Kamala Harris’ father was a radical Marxist professor at Stanford University
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As one with a degree in history it always amazes me that anyone could support a political and economic system responsible for over 100 million deaths in the 20th century. Mostly by starvation or a bullet behind the ear.
In 1973 I took what became my favorite history course called United States Economic History taught by my favorite history professor, Dr. Charles Kenner. He was a straight-shooter without one radical bone in his body. Arkansas State University was a good school back then.
We had two books that for study that really stick out in my mind. The first was “Industry Comes of Age” by Edward Kirkland which was a un-apologetic look at the country between 1860 and 1897. I came away with a deep appreciation for the economic success of the United States on into the 20th century. My love for this country increased as a result of this book and the semester course in general.
The second book was “Monopoly Capital” written by two Marxists, Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy. I wrote in pen on the title page of the book, “Warning: This book contains Marxist analysis of the American economic system and therefore not to be trusted.” On page 202 the statement is made, “And if Cuba prospers under the new setup, all the other underdeveloped and exploited countries of the world will be tempted to follow her example.” I wrote in the margin of the page, “She has not and she won’t!” When we took an essay test on this book I abbreviated Baran and Sweezy as B&S. Dr. Kenner got the joke. No one in the class, including Dr. Kenner took the claims of Marxism seriously.
Decades later I reread this book by B&S and wrote the following note on the bottom of page 202: “I wrote this note in 1973 when I was in college and now (2005) history has shown me to be right.”
I was taught critical thinking skills when I was in college. I am so thankful for professors like Dr. Charles Kenner.
Since the introduction of the federal reserve system the US has a centrally controlled economy. All centrally controlled economies are corrupt and will eventually fail by printing their currency into worthlessness to (not) pay the bill.
Yep, the federal reserve was passed the same year they fraudulently passed the 16th amendment.
Buy gold, silver, EAD and red brass with round pointy things sticking out (Ammo) and get ready.
They have done ALMOST everything to stop TRUMP/MAGA and now …the unrest from hell starts. Be safe, get out of the big cities and good luck .Hint we left 33 yrs ago ???
uh LEAD not ead. sorry
Mao alone responsible for 100+ million.
Add all the other commie leaders and it’s staggering.
Roosevelt (no good) said after Potsdam? about the people that would be trapped behind iron curtain with close of WW2, ,”they’ll learn to live with it”.
Only grave I ever disgraced
He was a jack-ass of all trades.
Wasn’t Obamas father also a radical commie?
Seems those DEI proxies need a specific background to get selected.
Yes. Frank Marshall Davis.
Dinish explains Barry’s absent father – he was Harvard grad drunk in Kenya that lost both legs in a crash in Kenya- spent a total of 8 hours with Barry last time was in Hawaii when Barry was 12 i believe – Barry Sr was like Harlem Pump and DUMP daddy – knocked up Barry’s white trash archaeologist in Hawaii then left- so Barry was raised by Commie grandpa while grandma did all the work
daddy was economist in Kenya who wanted to tax at 90% the people soundly rejected by saintly PM or King -being a whiner & sad the king would not tax at 90% he drank himself away like Rodney King – the world ended up better without him
Damn I love you guys!
Or Girls ???
Now get out of the big cities, buy guns/ammo and be ready for SUMMER OF LOVE 2.2 when the Left goes wild everywhere. It has started in Europe so …be ready Good People ????????
my old fat fingers hit the wrong keys so here it is
excellent coverage and comment.
one must never forget Sol Alinsky a truly evil, possessed or obsessed man.
His star pupil was ,ready, Hilary.
Another pupil was, ready?
These people are so well connected.
and I thought Kamala hyena got to where she is because of outstanding abortion support at any stage. partial birth …
She was D.A. in California and sicked the power of the state on one David Daleiden of videos exposing baby body parts sales fame
he’s still battling in court and faces hard time prison.
I pray Almighty God brings justice to bear on Kamala before this gets further out of hand. Chinese communism responsible for 100million alone!!
pray we must
Actually closer to 150 million and more…the next War will be a War from Hell all over the world…NUKES??
So be ready and be SAFE
Donald Harris once referred to his daughter Kamala as “a pot smoking joy seeker in pursuit of identity politics.” I don’t know if she smoked pot as Vice President, but from her record, identity politics does seem to be her only capability.
