“Ranked most liberal compared to All Senators”

Sen. Kamala Harris’s 2019 Report Card
Ranked most liberal compared to All Senators

Kamala Harris’s 2019 Report Card from GovTrack.us

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to “Ranked most liberal compared to All Senators”

  1. Bob G says:

    Kommy Harris says a lot of absurd things. I doubt she believes much of it. just playing to what she perceives is her audience, her potential voters that would go for an Insanity based platform. I’ve said for a long time the Democrat party should change their name to the Ban party, since they think it’s their right to limit my choices, my freedom. Harris wants to ban fracking, wants to ban oil drilling on public lands, wants to ban offshore oil drilling, (have you ever heard of the thunder horse offshore oil rig? produces 200,000 barrels a day but I guess we better shut it down …what will that do to the gas price)? wants to ban plastic straws, ban this, ban that, she wants free healthcare for illegals, and apparently she wants open borders since she’s done nothing as borders Czar, and apparently she supports all the DC madness of the last three and a half years, which includes 8 billion dollars for eight EV charging stations. of course they’re hoping she can get the black vote, but I have my doubts since she’s the whitest black person I’ve ever seen.

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    Plus tie her to California.

    She wants the most radical leftist California policies to be instituted nationally. Do the people want the Californification of the entire nation? I don’t think so.

  3. Russell Cook says:

    Might be difficult to find any angle of her recent career that isn’t beset with some kind of logic failure. I vaguely recall from several years back that one of diatribes ‘du jour’ from the mainstream media was that anybody who mispronounced her first name was a racist/misogynist. Problem is, there were video clips out there where her assorted pals called her by her nickname, pronouncing it as “Cammie” . . . . . . not Commie. The irony of it all, of course.

  4. arn says:

    If a liberal is the worst enemy to america and black people (according to Malcolm X) – what will the most liberal of them be?

  5. The other Brad says:

    Nice to have the Way Back Machine since that site was memory holed. The press has fallen in line.

  6. Bob G says:

    Breaking news, there’s been a significant change in border policy since Kommyla Harris has become effective president. slow Joe’s policy was “don’t”. Effective president Kommyla Harris’ new and improved policy is far more specific. it’s “don’t come”. the gravitas behind that statement cannot be denied, said her office. Peter Doocy asked the press secretary why she didn’t add, I double dog dare you? still waiting for a reply on that. stay tuned for new developments.

  7. Francis Barnett says:

    Harris’ record as a prosecutor, first as the district attorney in San Francisco and later as the California attorney general, reveals a political chameleon rather than a tough-on-crime top cop.


    >” Let’s be clear about something: If Kamala Harris becomes the next president of the United States, she will be an unmitigated disaster for public safety in this country,” Joe Gamaldi, the national vice president of the Fraternal Order of Police and an active Houston Police Department lieutenant.
    She has loudly and proudly supported bail reform and has even donated and encouraged other people to donate to a fund that helped get murderers, rapists, people who were shooting people in the streets, out on bail,”


  8. Conrad Ziefle says:

    She’s a nut job. Everyone should be thinking of little ways in which they can contribute to her political demise, on a local scale in their region, town, neighborhood. Share any good ideas, please.

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