Monthly Archives: July 2024

Petermann Fact Check

Greenland’s Petermann Glacier has grown nearly ten miles over the last 12 years, and the press and NASA boldly declare the exact opposite. NASA Worldview NASA Worldview

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Hottest Day Ever

NASA claims July 22 was earth’s hottest day on record. In this video I look at the junk science behind this idiotic propaganda.

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Kamala Harris Fracking Ban

“DENVER — Several Democratic presidential candidates are running on a promise to ban fracking — and stepping on unstable political ground as they do so. An all-out prohibition on the controversial natural gas extraction process — backed by Sens. Kamala … Continue reading

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Hottest Day Ever

“NASA Data Shows July 22 Was Earth’s Hottest Day on Record” NASA Data Shows July 22 Was Earth’s Hottest Day on Record – NASA In the US, July 22 was 110th warmest since 1895, about ten degrees cooler than 1901. … Continue reading

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The Cost Of Net Zero

“For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.” – Richard Feynman

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Climate Heretic

“It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong.” – Voltaire  

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Climate Heretic

The climate cult doesn’t like me presenting inconvenient, sourced, easy to verify data. “Tony Heller, also known as Steve Goddard, is another example of one such private researcher or “independent thinker.” He has degrees in geology and electrical engineering but … Continue reading

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Quadrupled Border Crossings

Illegal border crossings quadrupled immediately after Kamala Harris was put in charge of slowing them down. Why Illegal Border Crossings Are So High – The New York Times “A senior administration official said Harris’ role would focus on “two tracks”: … Continue reading

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“Ranked most liberal compared to All Senators”

Sen. Kamala Harris’s 2019 Report Card Ranked most liberal compared to All Senators Kamala Harris’s 2019 Report Card from

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Hottest Day Ever

The climate scam cult has been busy with their red crayons again.

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