I think a bigger mystery then what is the origin of life, is how did Commy Harris pass the bar exam????? they probably gave her the multiple guess version and allowed do-overs. 🙂
Passing exams ?
Since GW Bush we know that everyone can pass any the exam
if they belong – and GH’ s Mini- Me went to Harvard and Yale iirc.
They just asked Kommy Harris for a comment on Joe dropping out. She said, The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. Then they asked her if she’s running for president and she said, I’m a little teapot short and stout, here is my handle there is my spout. Then reporters asked VP Harris what her economic plan will be for 2025. She said, Jack and Jill ran up the hill, each with a buck and a quarter. Jill came down with 2 fifty. cackle cackle. 🙂
Breaking news, Dominion voting machines Incorporated has just ordered a recall of all their machines. They were programmed to give slow Joe 93 million votes and Trump 58 million. A programming update will follow shortly, after the Democracy party politburo selects their candidate.
Some patriot needs to fry the innards of all those machines, making it necessary to do hand count ballots.
Dominion does not need any reprogramming as Bidens bosses knew years ahead that he will not run in 2024.
Everything went as planned.
They didn’t even bother to waste money for Joe ‘ s campaign
and they all became upset about Biden because Biden did during the debate what he did during the last 3.5 years.
And he had way worse performances during that time,
but all of the billionaires MSM and Big Tech only discovered his dementia
on that day.
Dominion, just like climate models and AI can only deliver one result – a woke one.
hey, doesn’t everybody shake hands with invisible people? doesn’t everybody have trouble finding their way off a stage? lol. Kommy Harris has garnered a lot of support in the last 24 hours but I hear Dominion’s not taking any chances. the machines are going to be reprogrammed for, 58 million for Trump, 93 million for The Manchurian candidate… to be selected soon
We all know Harris is just a Big Brother puppet (like most high ranking politicians) .
As long as they obey they can ‘enjoy’ life.
It’s clear that Pamala Harris has no control over her mouth. I think that includes all that comes out without any thought and all that goes in, also without thought-she’s a drunk, from what I hear. She absolutely thinks she’s the queen of the ball and that everyone else also thinks so. Trump doesn’t have to be combative with her, just let her ramble and cut her own throat, and then smile at the camera and say “She just can’t help herself. She’s that way with everything that she does.”
Scott Adams of Dilbert Fame has suggested that Kommy Harris might be under the influence but I don’t think so. I think she has a nervous laughter and uses it to try to hide the fact that she doesn’t have a clue. the politburo insiders are not going to let her be the candidate simply because no amount of cheating is going to get her the win.
Just like Trump did with Joe DEMENTIA Biden!!!
Marxian economics: “We are going to kill you and take your stuff.”
I think it has morphed into; ‘you will own nothing and be happy’ with the implicit caveate; ‘or else…’
Every cancer will eventually kill the body it feast on if not cut out. There are no ‘good’ cancers.
Meanwhile in England, the Secretary of State for (the oxymoronic) Energy Security and Net Zero, Ed Miliband, is the son of a Belgian Marxist intellectual.
Hereditary Marxists all over the world.
Always watch out for those who beat the 1:1 million odds
twice by having(had) also a family member in a top political position,
like Trudeau,Von der Leyen,Bush,Clinton.
They all work for globalists.
So do the Milliband brothers – and I’m pretty sure that Ed is a total energy expert ,just as John Kerry.
Richard Lindzen gives a fascinating keynote speech (May, 2024) about how the radicalism of the 1960’s lead to our current woes with forced consensus among climate change scientists and DIE in companies and universities; he starts at about 10:00:
I was a teenager during the Sixties, growing up in a radical university town, and I can attest to the truth of what he says.
You might be interested in his summary comment, obviously at the very end of the video. And Tony might appreciate his final remark, quoted from Voltaire:
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”
I have much respect for Professor Lindzen. He was one of the first scientists I read and listened to when I was deprogramming from anthropogenic global warming brainwashing/dogma during ’09-’10. Thank you. Good clip.
The hippies at the Universities than are Politicians & Professors now. From idiot Hippie moronic Communist…that is Natural Progression.
