Stupidest Tweet Ever?

ScreenHunter_8492 Apr. 09 23.13

The US is experiencing its fourth consecutive year of record low tornado activity.

This tornado 90 years ago wiped many cities off the map in Illinois, Missouri and Indiana.

Tri-State Tornado – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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46 Responses to Stupidest Tweet Ever?

  1. Chewer says:

    And many years ago it was massive Bison fart fueled and before that dinosaur flatulence fueled 😉

  2. Peter Yates says:

    Uninformed comments happen on Facebook too! .. Such as this one by Lisa: …

    **MarKus Lee** .. Well this “was” the main reason I said it was obviously a hoax…not calling for depopulation…. .but if they believe that then everyone who believes in climate change should kill themselves for the good of the planet, problem solved…’s the right thing to do….(sarcasm)

    **Lisa Wiktor** .. What do you think is causing the drought in California?

    **MarKus Lee** .. California…is a drought prone area….so climate change, but natural climate change IE: Normal…..

    **Peter:AV.Rescue** .. There wasn’t a strong El Niño effect during the last year. The anomaly happens at irregular intervals of two to seven years. If there is an El Niño “..significantly wetter winters are present in northwest Mexico and the southwest United States, including central and southern California…” (wiki){%22tn%22%3A%22O%22}

    • Dave N says:

      re the Red Flag News item:

      Calls for “depopulation” happen every so often; Ehrlich and Holdren being the most prominent activists. They (as in all those who call for it) have been wrong so many times that no-one cares any more; well, they might care for a few seconds, but then change the channel.

      One might argue that they should lead by example and remove themselves from the population.

    • AndyG55 says:

      Whenever I see a depopulation comments from people like that, I immediately think…

      YOU FIRST, B*T*H !!

  3. darrylb says:

    Hey, I have got a fossil fuel machine which cranks out tornadoes , but it has been in for repair the last four years.
    Wait till I get it fixed, then we will have a real go around.

  4. The most remarkable thing about such tweets is not their absolute stupidity but knowing how smart the authors think they are. I know this smug type; The People’s Republic is full of such creatures.

    • rah says:

      Yep, like the Obama voter in her minivan that damned near got me on my motorcycle today. Went left in the lane to pull across the lane and go right to avoid going over RR tracks at less than a 45 deg angle. She flew past me in that single lane on the right and I caught her out of the corner of my eye before I swung in front of her van. So today I don’t pity Morons. I hate them.

      • I can see the situation. Great you’re alright.

        In Boulder, if you were to report a vehicle to the police, you’d have better luck if you could say: “Officer, It was a minivan without an Obama sticker!”

        • rah says:

          I generally avoid rude gestures, they’re actually illegal while driving in Indiana, but that one knew damned well she was number one in my book.

        • rah says:

          If you ride a bike assume no one sees you and no driver on the road has an IQ above 75 until proven otherwise. That’s the advise my motorcycle riding retired AF pilot friend gave me and I think that pretty much covers it.

        • Streetcred says:

          That’s why GoPro cameras are so popular with motorcyclists and cyclists in my neck of the woods nowadays.

      • dmacleo says:

        due to injuries can’t ride anymore (had cb900 custom and wanted goldwing) but used to carry chainsaw chain fastened to short broomstick for those situations. had just enough reach so that if I wasn’t able to avoid it I could get their attn and do lots of damage at same time.
        some stupid people out woman said she didn’t see me because my bright red helmet wasn’t bright enough.
        her mid 90’s volvo needed whole fender for that stupidity.

        • rah says:

          Just bought this 1999 Suzuki VS 800 GL with installed wind shield and unattached saddle bags for $2,500. Bike had a little over 7,000 original miles on it and looks brand new. Not a scrape or mar or bubbled chrome anywhere on it. My nephew owns a motorcycle shop put a new front tire on it, serviced it, put new plugs in it. So I have about $2,870 in it including two new helmets and registration. It’s a liquid cooled carborated bike. Just have to let it warm up for a couple minutes and she’s ready to go. Was concerned about parts but my nephew told me they made that bike style for so long getting parts won’t be a problem for years to come. the 805 CC engine is plenty big enough to for short hauls with my 215 lbs and Sherry’s much smaller rear end on it. So this summer Sherry and I will be touring around in the hills, parks, and forests of Southern Indiana.

        • That’s a great classic-look bike for the price. The seat sizes & shapes seem to have been built accordingly. 🙂

        • rah says:

          Yea, I’m very happy with it. It’s blue. Cruising with the wife on the back is why I bought it. Mark, my nephew with the bike shop had a perfect Harley Road King for sale. Already dropped an inch with excellent saddle bags. Black with white wall tires. Really classy looking bike and a real cruiser. 4,000 mi on it and only $13,000. Sherry wouldn’t go for it though.

        • I know the lust, I’ve been there. Sherry is a wise lady, though. I love the Harley sound but your 7,000 miles Intruder was a way bigger bang for the buck.

        • rah says:

          “Lust” is the exact word for it. My thought process was that the Harley would never drop below $10,000 value as long as I took care of it. But you and she are right anyway. I really won’t ride it enough to justify spending that kind of money on a bike. Perhaps someday when we move to warmer climes? Love to go out today on it but 62 deg high with 30 mph winds just kinda takes the fun out of it.

    • Justa Joe says:

      This Brad Johnson character is just a typical well paid Democrat astro-turfer affiliated with the Center for American Progress. Who would post inane crap about random weather events if they weren’t getting paid? He’s basically a carnival barker.

  5. Jimmy Haigh says:

    Any fossil fuels which we chose (or are forced to) leave in the ground? – they will be snapped up by our children’s children.

