Biden Putting China In Charge

“There’s a special irony to the fact that U.S. Treasury Secretary @SecYellen , the face of “Bidenomics,” just abased herself on a disastrous diplomatic trip to China. Literally as she arrived, China implemented export controls on lithium & cobalt which are essential for electric vehicles. Yet China’s export controls are only harmful to us because we embraced the EV cult at all. EV subsidies are a core tenet of “Bidenomics,” but that’s what now allows China to point an economic gun to our head which in turn causes the likes of Yellen & Blinken to act like supplicating lapdogs to Xi Jinping. It’s a self-inflicted double-whammy: this is how disastrous economic policy paves the way for disastrous foreign policy. That’s the Biden way.”

7:21 PM · Jul 9, 2023 

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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