More Global Warming On Earth Day

This woman has been personally responsible for lots of global warming and temperature rise


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to More Global Warming On Earth Day

  1. ren says:

    Winter returns over the Great Lakes.

    • mkelly says:

      ren, I drove through snow this morning going to work here is Northern Michigan. It snowed hard enough and was cold enough to have snow on the ground. It is melting now at 1230 hrs.

  2. Morgan in Sweden says:

    The woman in question is Marie Fredriksson and the ruin is genuine, placed at the northern tip of the island Öland. The island has by the way no military defence at all, the russians can occupy without problems if there is a military unrest in the Baltic.

  3. gator69 says:

    Fox News producer Jesse Watters asked Earth Day concert attendees in Washington, D.C., Saturday which is a bigger threat: climate change or terrorism?

    “Climate change,” one woman said.

    “Climate change at the moment,” another echoed.

    “I mean, I would go with climate change,” one more said.

    Watters shot back.

    “A lot more people have died because of terrorism,” he said.

    Yeah, but I’m not a people person,” the woman replied.

    Video and more of the story found here

  4. rah says:

    Frost warnings for Owensboro, KY on a line extending into central MO. Forecast of 41 F for SE MO. Light along I-94 in MI. today. This is what I have heard from the NWSR and other drivers today.

    Thankfully I got a call to go to Eagle Pass, TX. on Sunday. Departed 01 10:45 Sunday and got back here in Indiana at 15:45 today. I believe that I have now been to ever Texas border town that is a commercial point of entry from Mexico during my driving career. Brownsville, McAllen, Pharr, Laredo, Eagle Pass, Del Rio, and El Paso. If I have missed any then it’s because I am unaware of them.

    It was a wonderful drive except a little nickle sized hail I ran into on I-30 just SW of Little Rock, AR Sunday night. The semi desert brush country of west Texas is all green right now with plenty of wild flowers blooming. They have obviously had a fair amount of rain. Best time or the year in that part of the country IMO. You know your out in the semi desert sticks when you see a sign that says “No driving in river beds. Against State Law.”

    I saw that sign on FM-481 “Old Eagle Pass Road” between Uvalde and the junction with US 57 just east of Eagle Pass. I was on that road a with a big rig due to a fiesta and rush hour traffic in San Antonio having forced me to alter my route because I was very tight on time. My gamble paid off. My window was 19:00 to 19:15 local. I arrived at 18:57. And man I’m glad I went that way. Just gorgeous. And the road with it’s dips and weaves and turns was an interesting drive with my nearly empty trailer as well. Sooooooo, well…..Texas! And BTW here is one of Wyman Meinzer’s excellent slide shows titled simply ‘West Texas’ put to the music of Doug Smith, who doesn’t read a lick of music. If you haven’t seen and heard this, then you’ve missed something:

  5. Lance says:

    Mylene Farmer could give Marie Fredriksson a good run for the title. 🙂 Just sayin’.

    “Call Me” Eng. “Appelle mon numero” FR :

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