Sea Level Rise In Miami Over The Past 90 Years

President Obama will be in Florida tomorrow to tell them how Mann-made sea level rise and hurricanes threaten them. As always, he has absolutely no clue what he is talking about.

Miami after the 1926 hurricane


Miami 2014

ScreenHunter_8757 Apr. 21 08.00

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Sea Level Rise In Miami Over The Past 90 Years

  1. Steve Case says:

    The longest running tide gauge in Florida, Fernandina, shows that sea level rose the fastest (4.5 mm/yr) for the 30 year period ending in 1953. For the last 30 years the rate has been 1.0 mm/yr. Over all since 1898 the acceleration of sea level rise at the the Fernandina tide gauge has been negative. (-0.01 mm/yr²).

    • Steve Case says:

      Make that a minus -0.02 mm/yr²

      • mbe11 says:

        That gauge is in the land side of a barrier island on a river. The changes could be caused by a decrease in the amount of water coming down the river rather than a negative ocean rise or of course the land simply rose. It you look at guages on say Johnson Island out in the middle of nowhere far from land the ocean rise is .75mm a year a similar island has it .60mm a year. The problem with these gauges is there is no assurance the land they sit on is not moving up and down. Looking at the chart they have a number of stations negative and positive way out of line with the rest which suggest , at least to me, that the gauge is simply moving up or down not the ocean. somewhere between 1 and 2 mm would seem to be reasonable for a lot of gauges so most likely that could be taken as a best guess. Most likely NASA did that to come up with their five inches rise by 2100.

    • Ben Vorlich says:

      That’s probably why it looks like there is more beach now than in 1926.

      • darrylb says:

        The tide on the relatively flat beach goes in and out in some places over a hundred feet/

      • inMAGICn says:

        Not sure these photos tell us anything definitive. A post-hurricane beach may not be typical, and there appear to be rock groynes in the recent photo for sand retention.

    • darrylb says:

      Steve, thank you for that info. The change in rate of sea level rise in IMO a very important issue.
      I have been interested in changes in rate of rise over the planet. I find various numbers
      Do you, Steve, have any info about world wide changes in rate os sea level rise?

    • sfx2020 says:

      “shows that sea level rose the fastest (4.5 mm/yr) for the 30 year period ending in 1953.”

      That would make sense, since there was a well measured rise in global temperatures up until the, followed by a world wide cooling. It’s a huge problem for all science connected to global temperatures, when you mess up the actual data. It actually ruins scientific research.

  2. Warren D. Walker says:

    Like heat – there must be a hidden sea sink somewhere masking the rising levels.

  3. gator69 says:

    I have family in Coral Gables whose home and cement boat dock were built nearly a century ago. There is no discernable rise. The dock is fine, and will be useful for probably another century or longer.

  4. Eric Simpson says:

    It’s the same. 1926 is the same as 2014.
    Like we’re really rushing headlong to our doom. NOT!

  5. Brian H says:

    Florida is a sand bar. Sand bars come, and sand bars go.

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