Firearms Safety Rules For Actors

“Check the firearm every time you take possession of it. Before each use, make sure the gun has been test-fired off stage and then ask to test fire it yourself. Watch the prop master check the cylinders and barrel to be sure no foreign object or dummy bullet has become lodged inside.

Blanks are extremely dangerous.”

Theatrical Firearms  · Actors’ Equity Association

People in Santa Fe believe they have more important things to worry about than gun safety.

Climate Support Group – Support Group in Santa Fe, NM, 87505 | Heather Dawn Hines

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Firearms Safety Rules For Actors

  1. Bob G says:

    more evidence of the two tiered justice system in the United States. New Mexico is run by the Democrats and Alec Baldwin is probably one of their anti-trump heroes. they could have made that less obvious by convicting him of gross negligence but instead they let him go free on what appears to be a non-relevant technicality. maybe some of you readers can clue me in on what is the relevance of a box of ammo that wasn’t on site? if it is relevant then how does that translate into Baldwin getting off Scot free, with no retrial? meanwhile back on the East Coast, Trump is facing prison time for first offender jaywalking.

    • D. Boss says:

      The evidence may not be relevant but the point of the dismissal “with prejudice” is that the evidence was deliberately withheld from the defense. That is malfeasance on the part of the police and the prosecution. And it is very rare to have a judgement “with prejudice” which means it can never be brought again to any criminal court. You really have to screw up to warrant that proviso in a ruling.

      I’m not defending Baldwin, he is guilty of negligent homicide in my view. But I also will not accept crooked cops and prosecutors, or inept ones. A prosecutor resigned over this. Was that because she was angry at the ruling, or because she was in fact guilty of this breach of trust and would likely be sanctioned or disbarred for her role?

      The potential relevance of the box of ammo, is it was supposed to be dummy rounds, but was in fact full of live rounds. The inept gun handler bought the rounds and did not test them or inspect them carefully. She is the main culprit and the box of mislabeled ammo could easily be defeated as evidence because dummy rounds are supposed to have no primer, which is visible if you just look at the round – so it is not a defense. But withholding that evidence from the defense is a serious breach of jurisprudence.

  2. Gamecock says:

    I wonder if Hines could help me with real anxiety, like putting and chipping.

  3. czechlist says:

    Assassination attempt on Trump this eve.
    Boeing negligence cost nearly 400 lives = $487M fine
    Trump found guilty of sexual assault (and defamation) of a known liar and bookeeping errors with no evidence except the word of a convicted liar = close to $800M in fines.
    Obama ordered the murder of an American citizen denied due process. I believe the scum needed to die but what about “the law”?
    But, no one is above the law – except Hillary, her staff, Biden and Pence all violated the espionage act with impunity.
    Hillary’s campaign fined $8K for the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax.
    Personally I prefer DeSantis. I am in my 70s and believe we are long past “passing the torch to a new generation” JFK
    What a country

    • Greg in NZ says:

      The shot(s) heard around the world…

      Reality-TV Spaghetti Western ‘USA 2024’ goes live.

      TDS ‘therapy’ could be the new boom industry.

  4. D. Boss says:

    I can speak with authority on this issue, as I worked in motion picture special effects for 15 years. My partners in that venture both were licensed to own fully automatic weapons, despite their being prohibited for most people. As such we provided both practical special effects, but also weapons handling and supply for the projects.

    You NEVER let any prop master, Assistant Director, or other personnel handle the weapons – period. You always display the weapon, in the case of a revolver with the cylinder open, to the actor and the surrounding crew while stating loudly and clearly “This weapon is in an unloaded condition and will not fire when you pull the trigger” before you hand it to the actor. That is if there is a rehearsal.

    If the revolver is loaded with dummy rounds, you add that the rounds have no primers, as the primer holes are visible when the cylinder is open, and you dry fire it several times to demonstrate the rounds are dummy in addition to the above.

    You NEVER trust any blank ammunition that you have purchased without testing it, off set beforehand. (blanks are dangerous merely from the force of the expanding gasses, but they also have wadding which is projected when fired – also wax or plastic seals the brass crimp, which can be a serious projectile when fired – so you need to know if the blank ammo is safe to use, or under what conditions to use it)

    You do not ever purchase someone else’s “dummy” rounds, you make them yourself. You extract the bullet, remove the powder and then carefully remove the primer (there are simple devices to accomplish this), and re-insert the bullet. It is obvious that it is a dummy round, because with no primer present, even if there were powder in the cartridge, it cannot be initiated by the gun’s firing pin without a primer. And the primer hole is evident.

    If the primer is not removable, you fire the primer alone with no powder or bullet, to render it inert, and again the fact it has been fired is evident in the depression the firing pin makes on the primer.

    You do NOT leave guns lying around on a table or cart when the crew takes lunch! The guns are kept in lockable cases, and are always either within your sight, or locked in a vehicle.

    This ignorant and inept gun handler was sorely negligent. And the AD and Baldwin are both culpable in the tragedy as well. That the cops and the prosecutors were also either corrupt or negligent in withholding evidence from he defense, and the FBI destroying the gun so it’s action could not be demonstrated in court, are equally as bad as the dumba$$ gun handler’s behavior.

    It is sad the cops and prosecutor withheld the evidence, as I would prefer to have Baldwin convicted. But nonetheless if the authorities do not play fair, the case gets dismissed and “with prejudice” is a very serious caveat and rarely applied. It means the case can never again be brought in any criminal court.

  5. Richard E Fritz says:

    YOU DONT give guns to kids and should to the same with LOW IQ Actors

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