“Climate Change Is Killing People”

The death rate from natural disasters in down 95% over the past century, and the UN says “climate change is killing people

“Disasters include all geophysical, meteorological and climate events including earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides, drought, wildfires, storms, and flooding.”

Natural Disasters Data Explorer – Our World in Data

Climate change is killing people and making them sick : NPR

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to “Climate Change Is Killing People”

  1. Bob G says:

    I’m so happy to hear that there is still time for me to reverse the “damage of climate change”, … what they’re referring to is global warming. the gullibility of many people is hard to fathom. in the depth of winter my furnace can barely heat my home. on a hot July day I can barely cool my home. if I wanted to or needed to how would I heat or cool my whole yard? and it wouldn’t be just my yard because the lower atmosphere goes up 10 Miles, I would have to heat or cool that too. and how about that large cornfield down the road or that Forest. how would I heat or cool that if I wanted to? if I wanted to affect the climate wouldn’t I have to heat or cool the ocean too? (300 million cubic miles of ocean) how would I do that? I can’t and neither can one part per 10,000 of CO2….(in my humble opinion). πŸ™‚

  2. ‘United Nations Report’ – tells us all we need to know. Proud purveyors of of panic inducing humbug for forty years. Nobody is listening, Chicken Little, you have brought science into such disrepute that people are believing the Earth is flat.

  3. Gamecock says:

    ‘Climate change is killing people, but there’s still time to reverse the damage’

    They can be brought back to life?

    Can they provide the names of some of these people? This disaster remains invisible, despite their proclamation.

    BTW . . . isn’t Antarctica still a continent, or did they give it the Pluto treatment?

  4. arn says:

    Death rate down by 95% in 100 years while population went up by more than 400%.
    So things were overall 80x worse than they are now.

    So where’s the problem?
    Maybe climate isn’t doing anything so they have to create viruses and vaccines to do the job,
    and later they’ll blame it on climate .

  5. Conrad Ziefle says:

    The real problem here is the people who are so mentally lazy that they accept the network news on everything: uneducated, dense, and don’t really care enough to investigate for themselves.

    • Gamecock says:

      It is instinctive for people to strive to be like others. Drive a bandwagon thru town, and they’ll jump on.

      You are right, “mentally lazy” is probably the best way to put it. It is too easy to accept what CBS, NBCBS, ABCBS, and CNNBS say.

      • Don’t forget the Braindead’s Bread and Circuses (BBC)

      • Disillusioned says:

        Let’s also not for get Joe, Mika and Rachel’s MSNBS, which Mika actually admitted on air… that is their job is to control exactly what people think. https://youtu.be/4-XVjgnbyyo?t=7

        • Disillusioned says:


        • arn says:

          And guess what : Just yesterday the same old Mika,
          daughter of a protoglobalist,said that the hate campaign against Kamala has already started.
          They barely pulled Kamala out of their butts
          and noone had the time start anything – butt the hatetrain is in full swing according to Mika because – they misspronounce her name.

        • arn says:

          Oh – and just another funny thing.
          According to German Media Kamala is already leading in the polls πŸ™‚

          The billionaires club didn’t waste a second to start shaping the narrative for her win.

        • Conrad Ziefle says:

          You have to have had battery acid injected in your brain to support Kamala. Most of the people in the EU have had this happen. The few remaining non-zombies are taking control of the EU parliament under the leadership of the conservative movement.

  6. Francis Barnett says:

    Sitting here in north-west france – Brittany – (that’s the bit on the map of France at the top left that sticks out into the Atlantic) and it’s bl**dy cold.
    Outside temperature is 15 C – grey cloud covers the sky, a south westerly wind off the Atlantic and I’m thinking of switching the heating on or lighting the wood stove – in July?
    As we seem to be the temperature sensor for the Atlantic here, I can confirm that the oceans are not boiling !!

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