Climate Heretic

The climate cult doesn’t like me presenting inconvenient, sourced, easy to verify data.

“Tony Heller, also known as Steve Goddard, is another example of one such private researcher or “independent thinker.” He has degrees in geology and electrical engineering but no peer-reviewed papers on climate change or relevant academic qualifications. Heller regularly posts on X, claiming that Arctic ice is not melting, often misrepresenting climate data.”

‘Pseudoscience, no crisis’: How fake experts are fueling climate change denial

There has been no Arctic sea ice loss since 2007, when Al Gore predicted the ice would be gone by 2014 at the Nobel Prize ceremony.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Climate Heretic

  1. Russell Cook says:

    Who else in the climate issue has “no peer-reviewed papers on climate change or relevant academic qualifications”?

    • Greta Thunberg, high school truant
    • Al Gore, politician
    • John Kerry, politician
    • Hoesung Lee, economist
    • Leo DiCaprio, actor
    • Arnold Schwarzenegger, actor with a thick accent
    • Bill Nye, alleged science guy
    • Bill Gates, huckster of computer system malware/viruses
    • Naomi Oreskes, history professor
    • the administrators at Greenpeace / NRDC / Desmogblog, enviro-activists

    As ever, the folks over on that other side hurling accusation are comically oblivious to how those accusations are an arrow the size of Texas pointing out what THEIR own faults are. Go through their favorite lists of ‘climate leaders’ ( / ) and you’d be hard-pressed to find any with a solid grasp of basic science, let alone any extensive knowledge of climate science physics

    • arn says:

      Well,according to the Lancet editor Richard Horton,the scientific process has become so corrupted that up to half of scientific literature may be false – so its literally a coin toss,wether they are right or wrong.

      And that by the deliberate use of sloppy methods they get the results they want.

      Funny btw that the peer review mafia never criticizes AOC for their world end or Hansen for his sea level rise predictions.
      Only those on the “wrong” side.

  2. Bill says:

    One of Tony’s most appealing characteristics is correctly pointed out in this article – by today’s standards, he’s not a “real” scientist – the DIE commissars that run today’s university STEM programs would never approve of his methods.

    Tony thinks that science actually consists of questioning the consensus, he works hard to establish facts rather than construct models and in looking through newspapers and other sources for what really happened in the recent past he is a dogged (!) investigator, never feeling like he is finished and always looking for more facts.

  3. Conrad Ziefle says:

    A scientist needs to be able to look at the data and understand trends. Being able to jumble together complicated Rube Goldberg theories doesn’t change the trends, regardless how much you shout it out. In fact, having a modern degree in “Climate” kind of disables your ability to examine the data, which runs against everything you were taught. And a degree in geology probably is a better foundation for understanding climate than a modern degree from the pulp mill.

  4. Bob G says:

    that 20 second clip of Al Gore giving a speech was taken out of context. if you see the full clip you would see he wasn’t talking about the Arctic ice extent. this is what he said: “in as little as 7 years I will have made close to a half a billion dollars off the climate change scam”. lol. :-). just kidding Al, please don’t sue me

  5. Jack the Insider says:

    Still waiting to hear who the degreed scientists are who support Man Made Global Warming and what their evidence is? The only scientists in my book who have real skin in the game for conducting basic research are the physicists who understand radiative transfer at a molecular level, and the ice core drillers and analysts. All the evidence from these groups seem to disprove the connection between CO2 and warming.

    • Bob G says:

      Clearly Earth’s atmosphere is anything but a greenhouse. on a clear night the temperature can easily drop 30° before the sun comes back up.

    • arn says:

      Well,there is a whole book by investigative journalist Danielle Lafromboise “The delinquent Teenager who was mistaken for a top climate scientist” about the ‘quality’ of of climate science.

      She claims that the IPCC reports,but by 20somethings who had yet to get their post graduate degrees,by activists with agendas and that the procedure is intransparent(which is the result when you sell consensus and activism as science) .

      Strange that Mr John Cook(the book) and other mob members never never ever have any problems with this stuff or the climate gates or the recent scientific perversion of turning medicine upside down with fake vaccines and that all measures of experts like Faucis were wrong or lies
      (just as with climate).

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