Hundreds of millions of years of earth history show that climate academia is completely disconnected from reality.
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It is the absence of science from ‘climate science’ and the influence it has on policy makers which presents the real and present danger. Academics declare we must offset the effect of (non existent) global warming by filling the stratosphere with particulate to reduce the albedo. What would the real effect be if this were practical? The surface would indeed cool, reducing the quantity of water vapour evaporated from the oceans, reducing cloud cover, and consequently rainfall. The net effect would be widespread drought with no significant effect on albedo. Toxic cloud replacing water clouds.
This would be a dynamic effect,characterized by its own time constants, with next to no research to find out, even in general terms, the order of magnitude of the time constants of this process. Not even the admission of its possible existence.
Cloud seeding may have localized and short term effects, but the overall albedo would appear to regulate itself through the water cycle. Hence if temperatures rise, the deserts will become green, as they once were.
If the chemtrail conspirators are correct, the authorities really are toddlers playing with matches.
Come to think of it, it has been raining almost continuously in the UK since last September. I wonder…
‘The surface would indeed cool, reducing the quantity of water vapour evaporated from the oceans, reducing cloud cover, and consequently rainfall’…making Earth a cold dry Desert like the Atacama Desert in S. America.
In straight English…Cold Hell on Earth.
Chem trail cult is dumber than believers in Aliens
Yes, they know little about aerodynamics and nothing about the flowfield which occurs behind aircraft in flight. Whether they are dumber than the space aliens brigade is questionable then tend to be the same people. Now that the authorities have been found lying about climate change and a certain mandated medical procedure, there is a distrust of all science and medicine, so that any crap gains a following.
Funny thing is that some of those scientists like (iirc)Stephen Schneider know earth climate so well, that they even published books about billions of years of climate,
fully aware that co2 never drove nor controlled climate throughout history,
yet they ignored all these facts
to publish stuff like – Science as a contact Sport: Inside the battle to save climate.
Do you know someone named Jan who had a beef with you about fracking polluting water wells?
She’s slandering you over on CFACT:
I’m not an expert, but I know a fracking expert and he tells me it is done literally miles beneath the water tables, and that the earth is not made of styrofoam, and I think that styrofoam that was 3 miles thick would dampen an explosion. You are talking about tons of earth that would protect you from a nuclear bomb if it were the other way around.
Anti Frackers are dumber than the STOP OIL – over 60 years of fracking has never produced one poisoned well
I’ve just read Annals of the Former World by John McPhee. Pretty interesting the 1st three main plots. But then you realize — esp w the 4th book Assembling California (which also contains a history of the continents) is just guesswork. A story that makes “sense” but there could be thousands of different reasons why the world is what it is today.
They date the world at about 4 billion years. Eons/epochs/eras last 10-400 million years. Hot zones, subductions zones, spreading, bending seismic activity….the geologists truly are without a clue
JB …. McPhee’s book is not without it’s problems but if I remember correctly he was an english major who for some reason decide to write on geology / geography of the US and actually did a fair job at times and talked to various profs etc that had devoted a lifetime to studying certain regions.
Someone like you who has never devoted any serious time to studying the earth is a clueless git who thinks he is smarter than those of us with BSc’s , MSc’s & PhD’s in Geology who spent a lifetime studying the earth.
Get stuffed JB
Earth is closer to 4.6 billion years old.
Look at some of Nick Zetner’s videos and learn something (if possible)
Geologists have earned my eternal respect by being among the most vocerferous in their contempt for the AGW nonsense.
I fail, but try to avoid, critiquing people whose expertise is in a field that I have little knowledge of. I am starting to read some intro geology text books, so that I can at least appreciate the things that geologists have studied and discovered.
Interestingly, the Merriam-Webster online dictionary insists that the phrase “tipping point” has a disturbing history:
“Though tipping point is now often used to describe a wide variety of cultural and sociological phenomena, it had a curiously specific, and quite troubling, meaning when it first became popular as a figurative phrase in the late 1950s…”
“…when tipping point first began to be employed in general use, it was almost entirely in reference to the propensity of white families to move out of an area when a certain percentage of the neighborhood was composed of black families. It served as a precursor of sorts to the phenomenon of white flight.”
