Rewriting The AMO

Like almost all government climate data, the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation has been rewritten to create a non-existent warming trend.

“The AMO is currently not updated due to the source dataset (Kaplan SST) not being updated. We apologize for the inconvience. NOAA/NCEI has a time-series of the AMO based on the NOAA ERSSTV5.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Rewriting The AMO

  1. Bill Odom says:

    There can be no doubt that the climate is changing, as it has since the beginning of time. The hoax is that we are causing it, and there is something we can do about it. Just another big government power-grab.

    • Disillusioned says:

      We humans and the paltry CO2 we add to the atmosphere are the scapegoat part of the hoax – the bright, shiny object at which to point. What provides the scapegoat its legs is what Tony keeps exposing: the fraud – massive data tampering – changing/faking temperatures to keep up with rising atmospheric CO2 (which is the only way they can keep the disproven, AGW crap hypothesis alive).

      Tony and others are chopping away at the scapegoat’s legs. My hope and prayers are that one day that scapegoat will fall flat, never to rise again.

      • Conrad Ziefle says:

        If Trump wins, this is one scam that needs to its perpetrators put on trial and all of its tampering undone, and undone must be covered in the MSM- a requirement.

        • Disillusioned says:

          A requirement is too fascist for me. I say, prosecute the criminals and let the media cover the trials only if they want too. If Big Brother media presstitutes refuse to cover it, that’s perfectly fine – the growing independent media will. It would have the opposite impact the Cabal want, and it would drive one more nail in the state-sponsored legacy media coffin.

        • Francis Barnett says:

          If DT is elected he must bust this ccesspit of slime wide open, criminal prosecutions for fraud should follow.
          What has been going on is plainly fraudulent.

          Definition of fraud.
          “Fraud involves the false representation of facts, whether by intentionally withholding important information or providing false statements to another party for the specific purpose of gaining something that may not have been provided without the deception”

          Go for it Donny – it’s an open and shut case.

  2. jb says:

    wow. they’re cheating again. it seems in some aspects analogous to what they do with the arctic ice extent: every time the extent gets close to the 10 year average, it seems they start to have areas in the artic for which they have “no data” –in yellow — then it all comes back a couple of days later, and the extent is less.

  3. Stuart Hamish says:

    Is that 19th century AMO peak in the original 1854 – 2023 time series centred on 1876 – 1878 when an estimated 19 – 40 million died in sweltering heat and droughts worldwide Tony ?….If I’m not mistaken the 1876 – 78 climate crisis was a convergence of unusually warm PDO SST’s and freakish AMO SST’s .

    The other spike corresponds to the North American dustbowl droughts and intense heat of the 1930’s

    Hence the Orwellian ‘adjustments’

  4. Conrad Ziefle says:

    They will eventually dig a hole for themselves when they declare hot while people are feeling freezing, or when they declare a climate weather disaster when people are feeling moderate weather. And they are borderline now. It will only get worse.

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