Kamala Harris Fracking Ban

“DENVER — Several Democratic presidential candidates are running on a promise to ban fracking — and stepping on unstable political ground as they do so.

An all-out prohibition on the controversial natural gas extraction process — backed by Sens. Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren —has been well received by the liberal and climate-focused voters watching the primary. “

Sep 14, 2019, page A7 – The Morning Call at Newspapers.com


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Kamala Harris Fracking Ban

  1. Disillusioned says:

    I expect the only parties to be bringing up fracking now will be Republicans throwing the fracking issue in her face during the Fall campaign.

    It is my understanding Flip-Flop Kommie was told to cool her far-left jets, to hide her totalitarian bent and to pretend to be a moderate over the next few months, which includes saying she does not support a fracking ban. This is just the latest of many flip-flops. Ignorant and loyal Democrats who actually believe the Democrat bullschtick like Joe Biden was a well man up until three weeks ago – and the latest – that he is a good and decent man – cannot remember past news cycles anyway and won’t question Kommie’s flip-flops. They’ve been told Trump is evil, and that defeating him is the only thing that matters.

  2. Her understanding of energy policy i on a par with her understanding of international geopolitics, that is; kindergarten level.

    • conrad ziefle says:

      “Russia is this big country (70% of which is Siberian wasteland) and Ukraine is this tiny country (second biggest in Europe, behind Russia). Russia is attacking this little country.”

  3. conrad ziefle says:

    She’s as big a liar as Biden, but that is what Democrats want to hear.

  4. Gamecock says:

    ‘the controversial natural gas extraction process’

    Wut? Leftards want you to think it is ‘controversial.’ The rest of us enjoy the reasonably priced gas.

    • Bob G says:

      fracking has worked so well in the Permian basin in Texas that they need to build more oil pipelines to get it to a port, otherwise they’re going to have to cap some wells. capping would be okay with the left …they never liked success that much

  5. Billyjack says:

    Just for the record the term is “hydraulic fracturing” or “fraccing” in the oilfield. The term “fracking” was inveneted by glueheads that have gone organic to imply another verb that starts with “f” and ends with a “k”.

    • Disillusioned says:

      BJ, Thanks for the background. I learned something!

      It appears the “fracking” bus left the station a long time ago. My spell check underlines fraccing in red, and offers the suggestion, “fracking.” A DDG search for fraccing first brings up links for fracking – one must then click to search for fraccing only.

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