Twenty-one years ago, climate experts announced the end of snow in Britain
Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past – Environment – The Independent
“plants can’t just get up and move. ‘If they end up in a climate that’s too warm, well, they’ll just die.’”
The seasons shift: how spring is coming EARLIER thanks to global warming | Daily Mail Online
BBC NEWS | UK | Climate may turn UK Mediterranean
‘The Met Office are saying that despite the recent concerns about the science, they are very sure about the underlying science. ‘They tell us there is a 50-50 chance we will get a 2C rise. If we pull our finger out we could prevent us moving beyond 2C but we have to act pretty soon‘.
A 2C rise could mean summers in the UK reaching 38C – a climate similar to southern France.
That kind of temperature rise would see the traditional summer deep borders full of herbaceous perennials such as lupins and delphiniums replaced with Mediterranean plans.
Europe Next 3 Days Accumulated Snow
Weatherwatch: polar low, the blizzard-inducing phenomenon | UK weather | The Guardian