deaths indicated that most were the result of the psychological stresses associated with leaving the service. Some, not all, of those in combat demonstrated links between combat stress and suicide.
In other words, the increased suicides were not concentrated among the combat veterans (who make up less than 15 percent of those in the military) but more evenly distributed among all service personnel. For example, 77 percent of suicides were among troops who had never gone overseas. The military, especially the army, has long documented all deaths and a 2013 Department of Defense study of all suicides from 2001-2008 (when the heavy fighting in Iraq ended) indicated there was no link between combat stress and suicide. A similar study of 2009-2012 suicides showed the same pattern. Researchers didn’t expect the trends for causes (which remained consistent through 2001-2008) to change. The researchers also point out that the reasons for suicides in the military are quite similar to those for civilian suicides, especially when victims are of the same age, education, and other factors as their military counterparts.
These revelations were not well received by the mass media in the United States, which makes much of the rising suicide rate in military (but pays less attention to rising suicide rates among civilians of the same age and education). The military suicide rate was 9 per 100,000 in 2001 and 17.5 in 2012. This was declared to be a health emergency, and to a certain degree it was. What was missed in all the discussion was the higher suicide rate in the army was far below the rate for civilians of military age (17-60), which was 25 per 100,000.
The fact of the matter is that the military seeks to recruit only people who have an above average ability to deal with stress, especially for the minority headed for combat jobs. It’s not just combat stress the military worries about but stresses suffered by all the troops doing civilian type jobs but often under stressful (combat zone) conditions. It has long been known that most military suicides were men and women who were never in combat or even overseas. But since the military suicide rate is so much lower than those of comparable civilians, it hardly matters. There are so few actual suicides in the military each year that a few soldiers having family problems can cause the rate to seemingly spike. That’s largely what has been happening.
The military has been doing a lot to keep their suicide rate down. That rate peaked at 23 in 2009, and then declined. Some of the increase was from the impact of so many troops suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), but the new study shows that this was a small factor in suicides. The danger of suicide led to many PTSD sufferers, or those who might have it, to be given anti-stress medications. Use of these medicines increased 76 percent between 2001 and 2009. By then, some 17 percent of all troops took these drugs, including six percent of those in combat zones. In 2001, the troops used these drugs to about the same degree as the civilian population (ten percent).
The losses to stress have been growing in the last decade. For example, for every soldier killed in a combat zone, one is sent back home for treatment of acute stress. Most of these are not combat troops. For every one of those cases there are several less serious ones that are treated in the combat zone. Many of these stressed troops are no longer able to perform all their duties. This is sometimes the case with troops taking anti-stress drugs. Some of these medications slow you down, which can be fatal if you find yourself in combat or an emergency situation. Many troops on these medications are no longer sent overseas. They can perform well back in the United States but this complicates the job of finding enough troops to go perform combat jobs.
Problems with stress and mental health in general were seen as an inevitable result of so many NCOs and officers doing their third or fourth combat tours (in Iraq or Afghanistan). Thus, a PTSD epidemic has been created by the unprecedented exposure of so many troops to so much combat in so short a time. Once a soldier has PTSD they are often no longer fit for combat, and many troops headed for Afghanistan after 2008 fell into this category. PTSD makes it difficult for people to function or get along with others. With treatment (medication and therapy) you can recover from PTSD. But this can take months or years.
Nearly a century of energetic effort to diagnose and treat PTSD (including much recent attention to civilian victims stressed via accidents or criminal assault) made it clear that most troops eventually got PTSD if they were in combat long enough. During World War II it was found that, on average, 200 days of combat would bring on a case of PTSD for your average American soldier. After World War II methods were found to delay the onset of PTSD (more breaks from combat, better living conditions in the combat zone, prompt treatment when PTSD was detected). That’s why combat troops in Iraq and Afghanistan often slept in air conditioned quarters, had Internet access, a lot of amenities, and a two week vacation (anywhere) in the middle of their combat tour. This extended their useful time in combat, before PTSD set in. No one is yet sure what the new combat days average is, and new screening methods are an attempt to find out. But more troops appear to be hitting, or approaching, the limits.
What the army does know is that a large percentage of its combat troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan have had over 200 days of combat. Some have three or four times that. A major reason for army generals talking (starting in 2007) about the army “needing a break” (from combat) was the growing loss of many combat experienced troops and leaders (especially NCOs) to PTSD. The army won’t give out exact figures, partly because they don’t have much in the way of exact figures. But over the next decade, the army will get a clearer picture of how well they have coped with PTSD among troops who have, individually, seen far more combat than their predecessors in Vietnam, Korea, or World War II.
The army is dealing with PTSD and combat stress head on, believing that a lot of troops have experienced an unhealthy amount of combat stress. Experience so far has shown that PTSD can be delayed, perhaps for a long time. When a soldier does come down with it, PTSD can often be treated and its effects reversed. This has large ramifications for non-military medicine, for many civilians suffer from PTSD. That’s why military recruits are screened for their ability to handle stress and resist PTSD. In the civilian community, there are far more people who can acquire PTSD after exposure to much less stress.
When I ETSed after nearly 12 years of active duty as per SOP I had a meeting with an Army Psychiatrist before my ETS date. He explained that leaving the service resulted in a stress level equivalent to a divorce. Like a divorce generally, the longer one has been attached the more stressful permanent separation will be. Based on my own experience, he was absolutely right. It helped that I did a year in the reserves before cutting the ties completely.
RAH, Not being able to find a decent job after leaving the service doubles that stress. I notice that is not addressed in this article although they do mention the loss of the sense of “performing an important job.” Going from a critical combat support position to a burger flipper or Walmart stock boy is going to be a real blow to the ego. Even a decent job will be a bit of a come down.
And Yes I have been MIA because Spring Has Sprung
The Grass has Riz
And I am desperately trying to shift stock from winter to summer mode without any colic or bloat. Fix any fences not fixed over the winter, kill fire ants, kill weeds and try to keep up with the grazing rye that seems to grow six inches a day at this time of year.
I figured it had to do with spring chores and animal husbandry.
I just got back from buying a new 10′ x 16′ lofted garden shed. http://www.builtriteexpress.com/pages/Lofted_Garden
My old 8′ x 12′ shed is on it’s last legs and I have needed a bigger one for some time so I can get some stuff out of my garage. Now I have to dig holes, put in sonotubes and fill them with sackcrete to make piers to mount it on when they deliver it. Though the outside is all treated lumber I will paint it and trim it out with a Restore type product. Just like everything else like that I do these days, be it a new roof on the house or powder coating the shutters and rails, I am making sure the job is done well enough that I don’t have to fool with it again in my life time if possible.
Good to see you back Gail! I suspected it was most likely a Spring thing (we have similar habitats), or possibly that Bronze Age computing machine of yours finally gave out. 😉