Stopping Climate Change

It has been almost twenty years since John McCain tried to stop the climate from changing, by choking off economic growth and providing money for students to study the climate scam.

McCain, Lieberman Laud Bi-Partisan House Climate Change Bill – U.S. Senate Commi…

“2003 Climate Stewardship Act
The first Act (S. 139, H.R. 4067) was defeated in the U.S. Senate by 55 votes to 43.[1][2]

If passed, it would have capped 2010 CO2 emissions at the 2000 level. Residential and agricultural areas, as well as other areas deemed “not feasible”, would be exempt. As such, approximately 85% of the United States’ emissions would have been covered for the year 2000. The bill would have also established a scholarship at the National Academy of Sciences for those studying climatology.[1]

Climate Stewardship Acts – Wikipedia

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Stopping Climate Change

  1. arn says:

    Just in ,from another McCain style expert

    “Earth is issuing a distress call.
    The latest state of the climate report shows a planet on the brink.
    Fossil Fuel pollution is sending sending climate chaos of the charts.
    Glaciers lost more ice than ever before”

    Guttierez, UN Boss

    I guess this was the starting shot for a new level of propaganda we will see from now on.

  2. Russell Cook says:

    BTW, Senator John McCain didn’t just embrace AGW out-of-the-blue. Back in 2015 I detailed how he was hoodwinked into believing it by folks associated with the composite group I term at my blog as “Greenpeace USA née Ozone Action.” Please see:

    “Green Corps, part 3: Flipping Senator John McCain”

  3. Bob G says:

    I was having a good day until I was reminded of John mcstain. I didn’t vote in the 2008 election because I couldn’t support either candidate, backstabber mcstain or the used car salesman obozo.

    • Conrad Ziefle says:

      It’s funny that when you are not caught up in the euphoria of the Messiah, how easy it is to spot a flimflam artist, and how difficult it is when you are caught up. When Obama was running, I told my Democrat workmates that he was just like our boss, who they hated. They could not see it, even though they both had the same speech patterns and mannerisms.

  4. Ivan G Wainwright says:

    Melbourne, Australia, has just had its fourth summer in a row without a 40 deg. C day. Such days were common in the past. Zharkova is right; the Earth is cooling.

    • National Federation of Made Up Numbers and Statistics says:

      Or…were the thermometers so inaccurate in the past that we need to make up some numbers for them?

  5. Allan Gotz says:

    I agree Ivan, it has been a coolish summer in Melbourne. Hardly had the A/C on until the few warm days in March which have now come to an end. I have lived in Victoria for nearly 70 years, I grew up in country Victoria and Suburban Melbourne. I have seen nearly every kind of weather event there is in Australia and nothing has changed. Some years it is very hot in Summer and some years, like 2023/24 have been cooler. I remember visiting cousins in Echuca during the 1960’s, when it was so hot in Summer that folks moved their bedding onto the verandah to sleep at night. I am talking 40 degrees plus in the afternoon shade. Floods and drought are normal here. When I left High School in 1971 the Science teacher said we would be heading for global cooling and a mini Ice Age by 2001, also the oil would run out as well. Needless to say I just ignore all media bullshit and political scare mongering. Keep up the good work Tom!

  6. oeman50 says:

    Congress came very close to passing a CO2 cap-and-trade bill in 2009. The House passed the Waxman-Markey bill and sent it to the Senate. Since Obama had spent his political capital on the Obamacare bill, it died in the Senate (thank goodness). The bill built on work done by McCain and Lieberman. That was a bullet we dodged until we got the current puppet.

    • Russell Cook says:

      And the bill died in the Senate from starvation, on top of it all. If I have it right, the basic Senate procedure is for a bill to go to a committee comprised of majority / minority members, for markup of some kind. No matter how minor the markup is, a quorum of members must be present for the bill to go out of the committee onto the Senate floor for a yea-or-nay vote by all members. The Democrats held the majority, but in committees, a quorum is in existence when the minority members are in the room. Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe instructed every single one of the committee members to never show up — thus a quorum never happened in the markup committee, no Republican had a say in the procedure. Of course the bill never should have happened in the first place, but all of us owe a debt of gratitude to Sen Inhofe for knowing how Senate procedures work.

      • oeman50 says:

        Thanks, Russell, for that look inside what happened to that bill. I watched the House vote to pass it on a Saturday morning on CSPAN, shaking my head.

  7. Bob G says:

    FYI there’s a story making the rounds it’s everywhere just Google it, that Rio de Janeiro had a heat index temperature of 62 a few days ago, and of course the end of the world is near. the actual temperature, says the story, was 42 which translates to 108 f. that seemed awfully hot to me for the end of summer in Rio so I checked the weather almanac and the highest temperature I can find at Rio in the past few days, actually for the whole month of March, was 93. hhhmmmm. no doubt it was 108 some place, probably on the tar, in the Sun.

    • Conrad Ziefle says:

      My brother did the same thing last year in southern Texas. The local newscast gave a temperature of over 100 in Corpus. He had been working in the yard all day and thought it had been a moderate day, so he checked the actual temp, and it had been 20 degrees lower. They throw in the heat index because they know that most people will assume that it is the thermometer reading and it sounds really bad.

  8. Francis Barnett says:

    There is a website which publishes weather data from everywhere.

    High & Low Weather Summary for March 2024
    High 34 °C (17 Mar, 13:00) (In Degs F that’s 93.2 so your 93 seems correct)
    Low 23 °C (3 Mar, 06:00)
    Average 27 °C

    And they get their data from” Weather by CustomWeather, © 2024″
    CustomWeather offers historical data for any global point, including over 8,500 worldwide weather stations.
    That could be useful!

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