Hottest Day Ever

The climate scam cult has been busy with their red crayons again.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Hottest Day Ever

  1. arn says:

    Only thing missing is a hammer and a sickle on the globe.

  2. Bob G says:

    so the world’s hottest day is declared by European Union scientists and that’s July 21st 2024. I just looked at the weather records from for selected cities in Europe for that day. high temperature that day in London England was 72. Paris 79. Munich 88. Moscow 75. Stockholm 72. Rome 93. considering that the average high temperature for Rome in July is 88, a high temperature of 93 doesn’t seem very extraordinary. another 40 days or so and meteorological summer will be over, then the Burrow rats can start their scare predictions for summer in Australia. in the meantime I’m ordering a t-shirt that will say I survived the hottest day in history. 🙂

  3. Peter Carroll says:

    Mars is the red planet, ours is the blue one.

  4. Conrad Ziefle says:

    Every color above freezing is reddish?!!! They must have finally accomplished their goal of turning every human on Earth into a superstitious, uneducated babbling idiot.

    • Conrad Ziefle says:

      ON the other hand, I am always put off by that phrase: blabla organization’s scientist. Are they? Or are they quasi-scientists who live in the EU, actually unpaid and unassociated with any group of substance.

  5. Bob G says:

    Exciting news! I went to bed last night wondering what am I going to do for fun Saturday night. early afternoon today I heard that Trump’s giving a rally this Saturday night very close to where I live – at the 6,000 seat hockey arena located on the campus of St Cloud State (Minnesota) University about an hour Northwest of Minneapolis. my friends and I now have tickets. I pray that we don’t have a life-threatening heatwave that day. :-). I just checked the forecast. expected high of 89 and no dangerous weather predicted. but thank goodness we are not getting the weather we had in the 1930s. the record high for that day is 102 set in 1931. I think it’s worth noting that of our record highs for July, nineteen of them were set in the 1930s.

  6. Bill says:

    Whew! Sorry, I had to get a glass of ice water just to look at that graphic.

    Meanwhile, where I live in the midwest, my local news weather guy just told me that it looks like this July will probably have no days in which the temperature reaches 90 degrees, for the first time in fifteen years.

    Probably due to global… warming? Okay, whatever.

    • Conrad Ziefle says:

      One of my arguments is that it doesn’t take many areas on the global where the temperature is average or below average to make it physically impossible for the average of the total global to be the highest ever. You just can’t get there when the average is being pulled down by moderate regions. Just about everywhere has to be high or highest to make the highest average ever.

    • Tommyb says:

      July 24 2024 Milwaukee Wisconsin official weather report
      Highest temperature so far for the month 89 degrees F on the 15th
      No days above 90 yet

  7. BillW_1984 says:

    The darkest red color is anything above 30C, which is only 86F.


    • Bob G says:

      I read the story that goes along with the red hot map and it says they used the average temperature for that day to get the new record high. BUT …
      Urban heat Islands, where they typically have long-term weather stations, are very slow to cool off in the evening so that’s going to increase your average temp. increase in the size of the urban heat island also increases your average. I live a few miles from a small Urban heat island and we’re always five degrees and as much as 9° cooler in the evening. their skewed weather stations may have set a record, but the surrounding rural areas would be much cooler and the map doesn’t show that so the map is a fraud… in my humble opinion.

  8. Tel says:

    We were sitting on the lounge beside the fire that evening.

  9. Richard E Fritz says:

    and when the WORLD is tired of this ship the CRAP Weasels will go quiet into the night in search of new disasters

  10. Luigi says:

    In Munich it was not hotter than for instance last year.
    This year July has been a rather cool month. Max temp has reached 33°C at the end of June, while last year we had even 34 and 35°C.
    It is raining a lot and after a hot day there is often rain and temperatures go much lower than in 2023.
    For instance the average temperature between 9 and 15 July 2023 was 24,28°C in Munich.
    In 2024 we have never had such a hot week so far. June was also rather cold in comparison with 2023.
    Only winter has been hotter than previous years and this is the reason why we still have an average temperature which is by now higher than the same period of the previous 10 years. But in winter there was el Nino.
    Here some comparison:

    Period 2023 2024
    01-7.07 19.96 17.63
    08-14.07 24.28 21.39
    15-21.07 21.62 22.11

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