Yes. And now the Hippies are the biggest war mongers, instead of “Make love not war” like they were in the 60’s.
I was at the st cloud rally venue but didn’t get in. I support Trump but it’s pretty dirty of them to oversell the arena. Having a ticket meant absolutely nothing. Some people waited in line five hours and still couldn’t get in, even though they had a ticket. The line was never more than one and a half miles. At one time probably around 5:00 there probably were more than 10,000 people outside the arena, in the parking lot or in the line. We left and came back about 8:00 to watch it on the big screen outside and at that time there were about 4,000 outside. I hope Trump wins Minnesota but I wouldn’t bet on it. The twin cities is thick with liberals and that is half the population of the state.
Sorry you didn’t get in.
You mean thick with ,Muslims & Ilhan Omar, actually Ilhan Said, and her Brother-Husband.
did anybody catch transportation secretary Pete B. on the fox Sunday news show this morning with cutie pie Shannon Bream? she basically let Pete lie about the Biden administration’s track record. guys like Pete lie and spin so effortlessly that you can see why some people sucker for it. after listening to Pete you would think Trump was the presidential candidate that needs to be in a nursing home
It is difficult for me to watch Alfred E Neuman’s evil twin from a different mother being interviewed. I can always tell when he is lying – his lips are moving. He is a consummate politician (and Cabal puppet).
Video of number 47 landing in St Cloud Minnesota yesterday. the motorcade went right past us but we didn’t see Trump. you will note how climate change has effected Minnesota. it’s gone from green to greener.
Isn’t it odd that in any election, 2020 for example, even with outright cheating, the votes are near 50/50, yet the winner acts as if they have a mandate and they run their most radical agenda down the throats of about half of the population. Wouldn’t you think that they would step back and say, half of the people are dead against us, we should behave moderately in our governance?
Now I’ve been told that JD Vance is going to outlaw birth control if he becomes VP? The most insane belief that I have heard in a long time. There are so many things wrong with that thought, yet left-wingers believe it. Where are they getting these nutty ideas?
They are getting the ideas from MSM and Big Tech.
And if you go the massive risk of cheating you are going all in for your agenda.
They could have had moderate policies with Trump,
therefore Bidens Machtergreifung.
And as their policies are so crazy and radical they must successfully sell the normal as radical – that’s why a former democrat like Trump is being demonized.
And he wasn’t even a conservative democrat, as he was supporting gay Aids victims and blacks at a time before it was en vogue and instrumentalized while Biden and Clintons have been hanging around with Klansman like Byrd.
Tony, good morning.
A wellness check is this comment’s purpose. Too many days have passed w/o a fresh posting by you. Hopefully, that is because you & your wife are enjoying life every minute for a while. If not, get well soon.
Tony has posted new stuff. it’s just that he’s keeping the Kommy Harris post at the top for now.
I just realized that too.
I just heard Kommyla Harris declare that her goal in her upcoming administration is to focus on helping the working men and women of the country. nice to hear after the working man’s been pummeled the past 3 years by high food prices, high rent, high home prices and high energy prices. I think Americans would like to see a debate between Kommy Harris now and the Kommy Harris of the past 3 years. apparently the climate was in crisis a few years ago and now it’s not. so-called green energy which is actually Red energy, was the future a few years ago, now it’s not. banning plastic straws was a priority now it’s not. one thing that hasn’t changed is her claiming Trump outlawed abortion. it’s high time to retire Harris from elective office. she can always learn how to code.
she can always learn how to code
She has other skills.
yes. she does have a weak spot for philanderers
It’s nice that, in retrospect, she thinks this is a good goal. It would be even nicer to elect someone who can actually help and who has a record of doing so. The other thing I heard was that she used to be a prosecutor, and that is a great skill for solving all our problems. That is really what we want, a president who prosecutes people. That will make all our lives better.
good one Z. we sure have noticed how sharp those prosecutors are that have been hired to take down Trump.
if you just returned from a two-week vacation you probably would be shocked to find out that Trump went from an overwhelming lead in the presidential race to now being an underdog or even at best. what changed aside from Harris stealing a few of Trump’s ideas? what’s changed is the crooked press is going all in to boost Kommyla Harris. nothing else has changed. it will be interesting to see what the polls show after the commycrats burn down Chicago next week.
