Greenland’s Petermann Glacier has grown nearly ten miles over the last 12 years, and the press and NASA boldly declare the exact opposite.
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Petermann Did What All Growing Glaciers Do – It Calved. OMG!
Nothing to see here folks. Move along, move along.
are we sure that experts don’t think a little Draino or WD-40 was involved in unclogging that glacier? haha… not my best joke admittedly. can’t experts spin the story either way? they could say a retreating glacier is a sign of warming. they could say a longer flowing glacier… is a sign of warming… as more ice is being flushed into the ocean to melt. don’t put it past them.
….“We, the burners of fossil fuels, actually have a huge ability to control the climate over the rest of this century. The climate of the 2090s is very sensitive to what we do with fossil fuels in the next 20 to 30 years,” Williams said. “We need to reduce carbon emissions in order to stabilize the climate.”. the previous came from a piece in the Los Angeles times. who knew it was so easy to control the climate!!???!! we have a “huge ability” to do so and we didn’t even know it! just stop burning oil and coal and then there will be no more ice ages, there will be no more droughts and no category 3 4 and 5 hurricanes. it’s that simple, it says so right on the thermostat dial…. located on that Big old tree in my backyard
It looks like right there is a nature fracture point for the glacier to break off, an ice age notwithstanding.
Has anyone looked at what is happening to the Greenland ice sheet.
I just checked with polar portal and it shows the usual drop in surface ice for this summer until last week or so, Greenland is having record ice growth/mass gain and above is the mean
Seems that the hottest month/year on record ever is massivly increasing ice mass 🙂
Looks to me, from the little graph at the bottom, that things are going as usual.
about 2 weeks ago Tony had a story on the progress of Lumi, a small boat that’s attempting to cross the Northwest passage. if I recall correctly the boat was at Nome Alaska. conditions have improved and it looks like they are a little bit east of barrow Alaska now, traveling about 700 miles in 2 weeks. they are approaching a small area of 50% ice. once through that they have clear sailing for a while, but still have an area of close to 100% ice to traverse. if they can get some serious melting in that area in the next 3 weeks, it looks like they’ll make it to Greenland.
current Arctic sea ice cover (go to Link and scroll down).
A link worth repeating, Lindzen et al:
In which one of them say that vast numbers of “educated” people don’t know anything about science. And since they are “educated” they feel like they should know, so their eyes roll back and they adopt a religionist view of science, which they are adamant about.
when you cannot argue facts the LEFITES make them up
The Real Climate Science header at the top of the page takes you to July 22nd, not the most currently posts.
Tony, hope things giving you trouble are on the mend. Get well soon. We need you in the fight.
Climate REALIST’s long term view of climate change’s EXISTENTIAL threat: NONSENSE. Why? People, flora and most fauna have THRIVED since The Last Glacial Period ended about 12,000 years ago. They thrived WHILE the Northern Hemisphere WARMED profoundly & quickly. They thrived WHILE 20+ MILLION square kilometers of ice sheets up to several thousand thick MELTED RAPIDLY. They thrived WHILE sea level ROSE 400+ feet. They thrived WHILE the continents’ surface transitioned from bare glacial debris to grassland to forest land, from bogs to forests … They thrived even though they HAD to adapt RAPIDLY to the climate change that ended The Last Glacial Period.
One more point: Alligators, turtles, sharks, elephants, big cats, camels, trees, shrubs, grasses + other fauna & flora that appeared long before The Last Glacial Period SURVIVED the 100,000+ years long Last Glacial Period.
So what can one conclude from LIVED EXPERIENCE? People + most flora and fauna have a natural ability to adapt to the weather changes that occur over the next 100 or so years. Policy makers should allow free exercise of that natural ability.
Visual aid for the newby:
Warming and sea level rise today are practically nil. “Climate Emergency” is FRAUD.
Disillusionment is a good thing.
Above that sea level rise graph, Tony once tweeted, “Sea level has risen 400 feet over the last 20,000 years, but climate experts say the last three inches are your fault.”
Before any Climate Scam apologist decides to stick their foot in their mouth and assert Tony made it up, the graph is published in globalist, left-leaning Wikipedia:
The problem the globalists want you to believe is an emergency, doesn’t exist. An evil, corrupt cabal are the problem not necessary fossil fuel.
How do I do thumbs up here?
the alligators and sharks and big cats and turtles survived the glacial period because they didn’t have charlatans and mentally ill brothers and sisters leading them like humans have now. if you give the left enough power we’re all doomed. North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela here we come. looks like Canada is going to get there first though, if they don’t wake up soon and ditch Trudeau and his cohorts. Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer and the Biden crime family would sell out our country for 50 bucks…. in my humble opinion.
Another visual aid for newbies:
Sea Level rise has been creeping along at a rate of 2.92 millimeters per year since Abraham Lincoln was president, with ZERO indication of acceleration in that rate. (That is less than the thickness of two US copper pennies stacked – per year.)
Essential and necessary energy from fossil fuel sources is NOT causing a climate emergency. None at all. “Climate Change” is a scam.
Oh the left stream press wants that tropical storm Debbie to be a hurricane so baaaaad. Top speed is now 65 mph and what they don’t tell you is only a sliver of the storm is at 65. I just checked the wind speed at Clearwater Florida and you would think it’d be 65 but it’s not, it’s only 23. NBC Network tv news tonight had on what they call an expert and he told us that hurricanes are getting more powerful due to climate change… so there you have it …it’s just a fact because their expert said so. They could report the good news…. Debbie is expected to give 3 inches of rain to the drought stricken state of Virginia
The main stream media lies, and lies and lies and lies whether it is weather, politics, or news.
I live near St Cloud Minnesota. it’s currently 2:40 p.m.. the temperature is 60°. the record cold high temperature for today is 65. Brrrr. but I don’t think it will go in the record books because at midnight it was in the upper 60s. still a very cold midsummer day, and it won’t make the national news.