“baseless far-right conspiracy theory”

“Tucker Carlson claims we’re ‘speeding toward assassination’ of Trump, amping up baseless far-right conspiracy theory”

Tucker Carlson Amps up Trump Assassination Conspiracy Theory – Business Insider

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to “baseless far-right conspiracy theory”

  1. czechlist says:

    shooter was 150 yards away on the roof of a building – rally attendees had watned police of his presence yet they allowed Trump to take the stage. Why wasn’t a SS agent on the roofs of all nearby buildings?
    Shooter ID ed by DNA within a few hours out of millions of possibilities?
    what was it Hamlet said?

    • Francis Barnett says:

      I’m not for one second suggesting that the Desperate Democrat back room had anything to do with this assassination attempt as I’m not crazy,
      But it all fits – shooter used to be a Democrat supporter, changed by them recently to being a Republican supporter as a cover story.
      The Secret Service looking the other way, the security perimeter only concentrating on the rally, allowing the shooter unobserved access to the roof of an overlooking building until the shooting took place.
      Never attribute to carelessness the true evil of the Democrats.

      • Conrad Ziefle says:

        High school neglect by the SS. Trump and supporters need to set up their own security force to supplement the official one. Every vantage point needs to be occupied by a security observe who can scan the crowd and surroundings. The stage and route need to be cleared for bombs and such devices. Drones need to be in the air prepared to intercept unfriendlies. From now on, every rally must be approached as if a combat zone.

        • arn says:

          That’s what I said some months when RFK was refused secret service protection.
          I said he shall be glad to not get them because they will get him killed.

          It is indeed interesting how unmotivated those guards are when they have to protect the wrong people.
          Happened to Fico and Abe too.

  2. dearieme says:

    Will they dare assassinate Biden and try to frame Trump for it? Two birds with one stone, eh?

    • arn says:

      They will get rid of Biden one way or another.
      If they can get away the way that creates the most noise they’ll do.
      Nothing happened on Jan6 and they made a storm out of it.
      Imagine the hype they can create with a Biden assassination.

  3. Curious how baseless theory becomes irrefutable fact.

  4. Russell Cook says:

    Probably not planning in the literal sense, as in “We’ve set up marksmen X, Y, and Z in places A, B, and C”, but when it comes to people putting out messaging all over the place about equating Trump to the devil incarnate, I’d bet those folks aren’t slowing down on that one bit. What does it lead to? Some nut saying, “Well, if the DoJ and court system isn’t going to take this guy out, I’ll have to show them how it’s done.” Wouldn’t surprise me later if undercover videos by James O’Keefe or others reveal these mobsters saying something like, “Yep, who can guess where or how, but we were gambling for exactly this kind of result.”

  5. Bob G says:

    Breaking news: Alvin Bragg has filed murder charges on Donald Trump for deflecting a bullet with his ear that caused the death of a trump supporter. Fanny Willis has filed charges on Donald Trump for conspiring to put Joe Biden in an unemployment line. Jack Smith has filed charges on Donald Trump for peacefully campaigning across state lines. E. G. Carroll is booked on the view tv show Monday morning, where she will outline the evidence that a trump double was shot in Butler Pennsylvania, and the real Donald Trump was with her in a dressing room at a Ross’ Dress For Less. Acting president Hunter Biden will have a statement on these developments shortly.

  6. The left are always championing the notion of ‘dangerous misinformation’ usually with respect to inconvenient facts concerning the climate hoax and pandemic mismanagement. Yet their eight years of anti-Trump misinformation has shown itself to be genuinely dangerous in that it has led to an assassination attempt. Hypocrites and liars, the lot of them.

  7. Richard E Fritz says:

    there is a process to eliminate opponents
    1- discredit them- claim racism etc
    2- Lawsuit try and break them
    3- when all else fails Assassination

    • Caleb Shaw says:

      4-when assassination fails, pack a suitcase in a hurry.

      I am highly skeptical of any “lone gunman” theory. A 20-year-old man does not penetrate any sort of ordinary protection with a rifle and climb a roof to a point (which was one of the best points to shoot from) without some sort of “help”. I suspect this was a last ditch effort of swamp-people to cling to power.

      The more people investigate, the more it will become obvious this involved others. The result will be the exact opposite of what “they” (whoever “they” are) wanted and expected. “They” wanted to remove Trump from the spotlight permanently, but the spotlight will shift, and “they” will soon have a deer in the headlights look.

      I am so thankful Trump wasn’t killed. If his head had exploded on camera we would now be seeing riots, first here and then all over the world. We have been spare a terrible nightmare.

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