Last December, NOAA predicted a warm first three months of the year for most of the US.
January and February temperatures were far below normal with the number of cold nights close to a record high.
March is also looking to be very cold.
10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.
Here in Cheyenne, Wyoming we won’t get above freezing this week.
NOAA can’t predict the climate for this year, but they can tell us what the climate will be like in 100 years. Government agencies are also very good at rewriting the climate of the past to turn cooling into warming.
NOAA says earth is getting very hot.
Climate Change: Global Temperature | NOAA
Even though there is no legitimate evidence to support their fake graph.
UAH Global Temperature Update for February, 2022: 0.00 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD