Same Weather As Always

The press describes normal weather for the Persian Gulf as “apocalyptic” and says it “smashes temperature records

Apocalyptic 150F heat dome smashes temperature records – World News – News – Daily Express US

Those THI temperatures happen there every year.

Extreme Weather – Google Books

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Same Weather As Always

  1. arn says:

    The climate emergency crisis apocalypse has hit Dubai so hard that its population went up by 17000% during the last 70 years and by 400.000 % in 200 years.
    The climate change was so devastating that Dubai is one of the places with the highest millionaire densinties on earth.
    And just as in Miami ,crazy rich western people are wasting money for front beach properties in this climate disaster zone.
    So much that Dubai had already built 5 artificial islands to satisfy the demand.

    The only strange thing is that Dubai has the same climate and size as 200 years ago
    which implies that there is neither climate change nor sea level rise.

  2. And people survive these conditions by means of air conditioning powered by fossil fuels. Increased CO2 levels leads to greening of desert areas, and have negligible effect on surface temperature in practice, although in ‘theory’ it causes the end of the world. It is time to revisit the ‘theory’ and this time, get it right.

    • Terry Shipman says:

      But, but, we are told by our Betters that greening of deserts will be TERRIBLE!

      Now back to the real world. Several years ago I was watching a piece on the Weather Channel (I know, that’s a mistake) that concerned dust coming of the Sahara and how it affected the weather. The narrator then related that how thousands of years ago the Sahara Desert was green and lush. Okay, so far what he said was reasonable. He concluded the piece by saying how tragic it would be for the world if the Sahara should ever become green again.

      I thought he was nuts. I decided that the world was probably just fine with a green Sahara Desert.

  3. Conrad Ziefle says:

    Let’s hope that Trump can beat Democrat X, sure to be an Obama type prevaricator with no history, and then assigns someone to straighten out the university grants program and the sources of perpetual heat seeking science.

    • arn says:

      It’ll most probably be a woman ( of color).

      That’s the only way they’ll be able to manipulate the election and make it look a tiny bit believable that the miracle happened and they won.

      Then they can pretend that the political prodigy Madame X attracted so many female and minority voices .
      How Americans made history by voting for a POC woman to beat fascism.

      A deus ex machina or to be more precise another president by Dominion.

      • Conrad Ziefle says:

        Isn’t she half Indian (Asian)? And isn’t there something about her ancestors being slave owners in the Caribbean?

        • arn says:

          Yeah – she is from the slave holding dynasty brown in Jamaica iirc.
          Or as the MSM would spin it: “The Harris clan escaped slavery”
          (the way Mike Tyson freed himself from capitalism when he declared bankcrupcy.)

          Funny note:
          A guy who eugolized KKK’s like Robert Byrd
          and called Strom Thurmond best friends
          and openly stated that he went into the room with the big guys(bigger guys than Mr. 10%)
          to prostitute himself(for Wall Street and MiC)
          and one from proud slave holders who slept her way up the political ladder
          have been running the woke rainbows and liberals.

          And not a single one of the goody dogood activists who usually complain about every tiny thing and are actively searching for reasons to scream
          didn’t gave a crap about that – because they were not told to do so by MSM and Big Tech(which are owned by the Big Guys Biden is prosstituting himself)

  4. czechlist says:

    IMO, she will not be the Dim nominee because the dims know men, especially bl ack men, will reject her.
    The Dim convention is going to be a riot, in every sense of the word, inside and out.

    • Conrad Ziefle says:

      Maybe the next tranny will take it out on the “traitors” within their own party.

    • Bob G says:

      I agree with czech. kommy harris won’t be the pick. back to the original subject for a moment, the 150° day in the Mideast. I just thought of a new idea which will make me a darling of the left. it’s a new way to calculate temperature. first we had the thermometer. then we added humidity to make it sound extra hot. my new calculation will add what the angle of the Sun is. when the sun is straight overhead, that’s a 90° angle. add 90 to the 150 and at high noon you are experiencing temperatures of 240°! it might take a decade or two for this to catch on but eventually it will. I hope I live long enough to see the headline that climate change has caused a 240° day in Dubai. ???

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