Quadrupled Border Crossings

Illegal border crossings quadrupled immediately after Kamala Harris was put in charge of slowing them down.

Why Illegal Border Crossings Are So High – The New York Times

“A senior administration official said Harris’ role would focus on “two tracks”: both curbing the current flow of migrants and implementing a long-term strategy that addresses the root causes of migration. Cabinet members, including the secretary of state, are expected to work closely with Harris on these issues.”

Biden tasks Harris with ‘stemming the migration’ on southern border

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Quadrupled Border Crossings

  1. Bob G says:

    VP Kommyla Harris once stated that climate change is driving migrants to cross the US Southern border. she said it was a root cause. but just like most of what the left says it’s just a misleading talking point – it has no basis in reality. a quick check will show that summers are hotter in Southern California, most of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas then they are in Mexico City, Panama City and Caracas Venezuela. so are they coming because they love Chicago Winters? they can’t possibly be coming because the border is wide open with the promise of freebies and great paying jobs. couldn’t be that could it. the scariest thing about VP Harris is she does have a chance at winning the White House and giving us another 4 years of big government crony capitalism. for some strange reason that would please Rob Reiner and George Clooney…. and cnbc’s Jim Cramer too. Sad

    • arn says:

      Well – she can’t openly admitt that the billionaires she is working for are importing them via their NGO’s.
      So global warming must be the cause.

      And AGW is extremly selective.
      It is mostly the same kind of people and almost always men who cross the border.
      Women and children are not affected by AGW it seems.

      • Bob G says:

        LOL. fyi, Trump is holding a rally near me Saturday night and I’m going. I just read that there are already people camping out at the venue to get better seats. Fox is reporting that Trump and Harris are tied 49 49. How is that possible when 75% of the country can’t even name who the vice president is???? some polls even show Kommy in the lead. God helpless…..

        • arn says:

          Trump can fill any arena any time,
          while even top tier democrats like Bernie Sanders
          and AOC
          can barely get a few hundred to show up – even in New York.

          Kamala couldn’t fill a phone booth – yet she will get more than Bernie and AOC combined as NGO’s will sent out their parasites to her rallies.

  2. Conrad Ziefle says:

    You wonder what kind of an idiot could get behind Pamala Harris. I think the polls are being jiggered so that when they cheat-steal the election, it will seem plausible. Long as Kamala can hold on to the illusion of 49-49, she will not engage. Someone needs to stop the voting machines. This needs to not only be about how awful of a human being she is, although that may be key, but it should also be about how horrible Biden-Harris economics are. People need to be forced to answer the question: Can you survive another 4 years of Bideneconomics, because Kamala is going to follow the same playbook. And if it is 49-49 where is Kennedy? 2%? I doubt it.

    • arn says:

      Just as with climate science it is all about the narrative
      to make people accept the already fixed results
      by permantly repeating the lie.

      If 70% of people do not know you,
      and 50% of people who know you don”t know you are running
      you can’t be that high.

      No person ever got overnight half of the votes just because they
      declared they are running – and especially not personified superunknown Kamala
      who in in crazy woke California could get more than 2%.

      But now you know what controlled opposition like Fox is for.
      Without Fox an independent News outlet would have filled the void.
      With Fox they can slowly lure people into their direction
      and still push all other relevant topics like wars and climate.

  3. Michael L Dee says:

    Do you suppose that Kamala HaHaHaHarris was chose as border czar specifically because of her incompetence (or willingness to fake it)?


  4. Gamecock says:

    Only slightly off topic:

    TGP thinks Biden may have picked Harris to Stick It To The Man!


    If true, I’d buy Joe a beer.

  5. Francis Barnett says:

    Kamala Harris has confirmed her selection of Minnesota’s Governor Tim Walz, as her running mate in the US election – the man who went viral for calling Trump and JD Vance “weird”. Thoughtful and insightful…?

    Walz has been lauded by the left for his “liberal policies” as Governor, which include making breakfast and lunch free for all students, allowing undocumented immigrants to get driver’s licences and signing a bill mandating schools to stock period products in boys’ loos.

    Another fruit-loop to add to the list ! She really does want to lose in style that gal !

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