The imbeciles at Obama’s criminal EPA are keenly focused on limiting a harmless, essential trace (0.0004 mole fraction) gas – by making energy prices skyrocket and hurting as many Americans as possible in the process.
Meanwhile the same EPA destroyed the Animas River in Colorado by dumping a million gallons of highly toxic waste into the river, and didn’t bother to inform the state authorities of New Mexico or Colorado until it had already become a huge problem.
People kayak in the Animas River near Durango, Colo., Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015, in water colored from a mine waste spill. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said that a cleanup team was working with heavy equipment Wednesday to secure an entrance to the Gold King Mine. Workers instead released an estimated 1 million gallons of mine waste into Cement Creek, which flows into the Animas River. (Jerry McBride/The Durango Herald via AP) MANDATORY CREDIT
A spill that sent 1 million gallons of wastewater from an abandoned mine into the Animas River, turning the river orange, set off warnings Thursday that contaminants threaten water quality for those downstream.
The Environmental Protection Agency confirmed it triggered the spill while using heavy machinery to investigate pollutants at the Gold King Mine, north of Silverton.
Health and environmental officials are evaluating the river as it flows through San Juan and La Plata counties. They said the wastewater contained zinc, iron, copper and other heavy metals, prompting the EPA to warn agricultural users to shut off water intakes along the river and law officials to close the river to recreational users.
“There’s nothing that can be done to stop the flow of the river,” said Joe Lewandowski, a spokesman for Colorado Parks and Wildlife. “We can only wait until the flows slow down. We had a big heavy spring (of rain) here.”
Animas River fouled by 1 million gallons of contaminated mine water – The Denver Post
The water has now flowed into the San Juan River in New Mexico, and the EPA didn’t bother to tell the governor of New Mexico about it.
Remember the outrage Obama feigned at BP? Will he unleash hell on himself, now that he is the biggest polluter in US history?
The river, lakes and well killers now say it was 3 million gallons they “accidentally” released and it was full of lead and arsenic. The whole Navajo Nation’s irrigation and well water is in trouble. They knew full well arsenic and lead were in the water when it happened. They are always present in gold mine pools.
The Navajo Nation has a good case here to sue the pants off the EPA and the Obama Admin!
Sadly, that means the taxpayers.
wow……..accidents don’t happen, then…unless the one who does the deed happens to be neocon jerk!
Propaganda artists are not trained in physical sciences, but in the manipulation of people with fear.
Obviously, “Duty of Care” is not high on their list of priorities; there must be another agenda.
Well, stuff happens. Hilarious that the mine had been inactive since 1923. Huge priority to send a bulldozer in right now before any reconnaissance. Pretty much like CO2.
Nearly a Century with no major mishaps! And then the EPA come along… I don’t think Nixon had this in mind when he created the EPA.
Primum non nocere – First, do no harm! A fundamental principle for care givers and anyone else entrusted with the care and welfare of others or which is forced by circumstance to care or render aid others. Obviously not a principle the EPA familiar with as not only this event shows by many others in the past have demonstrated.
The EPA is a very big organisation. It should be easy to round-up a British member of staff so that Obama can pin the blame on the British again, like he did for the gulf disaster. Remember, the whole BP gulf disaster was organised, managed and executed by Americans, and the forlorn, hapless, and distant British CEO – Hayward – got the blame.
Totally OT.. but I saw the most hilarious sight today.
I was down on the foreshore having a cup of coffee, and this tiny little dog started yapping at a great dane.
The great dane lifted his foot and gently pushed the little dog flat onto the pavement..
I don’t think the little dog was hurt except for his ego…but….
I have never seen so many people in such fits of laughter.
At least he didn’t pee on him.
I would assume that those responsible for the spill will only get half their usual $100,000 bonus.
similar things occur on a smaller scale during the installation of wind farms ,but the water melons never raise a peep . greenwash ,it is everywhere.
“Remember the outrage Obama feigned at BP? Will he unleash hell on himself, now that he is the biggest polluter in US history?”
You of course, already know the answer to your own question. It will be just another “bump in the road” if that! Besides the POTUS is on the links and can’t be bothered.
But it will give some conservatives already hunting Gina McCarthy’s head some more ammunition. But of course that doesn’t do a damn bit of good for all those effected by this REAL environmental disaster.
lulz. nice to see the teahadists now so very much concerned about environmental issues. the heart truly warms. and sure all this foot stomping and fury is not to score cheap political points. right?
I heard the count is up to 3 million gallons.
I’d like the greens to comment on the potential water pollution generated from mining lithium and rare earths. To them, AGW has no upside and green energy tech has no downside. And they do not understand the concept of “opportunity cost.”
First our POTUS Obama killed the eagles with his green energy windmills, now he completes the action with his EPA pollution. Lead and Cadmium? Surely the eagles (especially the bald ones) can evolve to lay eggs that don’t crack before the chick hatches assuming the eagles live long enough to nest. I just love our POTUS. How about you?
Most of you have missed the point that the EPA wanted more funding because they knew they needed it to safely do the job. Local politicians rejected it being called a superfund site for fear of hurting tourism. Also blaming the EPA for the spill is like shooting the messenger. They didn’t cause the pollution, a mining company did. Just more corporate welfare at taxpayers expense attempting to clean up private enterprises pollution.