Today’s Featured Climate Fraudster – James Blalog

Boulder is the epicenter of climate fraud, and James Blalog is one of the chief fraudsters. He takes pictures of glaciers moving, and blames it on CO2. His most recent attempt to deceive the public is in Antarctica, where he claims the Antarctic peninsula is the fastest warming place on Earth.

What will the Antarctic Peninsula show that the Arctic didn’t? Or can’t?

The Antarctic Peninsula is one of the world’s most important places for telling the story of a changing climate. Palmer Station, the U.S. research base, has seen winter temperatures warm by 11 degrees Fahrenheit (6 degrees Celsius) in the past 50 years. The average year-round temperature has warmed up by 5 degrees Fahrenheit (2.8 degrees Celsius).

Those are enormous rates of change, tremendous rates that are on par with the most severe warming seen anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, including the U.S. Southwest and the Arctic Ocean basin.

“Chasing Ice” Photographer Focuses on Melting Glaciers in Antarctica

The exact opposite is true. The Antarctic peninsula is one of the few places on Earth that has cooled over the past 35 years.

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RSS / MSU Data Images / Monthly

Temperatures there have dropped abut half a degree since 1979.

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The warming that did occur there occurred before 1960, when CO2 was low.

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CLIMATE WARMING IN THE ANTARCTIC – 5-Degree Rise Over the Last Half Century Is Recorded at Little America ICE IS FOUND THICKER Director of U. S. Program Says Sheet Drops 10,000 Feet in Many Areas – View Article –

Blalog will show some pictures from 100 years ago, and compare them to modern pictures, to prove that global warming is making the glaciers disappear. What he won’t tell them is that everything he documents has been going on for centuries, and has nothing to do with human activity.

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21 Jul 1932 – A Warmer World.

Blalog makes lots of money by going on camping trips, taking pictures, and lying to liberal groups about climate. His fraud is on display in just about every major airport in the US, and is prominently displayed at NCAR.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Today’s Featured Climate Fraudster – James Blalog

  1. Whether a Freudian slip or not, the “bla” in his name is a nice touch … 🙂

  2. Andy DC says:

    They just throw crap against the wall, hoping it will stick. With their brainwashed cult followers, it all sticks without the least bit of questioning.

  3. Dmh says:

    Temperatures at the S. Pole are now at one of its lowest levels since 1979,
    The N. Pole temps are also falling since 2011.

    The problems with the Arctic ice this year are (IMO) exclusively due to the abnormal spike of the PDO, that started in 2014,

      • DD More says:

        Not if you want to use the .Expected Data’.
        Steven Mosher | June 28, 2014 at 12:16 pm |
        “One example of one of the problems can be seen on the BEST site at station 166900–not some poorly sited USCHN station, rather the Amundsen research base at the south pole, where 26 lows were ‘corrected up to regional climatology’ ( which could only mean the coastal Antarctic research stations or a model) creating a slight warming trend at the south pole when the actual data shows none-as computed by BEST and posted as part of the station record.”

        The lows are not Corrected UP to the regional climatology.

        There are two data sets. your are free to use either.
        You can use the raw data
        You can use the EXPECTED data.

        See how easy it is. If a fully automated, staffed by research scientists has already been adjusted, is any series actual reality?

    • AndyG55 says:

      “The problems with the Arctic ice this year ”

      Surely the big problems in the Arctic are when there is too much summer sea ice !

  4. Marsh says:

    Obviously the warmists prefer to ignore empirical evidence : showing that most of the Antarctic Bases are increasingly more difficult to resupply – this is due to the extent of Summer Ice. If it were warming they wouldn’t need bigger Icebreakers OR run Snowmobile sled trailers to the horizon OR commit helicopters to perform the arduous task of transporting heating oil.

    The only way, for so much Ice to form and remain in Summer “”is with lower temperatures””.
    We are talking about both : a special kind of Fraud & a Mental Health condition, whereby,
    some Scientists are mentally deranged in being rigid & compelled to a fixed belief. Once this AGW is totally debunked by the media ; many Scientists, will be seeking Psychiatric help…

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