Tropical Midwest

“Virtually no idea is too ridiculous to be accepted, even by very intelligent and highly educated people, if it provides a way for them to feel special and important. Some confuse that feeling with idealism.”

? Thomas Sowell

Experts say that burning fossil fuels will make the Midwest climate tropical by the year 2500.

8:48 AM · Oct 15, 2021

This is similar to the forecast made by Greta’s ancestor Arrhenius over a century ago.

The Pueblo Leader – Google News Archive Search

23 Oct 1902, Page 1 – The News-Herald at

Stephen Hawking wasn’t that optimistic. He said the oceans would boil away.

Stephen Hawking: Earth Could Turn Into Hothouse Planet Like Venus | Live Science

Experts also said we would quickly run out of fossil fuels and replace them wind and solar power.

TimesMachine: January 1, 1911 –

New York Times Wind Power 1911

12 Dec 1925, 15 – The Guardian at

Carter’s Oil Problem – The New York Times

When will fossil fuels run out? | Octopus Energy

It isn’t clear how we quickly run out of fossil fuels and keep burning them until the year 2500 – but we already know what life is like on earth at much higher and lower levels of CO2. The greatest expansion of life on Earth occurred 540 million years ago, when CO2 was at its peak. Atmospheric CO2 levels were more than 15 times higher than they are now. Corals and shellfish evolved during that time.  If ocean acidification was a real problem, there would have been no sea life, rather than a massive expansion of life in the oceans..

When life exploded | Science News for Students

Earth is getting greener as CO2 increases.

Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds | NASA

The reason we have coal beds, is because there used to be a lot more atmospheric CO2, which made earth very green.  This greenery turned into thick peat beds, which turned into coal.

According to the National Climate Assessment, peak temperatures in the Midwest have plummeted over the past century.

Temperature Changes in the United States – Climate Science Special Report

During the 1930s, the Midwest was so hot and dry that millions of climate refugees fled to California.

Climate experts keep promising a nice climate, but never deliver.

National Trust campaign highlights how gardens will look if global warming brings Mediterranean weather to Britain | Daily Mail Online

In 1901, Knut Angstrom demonstrated and explained what was wrong with Arrhenius’ claims.

Wayback Machine

Arrhenius also believed in making children smart by electrifying them.

28 Apr 1912, 19 – The San Francisco Examiner at

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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