Syrian Climate Refugees

Right before they bombed Libya and Syria into oblivion in order to get rid of their leaders, Biden and Obama announced that they weren’t going to do that.

“No system of government can or should be imposed by one nation on any other”

Obama proclaims an end to Bush’s regime-change doctrine –

Libya crisis: the unspoken mission is to topple Gaddafi – Telegraph

America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama’s reign | Medea Benjamin | The Guardian

The left was very upset when Trump stopped the bombing, and they blamed the problems in Syria on global warming.

Trump’s ‘Green Light’ Moment in Syria Shook the World – The Atlantic

A major contributor to the Syrian conflict? Climate change | PBS NewsHour

The real problem Syrian refugees are facing is that they are cold and wet and don’t have access to fossil fuels.

Struggling to keep warm in northwest Syrian camps

Before climate experts blamed Syrian drought on a one part per ten thousand increase in atmospheric CO2, they blamed it on Yo-Yos.

23 Jan 1933 – YO-YO BANNED IN SYRIA – Trove

This letter to the editor in the Santa Fe newspaper sums up the thinking of the left.  People who tell the truth are anti-science, presidents who start wars are peaceful and presidents who end them are violent racists.

Don’t label the pretenders as conservatives | Letters To Editor |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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