“Some white parents may reluctantly accept integration to the extent of 10 to 15 per cent…. Exactly when the “tipping point” of white acceptance will be reached will depend upon the attitude of the individual white parent and upon the general white community attitude.
—Homer Bigart, The New York Times, 19, Apr. 1959″
Shame on James Hansen and the rest of the Climate Change gang! The Left constantly reveals itself unconsciously.
Tipping point is a term adopted by catastrophe theory to describe the behaviour of a system which may have more than one equilibrium state. The (static) stability of the system is determined by one or more control variables. When the control variable reaches a certain critical value the current equilibrium ceases to be stable and the system rapidly transitions to another stable equilibrium condition.
This has been used in climate science to describe the onset of glaciations. As the ice cap expands, the albedo increases, reflecting more of the Sun’s energy, this process continues rapidly until a new equilibrium with much of the planet covered in ice.
The catastrophe model on which the doomsday ‘tipping point’ is based is underpinned by the premise that water vapour has a strong positive feedback effect, analogous to the effect of ice on albedo in the glaciation example. That is utter humbug, because water vapour feedback is very strongly negative, which is why coastal regions tend to be cool and arid deserts are hot.
I don’t remember the correct terms, but I’m sure that most are familiar with the three major types of equilibrium, the most tenuous of which the climate religionists claim we are in. The models are: a ball (equilibrium) balanced on a steep point, where the slightest jar sends it rolling out of control, a ball in a bowl, where it takes quite a bit to get it over the edge and spinning out of control, and then, I think the third is a flat surface that the ball can be rolled on, and will settle at various points depending on the forces. Based on what we are told about the geological history, biological systems are more like the third. There is no tipping point, but rather an adaptive equilibrium to the new set of conditions.
If you imagine the system contains a means of distorting the surface such that what is initially concave may become convex and therefore statically unstable, when the transition from stable to unstable occurs is called the ‘tipping point’. Biological systems tend to exhibit a property known as homeostasis by which they adapt their behaviour to compensate for the contribution of te environment to the stability of the overall system (organism+environment).
The fact that the atmosphere has survived for 4.5 billion years or thereabouts, indicates that it also exhibits homeostasis. This is Lovelock’s Gaia hypothesis, which unfortunately has been brought into disrepute by purveyors of mystic nonsense.
Meanwhile, at the other end – Antarctica – there is a lot of ice.
Which according to the micromanaging climate freaks needs “protecting”.
Yes it’s the bogey glacier again – Thwaites.
“$50 billion mission to save Antarctica’s ‘Doomsday Glacier’ from melting.”
Led by Professor John Moore (who he?) and a team of international experts, the ambitious plan aims to create a solution to halt Thwaites’ rapid decline.
“They plan to use a 62-mile-long curtain anchored to the seabed strategically positioned to intercept warm ocean currents that threaten to erode the glacier’s underside”
This sounds like the ultimate in climate scamology – 50 billon bucks.
“By blocking the influx of warm water beneath the glacier, scientists hope to restore equilibrium and mitigate the consequences of its collapse”
Don’t they know about the volcanoes under parts of this glacier?
“High geothermal heat flow beneath Thwaites glacier in West Antarctica”
I reckon they know and guess that that the warmunist sheep don’t know or care.
I have accepted that glaciers, polar ice, and polar bears are transient things in the cycle of life, just like dinosaurs and Dimetrodons. It is anti-science to try to curb the ebb and flow of life.
Don’t know, or just don’t tell the general public while they encourage authoritarianism?
Good post. I would hope they know about the volcanism. But that wouldn’t stop a grantologist from applying for the government cheese.
And, 62 miles? That is nothing in relation to the area of ocean surrounding Antarctica – a drop in a bucket.