They’ll tell us it is just even, which gives them plausibility when they steal the election. I think if that air head gets “elected” I will revolt, even if I have to do it alone.
Q. Why does Kamala Harris have to get her ideas from others?
A. Because she has artificial intelligence.
Breaking news. Kommyla Harris just won a gold medal for fastest runner! and you thought the Olympics were over. she ran to the middle faster than anybody in world history, now that she was crowned by her party to be the nominee. she has new policies for problems big and small. but slow Joe just told us his policies are working so why do we need new ones? Kommyla Harris just noticed that gas prices are a bit high so now she’s okay with fracking. Kommyla Harris just noticed that house prices are a little bit high so now she wants to give people a healthy down payment. Kommyla just noticed that food prices are a little bit high so let’s dictate what sellers can charge, (like they do in Venezuela). Harris and walz, now promising 25 grand in selected pots and a covid booster shot in every arm! but where is the promise to stop the seas from rising? that’s probably coming next week
I’m watching slow Joe give his speech in Chicago. is anybody ever going to tell that idiot that he keeps repeating a hoax concerning Charlottesville? I really think he doesn’t know.
some of us are wondering whatever happened to Donald Harris. he was noticeably absent from his daughter’s big night. one thing we learned about Kommyla’s speech last night, she’s going to carry on Biden’s tradition of lying about …virtually everything.
Twas wondering, who might have the codes for the nuclear football?
Hope the ruskies and chinese ,Persians ,Cubans ,& North Koreans don’t see this blog.
Remember Nancy went ballistic about Trump towards the end of his term (algorithm downloaded into our online central highly secure Voting Database tabulator cut short the properly won 2nd term ) having the nuclear codes. General Traitor Milley did not help situation but had his closest supporting officers sign a pledge to support him , not that Constitution thing.
Oh Nancy, you have accomplished so much for marxism, and your face lifts (probably helped by baby body parts medicinals and adrenachrome ) will fail probably sooner than later. The chicago crime family has propelled you to great heights.
In Deo Speramus
To be fair, a lot of intellectuals and social warriors fell for commie simpleton ideals. But after seeing the last 50 years they aren’t so outspoken anymore. Still, many think the “experts” know better — despite the last million years of evidence.
Six great memorable moments in presidential race history. number 6. ask not what your country can do for you….JFK. number 5. it’s morning in America. Reagan. number 4. read my lips no new taxes. G.H. Bush. number 3. I still believe in a place called hope. Bill Clinton. number 2. make America great again. Donald Trump. number 1, Mr vice President, I’m speaking I’m speaking. Mr vice President, I’m speaking I’m speaking I’m speaking – Kommy-la Harris. :-).
This is how you win a debate in the eyes of our mainstream news media – you lie 25 times +. https://thefederalist.com/2024/09/11/25-lies-kamala-harris-told-in-her-debate-against-trump/
Harris’ blue wall is cracking – Dick Morris. https://www.dickmorris.com/harris-blue-wall-is-cracking/
For those who read the recent NYT article ridiculing President Trump for saying that Donald Harris was a radical Marxist Econ prof, if you use the link under the article, the Stanford Daily website has a search feature,
Prof. Harris is repeatedly described as a Marxist over several years of articles. Also, The Stanford Daily is a student-run newspaper, so it’s not some conservative local paper inclined to exaggeration.
FYI…. professor Harris, aka Kommy Harris’ bio Dad, is missing in action and was last seen on the side of a milk carton. the left stream press seems very UNinterested in finding this guy. meanwhile the same press and the judge and the jury in NYC was able to find a woman who claimed to be raped by Donald Trump somewhere in the ’80s OR ’90s.. (she doesn’t even know herself what year it was). … claim to be raped, in a very public place in the middle of the day, they found her. Mr Donald Harris, if you’ve read this please call home, but not till after the election. lol
When Kamala is too far left for her own commie dad that is really something!
Kamala Harris’ Marxist dad issued warning against mass immigration: ‘Serious problem for blacks’ (26 Oct)
Trump wins. bye bye kommy harris. I hear McDonald’s is hiring. look on the bright side Kommy, you won’t be going to prison …but Joe Biden…hhmmmm… that is less clear