More Problems At The Greenland Country Club

After a long 18 holes, all these guys wanted was a cold beer, only to find the clubhouse buried under deep desert sand – as desertification turns Greenland white.

ScreenHunter_8664 Apr. 17 07.12

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to More Problems At The Greenland Country Club

  1. Disillusioned says:

    All that white sand… I bet the beaches are gorgeous! 😉

    Speaking of desertification (what was predicted/projected), CSIRO found the opposite is occurring throughout the world (corroborating other studies that found the same phenomenon)….

    CAGW is a massive fail, all the way around.

  2. Matt says:

    Thanks for the update, Tony. Great to have someone around looking out for not too crowded places (today) that will turn into the new Florida “in a heartbeat”. Real estate should be still cheap …

    With ice melting faster and faster, we might soon have a chance for golfing in the morning, and to enjoy the afternoon on the nearby (warm) beach, as sea-levels will rise. Always think green: I might do the short trip to the beach with my electric golf vehicle, not the bad SUV.
    Best from Chile

    • gator69 says:

      I hear the greens will be open year round soon, and a water park for the kiddies!

      • darrylb says:

        Its called reverse golf
        Instead of White golf balls on a green course, there is
        green golf balls on a white course

        Problem is the green golf balls sink on the white course, which is appropriate,
        because whenever a green is asked to debate the facts, the greens
        lose their balls 🙂

  3. Al Shelton says:

    Not again?? It seems that they just moved the clubhouse to higher ground, and it looks as if another move is required.
    I expect higher fees this year to pay for the re-location. ;^D

  4. lance says:

    I just hate it when i have to clean all my clubs from the sand impeded in the club heads….such a waste of valueable beer drinking time…

    • Andy DC says:

      I never was very good out of the sand. Hopefully, the course will be in shape for next year’s Masters, as climate change has made Augusta way too warm to host it anymore.

  5. gator69 says:

    It’s not just Greenland that is having a meltdown…

    Residents in South Africa’s largest city, Johannesburg, attacked foreign-owned shops Thursday night in the latest round of anti-immigrant violence, a national problem that has stunned other African nations.

    From Durban to Johannesburg, violent attacks against African immigrants have been spreading across the rainbow nation with at least five people dead. Mostly aimed at Somali, Ethiopian, and Pakistani shop-owners, as well as Zimbabweans, Malawians, and Mozambicans, the violence has forced thousands to abandon their businesses and homes.

    South African President Jacob Zuma denounced the attacks Thursday evening in a televised speech to parliament and called for calm. “No amount of frustration or anger can ever justify the attacks on foreign nationals and the looting of their shops,” he said.

    This is the second time this year South Africa has seen a surge in xenophobic violence, a pattern stretching back over the past decade. With unemployment at 24 percent, South Africans blame foreigners, especially other African immigrants, for taking their jobs. According to the UN’s refugee agency, the UNHCR, South Africa currently houses more than 300,000 asylum seekers.

    This month’s unrest began after Goodwill Zwelethini, king of the Zulu, South Africa’s largest tribe, called for immigrants in March to “take their bags and go where they come from.” And Edward Zuma, the president’s son, said he supported the king’s sentiments.

    Attacks soon erupted against foreign-owned shops in Durban, the capital of Kawzulu-Natal. The UNHCR estimates about 5,000 people have fled their homes and are sheltering in mosques, churches and public spaces across the city. The Associated Press reports that about 2,000 people have fled their homes in Johannesburg.

    Those old white men are just a bunch of bigots!

  6. nigelf says:

    -23C isn’t too bad but add on that 18knot wind and it becomes ugly.

  7. inMAGICn says:

    Shame on you! That is obviously White Sands, New Mexico, not Greenland. Will you deniers stop at nothing to smear the noble cause of global climate Utopia?

    (Do I need /sarc?)

  8. johnbuk says:

    I hope they get a refund on their green fees.

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