Freezing Canada

Justin Trudeau wants to take away reliable sources of heat, and replace them with expensive ones that don’t work.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Freezing Canada

  1. conrad ziefle says:

    A heat pump is just the reverse cycle of an air conditioner. You know how well your air conditioner works in extreme heat. Whatever it does is not as good as in milder heat. Mine can’t hold 80F inside if the outside is 100F. You can expect your heat pump to behave in the same way. This is particularly true on heat pumps that use ambient air as the heat source. You can imagine trying to pull heat out of -10 C (14F) air to heat your house. You might be lucky to keep the temperature just above freezing.
    All of this suffering to avoid a Marxist fantasy problem.
    I thought that in a parliamentary system you could have a no confidence vote any time and throw the sucker out. What are you Canadians doing, for God’s sake???

  2. Lasse says:

    Sweden has a lot of heat pumps and the experience is good.
    Heat source from ambient air can work as low as -20 C with an efficiency of 2:1(Heat:electricity).
    But a heat source from wells in rock gives more heat for every KW.
    Our heat pump system is 25 Years old and has saved us oil and electricity with a payoff at 5-7 Years.

    • dm says:

      Ductless mini-split heat pumps work well in mid Maine, too. Two ultra-low temperature units keep our home comfortable all the way down to -5F to -10F, even during very windy nights.

      Below -5F to -10F, the house cools down. This is acceptable to me because less than 2% or so of the heating season hours get so cold, and such cold spells are typically short. Our home’s interior was still above 63F at the end of the longest frigid spell to date. It quickly got back to 67-68F (which is v comfortable for us) when the sun shone and the outside temp rose above 0F.

  3. Gamecock says:

    ‘Heat pumps may result result in higher electricity bills.’

    And it may be cold in Antarctica.

  4. Gamecock says:

    Heat pumps in Canada (!). ‘Why that switch matters so much.”

    Because Uber Boss Klaus wants it. Trudeau’s Xweet is an announcement that he doesn’t work for the people of Canada, that he is a servant to outside entities.

  5. aussie says:

    Your heat pump will not work at all below 20 deg F. I know as we had a gas heater which cut in at that level. And that was in the US, not in cold Canada…
    And what happens when we have freezing rain and the power lines go down? All this excessive reliance on electricity is just like the covid vaxxes, huge disaster down the road, but the Left simply cannot comprehend logic…

  6. Luigi says:

    I have an air-air heat pump (Dimplex LIKI 14TE) since 2011 and floor heating (hot water pipes in the floor and valve boxes in the wall at each floor).

    I am quite happy with the HP, but with a few exceptions:
    it is true that a heat pump does not work in extreme cold: below -20°C the HP work as a normal electric heating (it is provided of one such normal heating exactly for the case that temperature goes too low).

    When you install a HP you MUST have the heating in the floor, this means that you must change everything in your house: because HP warms water to around 30-40°C therefore one need a huge exchange surface in order to heat the rooms. A normal wall heating is not sufficient. In the basement I have a 4m long heat element, no floor heating, and it is able to reach only 18°C in that room (2s square meter room).

    So in my region temperatures below -10°C are very rare (we had even -35°C but several years ago ad for a short time), therefore the HP is suitable for this region.

    I do not know if new HPs suitable for colder environments are being developed. In Germany where I live, they advertise saying that one does not need floor heating with a HP. This is a LIE, unless, as I’ve just written, new types of HPs are being developed.

  7. conrad ziefle says:

    A heat pump is just a Rankine cycle device, but in reverse. Pretty much everything about them is understood. You have a condenser, evaporator, a compressor and a regulator valve. Each of these things can be improved upon at some cost, and the cost-effectiveness gets less and less, as you make it more and more efficient. Along the idea that the last 1% of improvement is 10% of the cost. So there is a reasonable limit to efficiency improvements. Assuming you don’t want to custom make a super exotic system, the best way to get steady, reliable energy is to have a steady, reliable heat source, i.e. a big supply of near constant temperature water or earth-water is better for heat transfer. I wrote earlier, and forgot to send, I guess, that I would consider a heat pump if I had a well or large body of water, or enough land to use the earth as a heat source. Putting this thing in could be expensive, but if I were so located, I would consider it. The big factor is that to heat, you also need a very reliable source of electricity, and as the government pushes us away from fossil fuel plants, they are pushing us toward unreliable electricity at the time you need it most, during bad weather. There are times when diversity makes sense. Usually they are in things like stock investments, where if one goes belly up, you have many others that probably won’t do it at the same time. Energy sources are also good that way. My brother has a natural gas powered electric generator which provided power during the massive Texas freeze out a couple of years ago. I guess, along with my heat pump, I would have a big butane gas tank. This is getting expensive.

  8. Timo, not that one! says:

    We had a heat pump when we lived in Florida. It didn’t work very well in “cold” weather.
    Not getting one in Canada. They tell us you have to keep the gas furnace for cold days anyhow. It reminds me of how wind farms have to be backed up with conventional generation.
    You’re just paying twice as much for the same result.

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