“33 storms”

Michael Mann forecast 33 Atlantic storms. So far there have been three.

Weather Street: 2024 Atlantic Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to “33 storms”

  1. arn says:

    91 % failure.
    Still 9 % more accurate than Hansen.

  2. arn says:

    Little bit of info :
    A Hungarian secret service has jailed 2 guys who tried to kill the Hungarian Trump.

    It is not the climate people should be afraid of.

  3. Disillusioned says:

    Like all climate fear-porn stars, I don’t think he cares if he gets anything wrong. Perhaps it is because getting science right is not a part of his job – but only to spread climate alarm, and to smear critics of the propagandist puss that oozes from his pores.

  4. Bob G says:

    if he would have predicted 13 storms that wouldn’t have made the news

    • arn says:

      The really perverted thing is that this NEWS – the Washington Pest – has predicted more storms for many years
      until a few years ago when they had to admit a hurricane drought ( subtitled “and why it is a bad thing ” = everything related climate has to have a negative spin)
      So in the midst of a hurricane drought they give this idiot a platform.

  5. Conrad Ziefle says:

    Michael Mann is like my market timing expert; he predicts 8 out of every 1 bear markets.

  6. Steve Case says:

    Not 30 and not 35 but 33 storms. Groan!

  7. Richard E Fritz says:

    and LIKE AnYONE on the LEFT who supports LEFTIE Ideology he will be celebrated until this Scam ends

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