    • AndyG55 says:

      Yep, this anti-CO2 idiocy will end at some stage, and history will show these fools for the ignorant, short-sighted, agenda-driven twits that they are.

      • Disillusioned says:

        You’re in great company…

        “Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early 21st century’s developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally averaged temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree, and, on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections combined into implausible chains of inference, proceeded to contemplate a roll-back of the industrial age.”

        Dr. Richard Lindzen – Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor of Atmospheric Science.

    • Brian H says:

      Oops, UK found a new field, bigger than the North Sea’s, right conveniently by Gatewick, London.

      The planet is replete with hydrocarbons.

    • Beale says:

      You’re assuming that our children will have children who live to adulthood. This should not be taken for granted.

      If a species can be “threatened” even though its numbers are increasing, are we not justified in declaring Homo sapiens a threatened species.

  6. Streetcred says:

    “Fossil fuel ignoramus, Brad Johnson, makes stupid tweet.”

  7. pinrootnroot says:

    “Fossil fueled tornado”

    Yeah, if you look really close, you can see the gas-cap. /sarc

  8. Curt says:

    It’s a substitute religion for these people. The Garden of Eden story revamped for the industrial age. We had a paradise before we ate the apple of fossil fuels. We need to mock these people as the ultimate creationists.

    • Yes, it is a monotheistic religion but its devoted followers are not creationists of any kind. Their sole deity is an evasive ghost they call Random Mutation. It is completely stupid and it has no idea what it wants. It just muddles around and if it gets anything done it’s only by pure chance.

  9. bleakhouses says:

    Just call him Johnson.

  10. gator69 says:

    Stupidist twit ever…

    # Gator 2015-04-10 11:06
    1- List all climate forcings, order them from most to least effectual, and then quantify them all.

    2- Please provide even one peer reviewed paper that refutes natural variability as the cause of recent, or any, global climate changes.

    There is nothing unusual or unprecedented about our climate, or how we got here. For 4,500,000,000 years climates have always changed, naturally. This means there has been a set precedent, and the burden of proof falls on natural climate change deniers like yourself.

    Come on genius, give it a shot! 😆

    # David Appell 2015-04-10 11:12
    I already gave you citations that answer both your questions. It’s been your choice not to go read them.

    # Gator 2015-04-10 11:15
    No, you have not. We went over this last night?

    Are you too stupid to follow the thread, and too stupid to understand the questions?

    Let’s try again Davey…

    1- List all climate forcings, order them from most to least effectual, and then quantify them all.

    2- Please provide even one peer reviewed paper that refutes natural variability as the cause of recent, or any, global climate changes.

    # David Appell 2015-04-10 11:20
    If you spend 1/10th the time reading the science I pointed to instead of obsessively hectoring me with the same questions, you might learn something.

    # Gator 2015-04-10 11:26
    David you cannot possibly be as stupid as you pretend.

    You claim that all climate forcings have been identified, ordered from most to least effective, and quantified.

    You also claim to be able to produce a peer reviewed paper that refutes natural variability as the cause of recent, or any, global climate changes.

    That is utter bullsh*t and you know it.

    So pony up cowboy! Admit you are a fraud!

    • gator69 says:

      Davey is still twitting…

      # David Appell 2015-04-10 11:32
      Did you look up the 5AR citation I gave you on exactly this point?

      # Gator 2015-04-10 11:37
      Can you read?

      You claim that all climate forcings have been identified, ordered from most to least effective, and quantified.

      You also claim to be able to produce a peer reviewed paper that refutes natural variability as the cause of recent, or any, global climate changes.

      That is utter bullsh*t and you know it.

      So pony up cowboy! Admit you are a fraud!

      # David Appell 2015-04-10 11:45
      Face it — you’re not interested in the science, or you would have looked up the references I gave last night. Or looked them up for yourself years ago.

      You’re interested in being a bully. You’re interested in insulting people and calling them names, in hectoring people just to get a rise out of it.

      I’m interested in the science. If you want to discuss that, change your tone and let me know.

      # Gator 2015-04-10 11:50
      Davey, I spent nearly 8 years as a geology student, was a climatology student, and have a Remote Sensing degree. So I am most certainly interested in science.

      But it doesn’t take a Remote sensing degree to detect your bullsh*t! 😆

      I’m not a bully, you’re just a loser, and a fraud.

      You claim that all climate forcings have been identified, ordered from most to least effective, and quantified.

      You also claim to be able to produce a peer reviewed paper that refutes natural variability as the cause of recent, or any, global climate changes.

      That is utter bullsh*t and you know it.

  11. Disillusioned says:

    “Oh Mann! What a Schmidthead!”
    “Who is your sugardaddy David?”
    “Is it food stamps you use to feed that cat”

    Tanx for the entertainment. (I took your suggestion and fixed popcorn.)

    But, I really think you should consider apologizing to workers in the used car sales business for comparing them to industry-financed climate change propagandist shills like David App-hole. That wasn’t very nice.

    • Disillusioned says:

      LOL. I did it again – hit the wrong reply button. T:-/

      • gator69 says:

        Yeah, I was pretty hard on slimy car salesmen. At least with used car salesmen, you get something for your money, and they don’t follow you around for decades endlessly barking until you buy their car.

        As I said, Davey is a paid shill of the multi-trillion dollar Climate Change Industry.

        I wish I could share what he said to the host of that website, but I am sworn to secrecy.

  12. Anthony S says:

    The funny thing is an atmospheric vortex generator has been proposed as a renewable energy source and a way to extract extra power from traditional powerplants.

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